mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:18:43 +01:00
854 lines
36 KiB
Executable file
854 lines
36 KiB
Executable file
* Copyright (c) Codiad & Kent Safranski (codiad.com), distributed
* as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See
* [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact.
(function(global, $){
var codiad = global.codiad;
.load(function() {
codiad.filemanager = {
clipboard: '',
controller: 'components/filemanager/controller.php',
dialog: 'components/filemanager/dialog.php',
dialogUpload: 'components/filemanager/dialog_upload.php',
init: function() {
this.noAudio = [
this.noFiles = [
this.noImages = [
this.noOpen = this.noAudio.concat( this.noFiles, this.noImages ),
this.noBrowser = this.noAudio.concat( this.noImages ),
// Initialize node listener
// Load uploader
$.loadScript("components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.ui.widget.js", true);
$.loadScript("components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.iframe-transport.js", true);
$.loadScript("components/filemanager/upload_scripts/jquery.fileupload.js", true);
// Listen for dbclick events on nodes
nodeListener: function() {
var _this = this;
$('#file-manager').on('selectstart', false);
$('#file-manager span')
.live('click', function() { // Open or Expand
if ($(this).parent().children("a").attr('data-type') == 'directory') {
} else {
if (!$(this).hasClass('none')) {
if ($(this).hasClass('plus')) {
} else {
$('#file-manager a')
.live('dblclick', function() { // Open or Expand
if (!codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger) {
if ($(this)
.hasClass('directory')) {
} else {
if (!$(this).parent().children("span").hasClass('none')) {
if ($(this).parent().children("span").hasClass('plus')) {
} else {
.live('click', function() { // Open or Expand
if (codiad.editor.settings.fileManagerTrigger) {
if ($(this)
.hasClass('directory')) {
} else {
if (!$(this).parent().children("span").hasClass('none')) {
if ($(this).parent().children("span").hasClass('plus')) {
} else {
.live("contextmenu", function(e) { // Context Menu
_this.contextMenuShow(e, $(this)
.attr('data-path'), $(this)
.attr('data-type'), $(this)
// Context Menu
contextMenuShow: function(e, path, type, name) {
var _this = this;
// Selective options
switch (type) {
case 'directory':
$('#context-menu .directory-only, #context-menu .non-root')
$('#context-menu .file-only, #context-menu .root-only')
case 'file':
$('#context-menu .directory-only, #context-menu .root-only')
$('#context-menu .file-only,#context-menu .non-root')
case 'root':
$('#context-menu .directory-only, #context-menu .root-only')
$('#context-menu .non-root, #context-menu .file-only')
if(codiad.project.isAbsPath($('#file-manager a[data-type="root"]').attr('data-path'))) {
$('#context-menu .no-external').hide();
} else {
$('#context-menu .no-external').show();
// Show menu
var top = e.pageY;
if (top > $(window).height() - $('#context-menu').height()) {
top -= $('#context-menu').height();
if (top < 10) {
top = 10;
var max = $(window).height() - top - 10;
'top': top + 'px',
'left': e.pageX + 'px',
'max-height': max + 'px'
.attr('data-path', path)
.attr('data-type', type)
.attr('data-name', name);
// Show faded 'paste' if nothing in clipboard
if (this.clipboard === '') {
$('#context-menu a[content="Paste"]')
} else {
$('#context-menu a[data-action="paste"]')
// Hide menu
$('#file-manager, #editor-region')
.on('mouseover', function() {
/* Notify listeners. */
amplify.publish('context-menu.onShow', {e: e, path: path, type: type});
// Hide on click
$('#context-menu a')
.click(function() {
contextMenuHide: function() {
$('#file-manager a')
/* Notify listeners. */
// Return the node name (sans path)
getShortName: function(path) {
return path.split('/')
// Return extension
getExtension: function(path) {
return path.split('.')
// Return type
getType: function(path) {
return $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]')
// Create node in file tree
createObject: function(parent, path, type) {
// NODE FORMAT: <li><a class="{type} {ext-file_extension}" data-type="{type}" data-path="{path}">{short_name}</a></li>
var parentNode = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + parent + '"]');
if (!$('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]')
.length) { // Doesn't already exist
if (parentNode.hasClass('open') && parentNode.hasClass('directory')) { // Only append node if parent is open (and a directory)
var shortName = this.getShortName(path);
if (type == 'directory') {
var appendage = '<li><span class="none"></span><a class="directory" data-type="directory" data-path="' + path + '">' + shortName + '</a></li>';
} else {
var appendage = '<li><span class="none"></span><a class="file ext-' +
this.getExtension(shortName) +
'" data-type="file" data-path="' +
path + '">' + shortName + '</a></li>';
if (parentNode.siblings('ul')
.length) { // UL exists, other children to play with
} else {
$('<ul>' + appendage + '</ul>')
} else {
// Loop out all files and folders in directory path
indexFiles: [],
index: function(path, rescan) {
var _this = this;
if (rescan === undefined) {
rescan = false;
node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
if (node.hasClass('open') && !rescan) {
.slideUp(300, function() {
} else {
$.get(this.controller + '?action=index&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), function(data) {
var objectsResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
if (objectsResponse != 'error') {
/* Notify listener */
_this.indexFiles = objectsResponse.index;
amplify.publish("filemanager.onIndex", {path: path, files: _this.indexFiles});
var files = _this.indexFiles;
if (files.length > 0) {
if (node.parent().children('span').hasClass('plus')) {
var display = 'display:none;';
if (rescan) {
display = '';
var appendage = '<ul style="' + display + '">';
$.each(files, function(index) {
var ext = '';
var name = files[index].name.replace(path, '');
var nodeClass = 'none';
name = name.split('/')
.join(' ');
if (files[index].type == 'file') {
var ext = ' ext-' + name.split('.')
if(files[index].type == 'directory' && files[index].size > 0) {
nodeClass = 'plus';
appendage += '<li><span class="' + nodeClass + '"></span><a class="' + files[index].type + ext + '" data-type="' + files[index].type + '" data-path="' + files[index].name + '">' + name + '</a></li>';
appendage += '</ul>';
if (rescan) {
if (!rescan) {
if (rescan && _this.rescanChildren.length > _this.rescanCounter) {
} else {
_this.rescanChildren = [];
_this.rescanCounter = 0;
rescanChildren: [],
rescanCounter: 0,
rescan: function(path) {
var _this = this;
if (this.rescanCounter === 0) {
// Create array of open directories
node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
.each(function() {
this.index(path, true);
// Open File
openFile: function(path, focus) {
if (focus === undefined) {
focus = true;
var node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
var ext = this.getExtension(path);
if ($.inArray(ext.toLowerCase(), this.noOpen) < 0) {
$.get(this.controller + '?action=open&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), function(data) {
var openResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
if (openResponse != 'error') {
codiad.active.open(path, openResponse.content, openResponse.mtime, false, focus);
} else {
if(!codiad.project.isAbsPath(path)) {
if ($.inArray(ext.toLowerCase(), this.noBrowser) < 0) {
} else {
} else {
codiad.message.error(i18n('Unable to open file in Browser while using absolute path.'));
// Open in browser
openInBrowser: function(path) {
url: this.controller + '?action=open_in_browser&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path),
success: function(data) {
var openIBResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
if (openIBResponse != 'error') {
window.open(openIBResponse.url, '_newtab');
async: false
openInModal: function(path) {
let type = "";
var ext = this.getExtension(path).toLowerCase();
if ( this.noAudio.includes(ext) ) {
type = 'music_preview';
} else if ( this.noImages.includes(ext) ) {
type = 'preview';
codiad.modal.load(250, this.dialog, {
action: type,
path: path
saveModifications: function(path, data, callbacks, save=true){
callbacks = callbacks || {};
var _this = this, action, data;
var notifySaveErr = function() {
codiad.message.error(i18n('File could not be saved'));
if (typeof callbacks.error === 'function') {
var context = callbacks.context || _this;
callbacks.error.apply(context, [data]);
$.post(this.controller + '?action=modify&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), data, function(resp){
resp = $.parseJSON(resp);
if (resp.status == 'success') {
if ( save === true ) {
codiad.message.success(i18n('File saved'));
if (typeof callbacks.success === 'function'){
var context = callbacks.context || _this;
callbacks.success.call(context, resp.data.mtime);
} else {
if (resp.message == 'Client is out of sync'){
var reload = confirm(
"Server has a more updated copy of the file. Would "+
"you like to refresh the contents ? Pressing no will "+
"cause your changes to override the server's copy upon "+
"next save."
if (reload) {
} else {
var session = codiad.editor.getActive().getSession();
session.serverMTime = null;
session.untainted = null;
} else codiad.message.error(i18n('File could not be saved'));
if (typeof callbacks.error === 'function') {
var context = callbacks.context || _this;
callbacks.error.apply(context, [resp.data]);
// Save file
saveFile: function(path, content, callbacks, save=true) {
this.saveModifications(path, {content: content}, callbacks, save);
savePatch: function(path, patch, mtime, callbacks) {
if (patch.length > 0)
this.saveModifications(path, {patch: patch, mtime: mtime}, callbacks);
else if (typeof callbacks.success === 'function'){
var context = callbacks.context || this;
callbacks.success.call(context, mtime);
// Create Object
createNode: function(path, type) {
codiad.modal.load(250, this.dialog, {
action: 'create',
type: type,
path: path
$('#modal-content form')
.live('submit', function(e) {
var shortName = $('#modal-content form input[name="object_name"]')
var path = $('#modal-content form input[name="path"]')
var type = $('#modal-content form input[name="type"]')
var createPath = path + '/' + shortName;
$.get(codiad.filemanager.controller + '?action=create&path=' + encodeURIComponent(createPath) + '&type=' + type, function(data) {
var createResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
if (createResponse != 'error') {
.toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) + ' Created');
// Add new element to filemanager screen
codiad.filemanager.createObject(path, createPath, type);
if(type == 'file') {
codiad.filemanager.openFile(createPath, true);
/* Notify listeners. */
amplify.publish('filemanager.onCreate', {createPath: createPath, path: path, shortName: shortName, type: type});
// Copy to Clipboard
copyNode: function(path) {
this.clipboard = path;
codiad.message.success(i18n('Copied to Clipboard'));
// Paste
pasteNode: function(path) {
var _this = this;
if (this.clipboard == '') {
codiad.message.error(i18n('Nothing in Your Clipboard'));
} else if (path == this.clipboard) {
codiad.message.error(i18n('Cannot Paste Directory Into Itself'));
} else {
var shortName = _this.getShortName(_this.clipboard);
if ($('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '/' + shortName + '"]')
.length) { // Confirm overwrite?
codiad.modal.load(400, this.dialog, {
action: 'overwrite',
path: path + '/' + shortName
$('#modal-content form')
.live('submit', function(e) {
var duplicate = false;
if($('#modal-content form select[name="or_action"]').val()==1){
duplicate=true; console.log('Dup!');
} else { // No conflicts; proceed...
processPasteNode: function(path,duplicate) {
var _this = this;
var shortName = this.getShortName(this.clipboard);
var type = this.getType(this.clipboard);
shortName = "copy_of_"+shortName;
$.get(this.controller + '?action=duplicate&path=' +
encodeURIComponent(this.clipboard) + '&destination=' +
encodeURIComponent(path + '/' + shortName), function(data) {
var pasteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
if (pasteResponse != 'error') {
_this.createObject(path, path + '/' + shortName, type);
/* Notify listeners. */
amplify.publish('filemanager.onPaste', {path: path, shortName: shortName, duplicate: duplicate});
// Rename
renameNode: function(path) {
var shortName = this.getShortName(path);
var type = this.getType(path);
var _this = this;
codiad.modal.load(250, this.dialog, { action: 'rename', path: path, short_name: shortName, type: type});
$('#modal-content form')
.live('submit', function(e) {
var newName = $('#modal-content form input[name="object_name"]')
// Build new path
var arr = path.split('/');
var temp = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
var newPath = temp.join('/') + '/' + newName;
$.get(_this.controller, { action: 'modify', path: path, new_name: newName} , function(data) {
var renameResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
if (renameResponse != 'error') {
.toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) + ' Renamed');
var node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
// Change pathing and name for node
node.attr('data-path', newPath)
if (type == 'file') { // Change icons for file
curExtClass = 'ext-' + _this.getExtension(path);
newExtClass = 'ext-' + _this.getExtension(newPath);
$('#file-manager a[data-path="' + newPath + '"]')
} else { // Change pathing on any sub-files/directories
_this.repathSubs(path, newPath);
// Change any active files
codiad.active.rename(path, newPath);
repathSubs: function(oldPath, newPath) {
$('#file-manager a[data-path="' + newPath + '"]')
.each(function() {
// Hit the children, hit 'em hard
var curPath = $(this)
var revisedPath = curPath.replace(oldPath, newPath);
.attr('data-path', revisedPath);
// Delete
deleteNode: function(path) {
var _this = this;
codiad.modal.load(400, this.dialog, {
action: 'delete',
path: path
$('#modal-content form')
.live('submit', function(e) {
$.get(_this.controller + '?action=delete&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), function(data) {
var deleteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
if (deleteResponse != 'error') {
var node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
// Close any active files
$('#active-files a')
.each(function() {
var curPath = $(this)
if (curPath.indexOf(path) == 0) {
deleteInnerNode: function(path) {
var _this = this;
codiad.modal.load(400, this.dialog, {
action: 'delete',
path: path
$('#modal-content form')
.live('submit', function(e) {
$.get(_this.controller + '?action=deleteInner&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path), function(data) {
var deleteResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
if (deleteResponse != 'error') {
var node = $('#file-manager a[data-path="' + path + '"]');
while(node.firstChild) {
// Close any active files
$('#active-files a')
.each(function() {
var curPath = $(this)
if (curPath.indexOf(path) == 0) {
//Rescan Folder
.each(function() {
// Search
search: function(path) {
codiad.modal.load(500, this.dialog,{
action: 'search',
path: path
codiad.modal.load_process.done( async function() {
var lastSearched = JSON.parse( await codiad.settings.get_option("lastSearched"));
if(lastSearched) {
$('#modal-content form input[name="search_string"]').val(lastSearched.searchText);
$('#modal-content form input[name="search_file_type"]').val(lastSearched.fileExtension);
$('#modal-content form select[name="search_type"]').val(lastSearched.searchType);
if(lastSearched.searchResults != '') {
var _this = this;
$('#modal-content form')
.live('submit', function(e) {
searchString = $('#modal-content form input[name="search_string"]')
fileExtensions=$('#modal-content form input[name="search_file_type"]')
if (searchFileType != '') {
//season the string to use in find command
searchFileType = "\\(" + searchFileType.replace(/\s+/g, "\\|") + "\\)";
searchType = $('#modal-content form select[name="search_type"]')
$.post(_this.controller + '?action=search&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path) + '&type=' + searchType, {
search_string: searchString,
search_file_type: searchFileType
}, function(data) {
searchResponse = codiad.jsend.parse(data);
var results = '';
if (searchResponse != 'error') {
$.each(searchResponse.index, function(key, val) {
// Cleanup file format
if(val['file'].substr(-1) == '/') {
val['file'] = val['file'].substr(0, str.length - 1);
val['file'] = val['file'].replace('//','/');
// Add result
results += '<div><a onclick="codiad.filemanager.openFile(\'' + val['result'] + '\');setTimeout( function() { codiad.active.gotoLine(' + val['line'] + '); }, 500);codiad.modal.unload();">Line ' + val['line'] + ': ' + val['file'] + '</a></div>';
} else {
_this.saveSearchResults(searchString, searchType, fileExtensions, results);
// saveSearchResults
saveSearchResults: function(searchText, searchType, fileExtensions, searchResults) {
var lastSearched = {
searchText: searchText,
searchType: searchType,
fileExtension: fileExtensions,
searchResults: searchResults
localStorage.setItem("lastSearched", JSON.stringify(lastSearched));
// Upload
uploadToNode: function(path) {
codiad.modal.load(500, this.dialogUpload, {path: path});
// Download
download: function(path) {
var type = this.getType(path);
.attr('src', 'components/filemanager/download.php?path=' + encodeURIComponent(path) + '&type=' + type);
})(this, jQuery);