<?php /* * Copyright (c) Codiad & Kent Safranski (codiad.com), distributed * as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See * [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact. */ require_once( '../../common.php' ); require_once( 'class.filemanager.php' ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Verify Session or Key ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// checkSession(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Action ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $response = array( "status" => "none", ); if( ! empty($_GET['action'] ) ) { $action = $_GET['action']; } else { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["data"] = array( "error" => "No action specified" ); exit( json_encode( $response ) ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ensure Project Has Been Loaded ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if( ! isset( $_SESSION['project'] ) ) { $_GET['action'] = 'get_current'; $_GET['no_return'] = 'true'; require_once('../project/controller.php'); } if( isset( $_GET["path"] ) ) { $path = $_GET["path"]; } else { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Missing path."; exit( json_encode( $response ) ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Security Check ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $access = Permissions::get_access( $_GET['path'] ); if ( ! Permissions::check_access( "read", $access ) ) { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Invalid access to path"; exit( json_encode( $response ) ); } if( isset( $_GET["destination"] ) ) { $destination = $_GET["destination"]; if ( ! checkPath( $destination ) ) { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Invalid destination"; exit( json_encode( $response ) ); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Action ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $Filemanager = new Filemanager(); switch( $action ) { case 'archive': if( ! isset( $_GET["path"] ) ) { exit( formatJSEND( "error", "No path specified." ) ); } if( ! Permissions::check_access( "create", $access ) ) { exit( formatJSEND( "error", "Invalid access to create archive." ) ); } $Archive = new Archive(); $path = $Filemanager->formatPath( $_GET["path"] ); $result = $Archive->compress( $path ); if( $result ) { $response = formatJSEND( "success", null ); } else { $response = formatJSEND( "error", "Could not create archive." ); } exit( $response ); break; case 'create': if( isset( $_GET["type"] ) ) { $type = $_GET["type"]; $response = $Filemanager->create( $path, $type ); } else { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "No filetype set"; } break; case 'delete': $response = $Filemanager->delete( $path, true ); break; case 'deleteInner': $response = $Filemanager->delete( $path, true, true ); break; case 'duplicate': $response = $Filemanager->duplicate( $path, $destination ); break; case 'find': if( ! isset( $_GET["query"] ) ) { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Missing search query."; } else { $query = $_GET["query"]; if( isset( $_GET["options"] ) ) { $options = $_GET["options"]; } $response = $Filemanager->find( $path, $query, @$options ); } break; case 'index': $response = $Filemanager->index( $path ); break; case 'modify': if( isset( $_POST["data"] ) ) { $data = json_decode( $_POST["data"], true ); if( json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE ) { $data = json_decode( stripslashes( $_POST["data"] ), true ); } if( json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE ) { $data = array(); } if( isset( $data["content"] ) || isset( $data["patch"] ) ) { $content = isset( $data["content"] ) ? $data["content"] : ""; $patch = isset( $data["patch"] ) ? $data["patch"] : false; $mtime = isset( $data["mtime"] ) ? $data["mtime"] : 0; $response = $Filemanager->modify( $path, $content, $patch, $mtime ); } else { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Missing modification content"; } } else { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Missing save data"; } break; case 'move': if( isset( $destination ) ) { $response = $Filemanager->move( $path, $destination ); } else { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Missing destination"; } break; case 'open': $response = $Filemanager->open( $path ); break; case 'open_in_browser': $response = $Filemanager->openinbrowser( $path ); break; case 'rename': if( isset( $destination ) ) { $response = $Filemanager->move( $path, $destination ); } else { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Missing destination"; } break; case 'search': if( isset( $_GET["query"] ) ) { $query = $_GET["query"]; if( isset( $_GET["options"] ) ) { $options = $_GET["options"]; } $response = $Filemanager->search( $path, $query ); } else { $response["status"] = "error"; $response["message"] = "Missing search query."; } break; case 'upload': $response = $Filemanager->upload( $path ); break; default: $response["status"] = "error"; $response["data"] = array( "error" => "Unknown action" ); break; } exit( json_encode( $response ) );