
 *  Copyright (c) Codiad, Kent Safranski (codiad.com), and Isaac Brown (telaaedifex.com), distributed
 *  as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See
 *  [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact.


class Active extends Common


    public $username    = "";
    public $path        = "";
    public $new_path    = "";
    public $actives     = "";

    // METHODS

    // -----------------------------||----------------------------- //

    // Construct

    public function __construct()
        $this->actives = getJSON('active.php');

    // List User's Active Files

    public function ListActive()
        $active_list = array();
        $tainted = false;
        $root = WORKSPACE;
        if ($this->actives) {
            foreach ($this->actives as $active => $data) {
                if (is_array($data) && isset($data['username']) && $data['username']==$this->username) {
                    if ($this->isAbsPath($data['path'])) {
                        $root = "";
                    } else {
                        $root = $root.'/';
                    if (file_exists($root.$data['path'])) {
                        $focused = isset($data['focused']) ? $data['focused'] : false;
                        $active_list[] = array('path'=>$data['path'], 'focused'=>$focused);
                    } else {
                        $tainted = true;
        if ($tainted) {
            saveJSON('active.php', $this->actives);
        echo formatJSEND("success", $active_list);

    // Check File

    public function Check()
        $cur_users = array();
        foreach ($this->actives as $active => $data) {
            if (is_array($data) && isset($data['username']) && $data['username']!=$this->username && $data['path']==$this->path) {
                $cur_users[] = $data['username'];
        if (count($cur_users)!=0) {
            //echo formatJSEND("error", "Warning: File ".substr($this->path, strrpos($this->path, "/")+1)." Currently Opened By: " . implode(", ", $cur_users));
        } else {
            echo formatJSEND("success");

    // Add File

    public function Add()
        $process_add = true;
        foreach ($this->actives as $active => $data) {
            if (is_array($data) && isset($data['username']) && $data['username']==$this->username && $data['path']==$this->path) {
                $process_add = false;
        if ($process_add) {
            $this->actives[] = array("username"=>$this->username,"path"=>$this->path);
            saveJSON('active.php', $this->actives);
            echo formatJSEND("success");

    // Rename File

    public function Rename()
        $revised_actives = array();
        foreach ($this->actives as $active => $data) {
            if (is_array($data) && isset($data['username'])) {
                $revised_actives[] = array("username"=>$data['username'],"path"=>str_replace($this->path, $this->new_path, $data['path']));
        saveJSON('active.php', $revised_actives);
        echo formatJSEND("success");

    // Remove File

    public function Remove()
        foreach ($this->actives as $active => $data) {
            if (is_array($data) && isset($data['username']) && $this->username==$data['username'] && $this->path==$data['path']) {
        saveJSON('active.php', $this->actives);
        echo formatJSEND("success");
    // Remove All Files

    public function RemoveAll()
        foreach ($this->actives as $active => $data) {
            if (is_array($data) && isset($data['username']) && $this->username==$data['username']) {
        saveJSON('active.php', $this->actives);
        echo formatJSEND("success");
    // Mark File As Focused
    //  All other files will be marked as non-focused.

    public function MarkFileAsFocused()
        foreach ($this->actives as $active => $data) {
            if (is_array($data) && isset($data['username']) && $this->username==$data['username']) {
                if ($this->path==$data['path']) {
        saveJSON('active.php', $this->actives);
        echo formatJSEND("success");