/* * Copyright (c) Codiad & Kent Safranski (codiad.com), distributed * as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See * [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact. */ (function(global, $){ var codiad = global.codiad = {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // loadScript instead of getScript (checks and balances and shit...) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $.loadScript = function(url, arg1, arg2) { var cache = true, callback = null; //arg1 and arg2 can be interchangable if ($.isFunction(arg1)) { callback = arg1; cache = arg2 || cache; } else { cache = arg1 || cache; callback = arg2 || callback; } var load = true; //check all existing script tags in the page for the url jQuery('script[type="text/javascript"]') .each(function() { return load = (url != $(this) .attr('src')); }); if (load) { //didn't find it in the page, so load it jQuery.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: url, success: callback, dataType: 'script', cache: cache }); } else { //already loaded so just call the callback if (jQuery.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(this); }; }; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $(function() { // Console fix for IE if (typeof(console) === 'undefined') { console = {} console.log = console.error = console.info = console.debug = console.warn = console.trace = console.dir = console.dirxml = console.group = console.groupEnd = console.time = console.timeEnd = console.assert = console.profile = function () {}; } // Sliding sidebars codiad.sidebars.init(); var handleWidth = 10; // Messages codiad.message.init(); $(window) .on('load resize', function() { var marginL, reduction; if ($("#sb-left") .css('left') !== 0 && !codiad.sidebars.leftLock) { marginL = handleWidth; reduction = 2 * handleWidth; } else { marginL = $("#sb-left") .width(); reduction = marginL + handleWidth; } $('#editor-region') .css({ 'margin-left': marginL + 'px', 'height': ($('body') .outerHeight()) + 'px' }); $('#root-editor-wrapper') .css({ 'height': ($('body') .outerHeight() - 60) + 'px' // TODO Adjust '75' in function of the final tabs height. }); // Run resize command to fix render issues // Add a check to see if it is not undefined due to an // error being generated on the login page. if ( codiad.editor !== undefined && codiad.editor !== null ) { codiad.editor.resize(); codiad.active.updateTabDropdownVisibility(); } }); $('#settings').click(function(){ codiad.settings.show(); }); }); $(function() { codiad.system.init(); }); codiad.system = { controller: 'components/system/controller.php', session_id: '', site_id: '', init: function() { let _this = this; }, create_default_tables: function() { jQuery.ajax({ url: this.controller, type: "POST", dataType: 'html', data: { action: 'create_default_tables' }, success: function( data ) { let response = codiad.jsend.parse( data ); if( response.status != 'error' ) { codiad.message.success( i18n( 'Created Default Tables' ) ); } else { codiad.message.error( i18n( 'Error Creating Default Tables' ) ); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { codiad.message.error( i18n( 'Error Creating Default Tables' ) ); console.log('jqXHR:'); console.log(jqXHR); console.log('textStatus:'); console.log(textStatus); console.log('errorThrown:'); console.log(errorThrown); }, }); }, }; })(this, jQuery);