/* * Copyright (c) Codiad & daeks (codiad.com), distributed * as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See * [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact. */ (function (global, $) { var codiad = global.codiad; $(window) .load(function() { codiad.update.init(); $( document ).ready( function() { codiad.update.check_for_update(); }); }); codiad.update = { controller: 'components/update/controller.php', dialog: 'components/update/dialog.php', ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initilization ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// init: function () { var _this = this; $.get(_this.controller + '?action=init'); }, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update Check ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// check: function () { var _this = this; $('#modal-content form') .die('submit'); // Prevent form bubbling codiad.modal.load(500, this.dialog + '?action=check'); $('#modal-content').html('<div id="modal-loading"></div><div align="center">' + i18n("Contacting GitHub...") + '</div><br>'); }, check_for_update: function () { var _this = this; $.get( _this.controller + '?action=check_for_update', function( data ) { response = codiad.jsend.parse( data ); }); }, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Download Archive ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// download: function () { var _this = this; var archive = $('#modal-content form input[name="archive"]') .val(); $('#download') .attr('src', archive); $.get(_this.controller + '?action=clear'); codiad.modal.unload(); }, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update Codiad ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// update: function () { var _this = this; console.log( $.get(_this.controller + '?action=update', function( response ){ if( ! ( response === "" || response === null || response === "#" ) ) { window.open( window.location.protocol + "//" + response, "_self" ) } })) //codiad.modal.unload(); } }; })(this, jQuery);