mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 05:24:28 +01:00
1629 lines
41 KiB
Executable file
1629 lines
41 KiB
Executable file
* Copyright (c) Codiad & Kent Safranski (codiad.com), distributed
* as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See
* [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact.
( function( global, $ ) {
// Classes from Ace
var VirtualRenderer = ace.require( 'ace/virtual_renderer' ).VirtualRenderer;
var Editor = ace.require( 'ace/editor' ).Editor;
var EditSession = ace.require( 'ace/edit_session' ).EditSession;
var ModeList = ace.require( "ace/ext/modelist" );
var UndoManager = ace.require( "ace/undomanager" ).UndoManager;
// Editor modes that have been loaded
var editorModes = {};
var codiad = global.codiad;
codiad._cursorPoll = null;
var separatorWidth = 3;
$( function() {
function SplitContainer( root, children, splitType ) {
var _this = this;
this.root = root;
this.splitType = splitType;
this.childContainers = {};
this.childElements = {};
this.splitProp = 0.5;
this.setChild( 0, children[0] );
this.setChild( 1, children[1] );
this.splitter = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'splitter' )
.appendTo( root )
.draggable( {
axis: ( splitType === 'horizontal' ? 'x' : 'y' ),
drag: function( e, ui ) {
if( _this.splitType === 'horizontal' ) {
var w1, w2;
w1 = ui.position.left - separatorWidth / 2;
w2 = _this.root.width() - ui.position.left - separatorWidth / 2;
_this.splitProp = w1 / _this.root.width();
.width( w1 )
.trigger( 'h-resize', [true, true] );
.width( w2 )
.css( 'left', w1 + separatorWidth + 'px' )
.trigger( 'h-resize', [true, true] );
_this.splitProp = ui.position.left / _this.root.width();
} else {
var h1, h2;
h1 = ui.position.top - separatorWidth / 2;
h2 = _this.root.width() - ui.position.top -
separatorWidth / 2;
_this.splitProp = h1 / _this.root.height();
.height( h1 )
.trigger( 'v-resize', [true, true] );
.height( h2 )
.css( 'top', h1 + separatorWidth + 'px' )
.trigger( 'v-resize', [true, true] );
if( splitType === 'horizontal' ) {
.addClass( 'h-splitter' )
.width( separatorWidth )
.height( root.height() );
} else if( splitType === 'vertical' ) {
.addClass( 'v-splitter' )
.height( separatorWidth )
.width( root.width() );
this.root.on( 'h-resize', function( e, percolateUp, percolateDown ) {
if( _this.splitType === 'horizontal' ) {
var w1, w2;
w1 = _this.root.width() * _this.splitProp -
separatorWidth / 2;
w2 = _this.root.width() * ( 1 - _this.splitProp ) -
separatorWidth / 2;
.width( w1 );
.width( w2 )
.css( 'left', w1 + separatorWidth );
_this.splitter.css( 'left', w1 );
} else if( _this.splitType === 'vertical' ) {
var w = _this.root.width();
.width( w );
.width( w );
_this.splitter.width( w );
if( percolateUp ) {
_this.root.parent( '.editor-wrapper' )
.trigger( 'h-resize', [true, false] );
if( !percolateDown ) return;
if( _this.childContainers[0] ) {
.trigger( 'h-resize', [false, true] );
} else if( _this.childContainers[1] ) {
.trigger( 'h-resize', [false, true] );
this.root.on( 'v-resize', function( e, percolateUp, percolateDown ) {
if( _this.splitType === 'horizontal' ) {
var h = _this.root.height();
.height( h );
.height( h );
_this.splitter.height( h );
} else if( _this.splitType === 'vertical' ) {
var h1 = _this.root.height() * _this.splitProp -
separatorWidth / 2;
var h2 = _this.root.height() * ( 1 - _this.splitProp ) -
separatorWidth / 2;
.height( h1 );
.height( h2 )
.css( 'top', h1 + separatorWidth );
_this.splitter.css( 'top', h1 );
if( percolateUp ) {
_this.root.parent( '.editor-wrapper' )
.trigger( 'v-resize', [true, false] );
if( !percolateDown ) return;
if( _this.childContainers[0] ) {
.trigger( 'v-resize', [false, true] );
} else if( _this.childContainers[1] ) {
.trigger( 'v-resize', [false, true] );
.trigger( 'h-resize', [false, false] )
.trigger( 'v-resize', [false, false] );
SplitContainer.prototype = {
setChild: function( idx, el ) {
if( el instanceof SplitContainer ) {
this.childElements[idx] = el.root;
this.childContainers[idx] = el;
el.idx = idx;
} else {
this.childElements[idx] = el;
this.childElements[idx].appendTo( this.root );
this.cssInit( this.childElements[idx], idx );
cssInit: function( el, idx ) {
var props = {};
var h1, h2, w1, w2, rh, rw;
rh = this.root.height();
rw = this.root.width();
if( this.splitType === 'horizontal' ) {
w1 = rw * this.splitProp - separatorWidth / 2;
w2 = rw * ( 1 - this.splitProp ) - separatorWidth / 2;
if( idx === 0 ) {
props = {
left: 0,
width: w1,
height: rh,
top: 0
} else {
props = {
left: w1 + separatorWidth,
width: w2,
height: rh,
top: 0
} else if( this.splitType === 'vertical' ) {
h1 = rh * this.splitProp - separatorWidth / 2;
h2 = rh * ( 1 - this.splitProp ) - separatorWidth / 2;
if( idx === 0 ) {
props = {
top: 0,
height: h1,
width: rw,
left: 0
} else {
props = {
top: h1 + separatorWidth,
height: h2,
width: rw,
left: 0
el.css( props );
// Editor Component for Codiad
// ---------------------------
// Manage the lifecycle of Editor instances
codiad.editor = {
/// Editor instances - One instance corresponds to an editor
/// pane in the user interface. Different EditSessions
/// (ace/edit_session)
instances: [],
/// Currently focussed editor
activeInstance: null,
// Settings for Editor instances
settings: {
autocomplete: false,
theme: 'twilight',
fontSize: '13px',
printMargin: false,
printMarginColumn: 80,
highlightLine: true,
indentGuides: true,
wrapMode: false,
softTabs: false,
persistentModal: true,
rightSidebarTrigger: false,
fileManagerTrigger: false,
tabSize: 4
multi_line: false,
rootContainer: null,
fileExtensionTextMode: {},
init: function() {
var er = $( '#editor-region' );
er.on( 'h-resize-init', function() {
$( '#editor-region > .editor-wrapper' )
.width( $( this ).width() )
.trigger( 'h-resize' );
}).on( 'v-resize-init', function() {
$( '#editor-region > .editor-wrapper' )
.height( $( this ).height() )
.trigger( 'v-resize' );
$( "#root-editor-wrapper" ).live( "contextmenu", function( e ) {
// Context Menu
_this = codiad.editor
if( _this.getActive() ) {
let path = codiad.active.getPath();
$( e.target ).attr( 'data-path', path );
codiad.filemanager.contextMenuShow( e, path, 'editor', 'editor' );
$( this ).addClass( 'context-menu-active' );
$( window ).resize( function() {
$( '#editor-region' )
.trigger( 'h-resize-init' )
.trigger( 'v-resize-init' );
//Load settings when initially starting up that way the first editor
//we open doesn't have the default settings.
// Retrieve editor settings from database
getSettings: async function() {
let boolVal = null;
let _this = this;
let options = [
let bool_options = [
let user_settings = await codiad.settings.get_options();
//console.log( user_settings );
$.each( options, function( idx, key ) {
let localValue = user_settings['codiad.' + key];
if( localValue != null ) {
_this.settings[key.split( '.' ).pop()] = localValue;
$.each( bool_options, async function( idx, key ) {
let localValue = user_settings['codiad.' + key];
if( localValue != null ) {
_this.settings[key.split( '.' ).pop()] = ( localValue == 'true' );
// Apply configuration settings
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor}
applySettings: function( i ) {
// Check user-specified settings
// Apply the current configuration settings:
i.setTheme( 'ace/theme/' + this.settings.theme );
i.setFontSize( this.settings.fontSize );
i.setPrintMarginColumn( this.settings.printMarginColumn );
i.setShowPrintMargin( this.settings.printMargin );
i.setHighlightActiveLine( this.settings.highlightLine );
i.setDisplayIndentGuides( this.settings.indentGuides );
i.getSession().setUseWrapMode( this.settings.wrapMode );
this.setTabSize( this.settings.tabSize, i );
this.setSoftTabs( this.settings.softTabs, i );
this.setOverScroll( this.settings.overScroll, i );
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableSnippets: true,
enableLiveAutocompletion: this.settings.autocomplete
if( i.getSession().read_only ) {
i.setReadOnly( true );
// Create a new editor instance attached to given session
// Parameters:
// session - {EditSession} Session to be used for new Editor instance
addInstance: function( session, where ) {
var el = $( '<div class="editor">' );
var chType, chArr = [],
sc = null,
chIdx = null;
var _this = this;
if( this.instances.length == 0 ) {
// el.appendTo($('#editor-region'));
el.appendTo( $( '#root-editor-wrapper' ) );
} else {
var ch = this.activeInstance.el;
var root;
chIdx = ( where === 'top' || where === 'left' ) ? 0 : 1;
chType = ( where === 'top' || where === 'bottom' ) ?
'vertical' : 'horizontal';
chArr[chIdx] = el;
chArr[1 - chIdx] = ch;
root = $( '<div class="editor-wrapper">' )
.height( ch.height() )
.width( ch.width() )
.addClass( 'editor-wrapper-' + chType )
.appendTo( ch.parent() );
sc = new SplitContainer( root, chArr, chType );
if( this.instances.length > 1 ) {
var pContainer = this.activeInstance.splitContainer;
var idx = this.activeInstance.splitIdx;
pContainer.setChild( idx, sc );
ace.require( "ace/ext/language_tools" );
var i = ace.edit( el[0] );
var resizeEditor = function() {
if( sc ) {
i.splitContainer = sc;
i.splitIdx = chIdx;
this.activeInstance.splitContainer = sc;
this.activeInstance.splitIdx = 1 - chIdx;
.on( 'h-resize', resizeEditor )
.on( 'v-resize', resizeEditor );
if( this.instances.length === 1 ) {
var re = function() {
.on( 'h-resize', re )
.on( 'v-resize', re );
i.el = el;
this.setSession( session, i );
this.changeListener( i );
this.cursorTracking( i );
this.clickListener( i );
this.bindKeys( i );
this.instances.push( i );
i.on( 'focus', function() {
_this.focus( i );
return i;
createSplitMenu: function() {
var _this = this;
var _splitOptionsMenu = $( '#split-options-menu' );
this.initMenuHandler( $( '#split' ), _splitOptionsMenu );
$( '#split-horizontally a' ).click( function( e ) {
_this.addInstance( _this.activeInstance.getSession(), 'bottom' );
$( '#split-vertically a' ).click( function( e ) {
_this.addInstance( _this.activeInstance.getSession(), 'right' );
$( '#merge-all a' ).click( function( e ) {
var s = _this.activeInstance.getSession();
_this.addInstance( s );
createModeMenu: function() {
var _this = this;
var _thisMenu = $( '#changemode-menu' );
var modeColumns = new Array();
var modeOptions = new Array();
var maxOptionsColumn = 15;
var firstOption = 0;
this.initMenuHandler( $( '#current-mode' ), _thisMenu );
var modes = Object.keys( ModeList.modesByName ).sort();
$.each( modes, function( i ) {
modeOptions.push( '<li><a>' + modes[i] + '</a></li>' );
var html = '<table><tr>';
while( true ) {
html += '<td><ul>';
if( ( modeOptions.length - firstOption ) < maxOptionsColumn ) {
max = modeOptions.length;
} else {
max = firstOption + maxOptionsColumn;
var currentcolumn = modeOptions.slice( firstOption, max );
for( var option in currentcolumn ) {
html += currentcolumn[option];
html += '</ul></td>';
firstOption = firstOption + maxOptionsColumn;
if( firstOption >= modeOptions.length ) {
html += '</tr></table>';
_thisMenu.html( html );
$( '#changemode-menu a' ).click( function( e ) {
var newMode = "ace/mode/" + $( e.currentTarget ).text();
var actSession = _this.activeInstance.getSession();
// handle async mode change
var fn = function() {
_this.setModeDisplay( actSession );
actSession.removeListener( 'changeMode', fn );
actSession.on( "changeMode", fn );
actSession.setMode( newMode );
initMenuHandler: function( button, menu ) {
var _this = this;
var thisButton = button;
var thisMenu = menu;
thisMenu.appendTo( $( 'body' ) );
thisButton.click( function( e ) {
var wh = $( window ).height();
// close other menus
_this.closeMenus( thisMenu );
thisMenu.css( {
// display: 'block',
bottom: ( ( wh - $( this ).offset().top ) + 8 ) + 'px',
left: ( $( this ).offset().left - 13 ) + 'px'
thisMenu.slideToggle( 'fast' );
// handle click-out autoclosing
var fn = function() {
$( window ).off( 'click', fn );
$( window ).on( 'click', fn );
closeMenus: function( exclude ) {
var menuId = exclude.attr( "id" );
if( menuId != 'split-options-menu' ) $( '#split-options-menu' ).hide();
if( menuId != 'changemode-menu' ) $( '#changemode-menu' ).hide();
setModeDisplay: function( session ) {
var currMode = session.getMode().$id;
if( currMode ) {
currMode = currMode.substring( currMode.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );
$( '#current-mode' ).html( currMode );
} else {
$( '#current-mode' ).html( 'text' );
// Remove all Editor instances and clean up the DOM
exterminate: function() {
$( '.editor' ).remove();
$( '.editor-wrapper' ).remove();
$( '#editor-region' ).append( $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'editor' ) );
$( '#current-file' ).html( '' );
$( '#current-mode' ).html( '' );
this.instances = [];
this.activeInstance = null;
// Detach EditSession session from all Editor instances replacing
// them with replacementSession
removeSession: function( session, replacementSession ) {
for( var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++ ) {
if( this.instances[k].getSession().path === session.path ) {
this.instances[k].setSession( replacementSession );
if( $( '#current-file' ).text() === session.path ) {
$( '#current-file' ).text( replacementSession.path );
this.setModeDisplay( replacementSession );
isOpen: function( session ) {
for( var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++ ) {
if( this.instances[k].getSession().path === session.path ) {
return true;
return false;
// Convenience function to iterate over Editor instances
// Parameters:
// fn - {Function} callback called with each member as an argument
forEach: function( fn ) {
for( var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++ ) {
fn.call( this, this.instances[k] );
// Get the currently active Editor instance
// In a multi-pane setup this would correspond to the
// editor pane user is currently working on.
getActive: function() {
return this.activeInstance;
// Set an editor instance as active
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor}
setActive: function( i ) {
if( !i ) return;
this.activeInstance = i;
$( '#current-file' ).text( i.getSession().path );
this.setModeDisplay( i.getSession() );
// Change the EditSession of Editor instance
// Parameters:
// session - {EditSession}
// i - {Editor}
setSession: function( session, i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !this.isOpen( session ) ) {
if( !i ) {
i = this.addInstance( session );
} else {
i.setSession( session );
} else {
// Proxy session is required because scroll-position and
// cursor position etc. are shared among sessions.
var proxySession = new EditSession( session.getDocument(),
session.getMode() );
proxySession.setUndoManager( new UndoManager() );
proxySession.path = session.path;
proxySession.listThumb = session.listThumb;
proxySession.tabThumb = session.tabThumb;
if( !i ) {
i = this.addInstance( proxySession );
} else {
i.setSession( proxySession );
this.applySettings( i );
this.cursorTracking( i );
this.setActive( i );
// Select file mode by extension case insensitive
// Parameters:
// e - {String} File extension
selectMode: function( e ) {
if( typeof( e ) != 'string' ) {
return 'text';
e = e.toLowerCase();
return ( ModeList.getModeForPath( e ) );
// Add an text mode for an extension
// Parameters:
// extension - {String} File Extension
// mode - {String} TextMode for this extension
addFileExtensionTextMode: function( extension, mode ) {
if( typeof( extension ) != 'string' || typeof( mode ) != 'string' ) {
if( console ) {
console.warn( 'wrong usage of addFileExtensionTextMode, both parameters need to be string' );
mode = mode.toLowerCase();
this.fileExtensionTextMode[extension] = mode;
// clear all extension-text mode joins
clearFileExtensionTextMode: function() {
this.fileExtensionTextMode = {};
// Set the editor mode
// Parameters:
// m - {TextMode} mode
// i - {Editor} Editor (Defaults to active editor)
setMode: function( m, i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
// Check if mode is already loaded
if( !editorModes[m] ) {
// Load the Mode
var modeFile = 'components/editor/ace-editor/mode-' + m + '.js';
$.loadScript( modeFile, function() {
// Mark the mode as loaded
editorModes[m] = true;
var EditorMode = ace.require( 'ace/mode/' + m ).Mode;
i.getSession().setMode( new EditorMode() );
}, true );
} else {
var EditorMode = ace.require( 'ace/mode/' + m ).Mode;
i.getSession().setMode( new EditorMode() );
// Set the editor theme
// Parameters:
// t - {String} theme eg. twilight, cobalt etc.
// i - {Editor} Editor instance (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
// For a list of themes supported by Ace - refer :
// https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/tree/master/lib/ace/theme
// TODO: Provide support for custom themes
setTheme: function( t, i ) {
if( i ) {
// If a specific instance is specified, change the theme for
// this instance
i.setTheme( 'ace/theme/' + t );
} else {
// Change the theme for the existing editor instances
// and make it the default for new instances
this.settings.theme = t;
for( var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++ ) {
this.instances[k].setTheme( 'ace/theme/' + t );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.theme', t );
// Set contents of the editor
// Parameters:
// c - {String} content
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
setContent: function( c, i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
i.getSession().setValue( c );
// Set Font Size
// Set the font for all Editor instances and remember
// the value for Editor instances to be created in
// future
// Parameters:
// s - {Number} font size
// i - {Editor} Editor instance (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setFontSize: function( s, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.setFontSize( s );
} else {
this.settings.fontSize = s;
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.setFontSize( s );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.fontSize', s );
// Enable/disable Highlighting of active line
// Parameters:
// h - {Boolean}
// i - {Editor} Editor instance ( If left out, setting is
// applied to all editors )
setHighlightLine: function( h, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.setHighlightActiveLine( h );
} else {
this.settings.highlightLine = h;
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.setHighlightActiveLine( h );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.highlightLine', h );
// Show/Hide print margin indicator
// Parameters:
// p - {Number} print margin column
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setPrintMargin: function( p, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.setShowPrintMargin( p );
} else {
this.settings.printMargin = p;
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.setShowPrintMargin( p );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.printMargin', p );
// Set print margin column
// Parameters:
// p - {Number} print margin column
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setPrintMarginColumn: function( p, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.setPrintMarginColumn( p );
} else {
this.settings.printMarginColumn = p;
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.setPrintMarginColumn( p );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.printMarginColumn', p );
// Show/Hide indent guides
// Parameters:
// g - {Boolean}
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setIndentGuides: function( g, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.setDisplayIndentGuides( g );
} else {
this.settings.indentGuides = g;
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.setDisplayIndentGuides( g );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.indentGuides', g );
// Enable/Disable Code Folding
// Parameters:
// f - {Boolean}
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setCodeFolding: function( f, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.setFoldStyle( f );
} else {
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.setFoldStyle( f );
// Enable/Disable Line Wrapping
// Parameters:
// w - {Boolean}
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setWrapMode: function( w, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.getSession().setUseWrapMode( w );
} else {
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.getSession().setUseWrapMode( w );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.wrapMode', w );
// Set last position of modal to be saved
// Parameters:
// t - {Boolean} (false for Automatic Position, true for Last Position)
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setPersistentModal: function( t, i ) {
this.settings.persistentModal = t;
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.persistentModal', t );
// Set trigger for opening the right sidebar
// Parameters:
// t - {Boolean} (false for Hover, true for Click)
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setRightSidebarTrigger: function( t, i ) {
this.settings.rightSidebarTrigger = t;
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.rightSidebarTrigger', t );
// Set trigger for clicking on the filemanager
// Parameters:
// t - {Boolean} (false for Hover, true for Click)
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setFileManagerTrigger: function( t, i ) {
this.settings.fileManagerTrigger = t;
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.fileManagerTrigger', t );
// set Tab Size
// Parameters:
// s - size
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setTabSize: function( s, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.getSession().setTabSize( parseInt( s ) );
} else {
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.getSession().setTabSize( parseInt( s ) );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.tabSize', s );
// Enable or disable Soft Tabs
// Parameters:
// t - true / false
// i - {Editor} (If omitted, Defaults to all editors)
setSoftTabs: function( t, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.getSession().setUseSoftTabs( t );
} else {
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.getSession().setUseSoftTabs( t );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.softTabs', t );
// Get content from editor
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
getContent: function( i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
var content = i.getSession().getValue();
if( !content ) {
content = ' ';
} // Pass something through
return content;
// Resize the editor - Trigger the editor to readjust its layout
// esp if the container has been resized manually.
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
resize: function( i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
// Mark the instance as changed (in the user interface)
// upon change in the document content.
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor}
changeListener: function( i ) {
var _this = this;
i.on( 'change', function() {
codiad.active.markChanged( _this.getActive().getSession().path );
clickListener: function( i ) {
var _this = this;
i.on( 'click', function() {
// Get Selected Text
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
getSelectedText: function( i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
return i.getCopyText();
// Insert text
// Parameters:
// val - {String} Text to be inserted
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
insertText: function( val, i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
i.insert( val );
// Move the cursor to a particular line
// Parameters:
// line - {Number} Line number
// i - {Editor} Editor instance
gotoLine: function( line, i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
i.gotoLine( line, 0, true );
// Focus an editor
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor} Editor instance (Defaults to current editor)
focus: function( i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
this.setActive( i );
if( !i ) return;
codiad.active.focus( i.getSession().path );
this.cursorTracking( i );
// Setup Cursor Tracking
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
cursorTracking: function( i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
* Update the cursor position now so that when a new file opens,
* we do not have the old cursor data.
$( '#cursor-position' )
.html( i18n( 'Ln' ) + ': ' +
( i.getCursorPosition().row + 1 ) +
' · ' + i18n( 'Col' ) + ': ' +
//Register the changecursor function so updates continue
i.selection.on( "changeCursor", function( e ) {
$( '#cursor-position' )
.html( i18n( 'Ln' ) + ': ' +
( i.getCursorPosition().row + 1 ) +
' · ' + i18n( 'Col' ) + ': ' +
// Setup Key bindings
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor}
bindKeys: function( i ) {
//Add key bindings to editor so we overwrite any already Setup
//by the ace editor.
var _this = this;
codiad.keybindings.bindings.forEach( function( m, j, a ) {
i.commands.addCommand( m );
open_goto: function() {
if( this.getActive() ) {
codiad.modal.load( 400, 'components/editor/dialog.php?action=line' );
} else {
codiad.message.error( 'No Open Files' );
goto_line: function() {
let line = $( '#modal input[name="goto_line"]' ).val();
this.gotoLine( line );
// Present the Search (Find + Replace) dialog box
// Parameters:
// type - {String} Optional, defaults to find. Provide 'replace' for replace dialog.
openSearch: function( type ) {
if( this.getActive() ) {
let selected = codiad.active.getSelectedText();
'components/editor/dialog.php?action=search&type=' + type,
function( c ) {
let input = c.find( 'input:first' );
let textarea = c.find( 'textarea:first' );
if( input.css( 'display' ) !== 'none' ) {
input.val( selected )
} else if( textarea.css( 'display' ) !== 'none' ) {
textarea.val( selected )
console.log( input, textarea );
// Perform Search (Find + Replace) operation
// Parameters:
// action - {String} find | replace | replaceAll
// i - {Editor} Defaults to active Editor instance
search: function( action, i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
if( this.multi_line ) {
var find = $( '#modal textarea[name="find"]' )
var replace = $( '#modal textarea[name="replace"]' )
} else {
var find = $( '#modal input[name="find"]' )
var replace = $( '#modal input[name="replace"]' )
console.log( action, i, find, replace );
switch ( action ) {
case 'find':
i.find( find, {
backwards: false,
wrap: true,
caseSensitive: false,
wholeWord: false,
regExp: false
case 'replace':
i.find( find, {
backwards: false,
wrap: true,
caseSensitive: false,
wholeWord: false,
regExp: false
i.replace( replace );
case 'replaceAll':
i.find( find, {
backwards: false,
wrap: true,
caseSensitive: false,
wholeWord: false,
regExp: false
i.replaceAll( replace );
// Enable editor
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
enableEditing: function( i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
i.textInput.setReadOnly( false );
// Disable editor
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
disableEditing: function( i ) {
i = i || this.getActive();
if( !i ) return;
i.textInput.setReadOnly( true );
// Set Overscroll
// Parameters:
// i - {Editor} (Defaults to active editor)
setOverScroll: function( s, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.setOption( "scrollPastEnd", s );
} else {
this.settings.overScroll = s;
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.setOption( "scrollPastEnd", s );
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.overScroll', s );
setLiveAutocomplete: function( s, i ) {
if( i ) {
i.setOptions( {
enableLiveAutocompletion: s
} else {
this.settings.autocomplete = s;
this.forEach( function( i ) {
i.setOptions( {
enableLiveAutocompletion: s
//codiad.settings.update_option( 'codiad.editor.autocomplete', s );
toggleMultiLine: function( e ) {
if( e.innerText === "Multi Line" ) {
this.multi_line = true;
e.innerText = "Single Line";
$( 'input[name="find"]' ).hide();
$( 'textarea[name="find"]' ).show();
$( 'textarea[name="find"]' ).val( $( 'input[name="find"]' ).val() );
$( 'input[name="replace"]' ).hide();
$( 'textarea[name="replace"]' ).show();
$( 'textarea[name="replace"]' ).val( $( 'input[name="replace"]' ).val() );
} else {
this.multi_line = false;
e.innerText = "Multi Line";
$( 'input[name="find"]' ).show();
$( 'textarea[name="find"]' ).hide();
$( 'input[name="find"]' ).val( $( 'textarea[name="find"]' ).val() );
$( 'input[name="replace"]' ).show();
$( 'textarea[name="replace"]' ).hide();
$( 'input[name="replace"]' ).val( $( 'textarea[name="replace"]' ).val() );
paste: function() {
navigator.clipboard.readText().then( text => {
codiad.editor.getActive().insert( text )
openSort: function() {
let selected = codiad.active.getSelectedText();
if( this.getActive() && selected != "" ) {
function( c ) {
let textarea = c.find( 'textarea:first' );
textarea.val( selected )
} else {
codiad.message.error( 'No text selected' );
sort: function( eol ) {
let text = $( '#modal textarea[name="sort"]' ).val();
let array = text.split( eol );
array = array.sort( codiad.editor.sort_a );
let sorted = array.join( eol );
console.log( text, eol, array, sorted );
codiad.editor.getActive().insert( sorted );
sort_a: function( a, b ) {
let pos = 0;
let case_sensitive = $( '#modal input[name="case_sensitive"]' ).prop( 'checked' )
if( !case_sensitive ) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
b = b.toLowerCase();
if( a < b ) {
pos = -1;
} else if( a > b ) {
pos = 1;
return pos;
})( this, jQuery );