Hello, this update requires new variables in your Codiad config.php
Please place the following code in your config.php with the correct values applying to your databse and then reload this page.

Please be aware that at the moment, only mysql databases are supported. However, more database support is planned.

define( "DBHOST", "localhost" );
define( "DBNAME", "database" );
define( "DBUSER", "username" );
define( "DBPASS", "password" );
define( "DBTYPE", "mysql" );
update = new Update(); $this->protocol = $this->check_protocol(); $this->archive = "https://gitlab.com/xevidos/codiad/-/archive/master/codiad-master.zip"; $this->development_archive = "https://gitlab.com/xevidos/codiad/-/archive/development/codiad-development.zip"; $this->commits = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/8466613/repository/commits/"; $this->tags = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/8466613/repository/tags/"; $this->path = BASE_PATH; $this->username = $_SESSION["user"]; /* //Trigger update $this->update();*/ } function backup() { $backup = "../../backup/"; $source = "../../"; //Add Sessions path if not there. /** * Create sessions path. */ if ( ! is_dir( $backup ) ) { mkdir( $backup, 00755 ); } function copy_backup( $source, $dest ) { // Check for symlinks if ( is_link( $source ) ) { return symlink( readlink( $source ), $dest ); } // Simple copy for a file if ( is_file( $source ) ) { return copy($source, $dest); } // Make destination directory if ( ! is_dir( $dest ) ) { mkdir( $dest ); } $invalid_files = array( '.', '..', 'backup', 'codiad-master', 'codiad-development', 'update.zip', 'workspace', ); // Loop through the folder $dir = dir( $source ); while ( false !== $entry = $dir->read() ) { // Skip pointers if( in_array( $entry, $invalid_files ) ) { continue; } // Deep copy directories copy_backup("$source/$entry", "$dest/$entry"); } // Clean up $dir->close(); } copy_backup( $source, $backup ); } function check_protocol() { if( extension_loaded( 'curl' ) ) { //Curl is loaded return "curl"; } elseif( ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) { //Remote get file is enabled return "fopen"; } else { //None are enabled exit. return "none"; } } function check_sql() { require_once('../../common.php'); require_once('../sql/class.sql.php'); $sql = new sql(); $connection = $sql->connect(); $result = $sql->create_default_tables(); } function check_update() { $response = $this->get_remote_version(); $local_version = $this->update::VERSION; $remote_version = $response["name"]; $return = "false"; if( $local_version < $remote_version ) { $return = "true"; } return( $return ); } function check_version() { $local_version = $this->update::VERSION; $remote_version = $response["name"]; $return = "false"; if( $local_version <= "v.2.9.2" ) { $return = "convert"; } return( $return ); } function convert() { require_once('../sql/class.sql.php'); require_once('../settings/class.settings.php'); $user_settings_file = DATA . "/settings.php"; $projects_file = DATA . "/projects.php"; $users_file = DATA . "/users.php"; $sql = new sql(); $connection = $sql->connect(); $result = $sql->create_default_tables(); if ( ! $result === true ) { $this->restore(); exit( json_encode( $connection->errorInfo(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ) ); } if( file_exists( $user_settings_file ) ) { unlink( $user_settings_file ); } if( file_exists( $projects_file ) ) { $projects = getJSON( 'projects.php' ); foreach( $projects as $project => $data ) { $owner = 'nobody'; $query = "INSERT INTO projects( name, path, owner ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );"; $bind_variables = array( $data["name"], $data["path"], $owner ); $return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); if( $return > 0 ) { } else { $this->restore(); exit(formatJSEND( "error", "There was an error adding projects to database." )); } } unlink( $projects_file ); } if( file_exists( $users_file ) ) { $users = getJSON( 'users.php' ); foreach( $users as $user ) { if( $user["username"] === $_SESSION["user"] ) { $access = "admin"; } else { $access = "user"; } $query = "INSERT INTO users( username, password, access, project ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );"; $bind_variables = array( $user["username"], $user["password"], $access, null ); $return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); if( $return > 0 ) { $this->username = $user["username"]; $this->set_default_options(); //echo formatJSEND( "success", array( "username" => $user["username"] ) ); } else { $this->restore(); exit(formatJSEND( "error", "The Username is Already Taken" )); } } unlink( $users_file ); } } function copyr( $source, $dest ) { // Check for symlinks if (is_link($source)) { return symlink(readlink($source), $dest); } // Simple copy for a file if (is_file($source)) { return copy($source, $dest); } // Make destination directory if (!is_dir($dest)) { mkdir($dest); } // Loop through the folder $dir = dir( $source ); while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) { // Skip pointers if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..' || $entry == 'backup' || $entry == 'codiad-master' || $entry == 'codiad-development' || $entry == 'workspace' || $entry == 'plugins') { continue; } // Deep copy directories $this->copyr("$source/$entry", "$dest/$entry"); } // Clean up $dir->close(); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Download latest archive ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function download( $development = false ) { switch( $this->protocol ) { case( "curl" ): $filepath = $this->path . "/update.zip"; if( file_exists( $filepath ) ) { unlink( $filepath ); } $curl = curl_init(); if( $development ) { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->development_archive ); } else { curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->archive ); } //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ""); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:' ); $raw_file_data = curl_exec( $curl ); curl_close( $curl ); file_put_contents( $filepath, $raw_file_data ); if( filesize( $filepath ) > 0 ) { return( "true" ); } else { return( "false" ); } break; } } function extract() { if ( ! extension_loaded( 'zip' ) ) { return "false"; } $zip = new ZipArchive; if ( $zip->open( $this->path . "/update.zip" ) === TRUE ) { $zip->extractTo( $this->path ); $zip->close(); return "true"; } else { return "false"; } } public function get_remote_version( $action="check", $localversion = "" ) { if ( $this->protocol === "none" ) { return; } switch( $this->protocol ) { case( "curl" ): $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->tags ); //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ""); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:' ); $content = curl_exec( $curl ); curl_close( $curl ); $response = json_decode( $content, true ); //Return latest release return $response[0]; break; case( "fopen" ): break; } } function remove_directory( $path ) { $files = glob($path . '/*'); foreach ($files as $file) { is_dir($file) ? $this->remove_directory($file) : unlink($file); } if( is_dir( $path ) ) { rmdir( $path ); } return; } function restore() { $dest = "../../"; $source = "../../backup/"; $this->copyr( $source, $dest ); $this->remove_directory( $source ); } public function set_default_options() { foreach( Settings::DEFAULT_OPTIONS as $id => $option ) { $this->update_option( $option["name"], $option["value"], true ); } } function update() { $this->backup(); try { $sessions = "../../data/sessions"; //Add Sessions path if not there. /** * Create sessions path. */ if ( ! is_dir( $sessions ) ) { mkdir( $sessions, 00755 ); } /** * If any directories in the array below are still set delete them. * */ $folder_conflictions = array( $this->path . "/components/autocomplete", $this->path . "/plugins/auto_save", $this->path . "/plugins/Codiad-Auto-Save", $this->path . "/plugins/Codiad-Auto-Save-master", $this->path . "/plugins/Codiad-CodeSettings", $this->path . "/plugins/Codiad-CodeSettings-master", ); foreach( $folder_conflictions as $dir ) { $this->remove_directory( $dir ); } if( is_dir( $this->path . "/codiad-master" ) ) { $src = $this->path . "/codiad-master/"; $src_folder = $this->path . "/codiad-master"; $update_folder = "codiad-master"; } else { $src = $this->path . "/codiad-development/"; $src_folder = $this->path . "/codiad-development"; $update_folder = "codiad-development"; } /** * If any files in the array below are still set delete them. * */ $file_conflictions = array( $this->path . "/.travis.yml", $this->path . "/{$update_folder}/.travis.yml", $this->path . "/.gitignore", $this->path . "/{$update_folder}/.gitignore", $this->path . "/.gitlab-ci.yml", $this->path . "/{$update_folder}/.gitlab-ci.yml" ); foreach( $file_conflictions as $file ) { if( is_file( $file ) ) { unlink( $file ); } } $dest = $this->path . "/"; $this->copyr( $src, $dest ); $this->remove_directory( $src ); $this->convert(); $this->check_sql(); return( "true" ); } catch( Exception $e ) { $this->restore(); return( $e ); } } public function update_option( $option, $value, $user_setting = null ) { $sql = new sql(); $query = "INSERT INTO user_options ( name, username, value ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );"; $bind_variables = array( $option, $this->username, $value, ); $result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); if( $result == 0 ) { $query = "UPDATE user_options SET value=? WHERE name=? AND username=?;"; $bind_variables = array( $value, $option, $this->username, ); $result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" ); } if( $result > 0 ) { echo formatJSEND( "success", null ); } else { echo formatJSEND( "error", "Error, Could not update option $option" ); } } function version() { $return = ""; if( file_exists( $user_settings_file ) || file_exists( $projects_file ) || file_exists( $users_file ) ) { $return = "true"; } } } if( isset( $_GET["action"] ) && $_GET["action"] !== '' ) { global $sql; $updater = new updater(); $action = $_GET["action"]; $sql = new sql(); switch( $action ) { case( "apply" ): echo $updater->update(); break; case( "check_update" ): echo $updater->check_update(); break; case( "check_version" ): echo $updater->check_version(); break; case( "download" ): echo $updater->download(); break; case( "download_development" ): echo $updater->download( true ); break; case( "extract" ): echo $updater->extract(); break; case( "update" ): echo $updater->update(); break; } exit(); } ?> Codiad Update

Tela Codiad Updater

Do not leave this page until the process has finished.