mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:28:48 +01:00
593 lines
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Executable file
593 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
* Copyright (c) Codiad & Kent Safranski (codiad.com), and Isaac Brown (telaaedifex.com), distributed
* as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See
* [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
$sql = null;
// Common Class
class Common {
public static $debugMessageStack = array();
// -----------------------------||----------------------------- //
// Construct
public static function construct() {
$path = str_replace( "index.php", "", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] );
foreach ( array( "components", "plugins" ) as $folder ) {
if( strpos( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], $folder ) ) {
$path = substr( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, strpos( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], $folder ) );
if( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/config.php' ) ) {
require_once( __DIR__ . '/config.php' );
if( ! defined( 'BASE_PATH' ) ) {
define( 'BASE_PATH', __DIR__ );
if( ! defined( 'COMPONENTS' ) ) {
define( 'COMPONENTS', BASE_PATH . '/components' );
if( ! defined( 'PLUGINS' ) ) {
define( 'PLUGINS', BASE_PATH . '/plugins' );
if( ! defined( 'DATA' ) ) {
define( 'DATA', BASE_PATH . '/data' );
if( ! defined( 'SESSIONS_PATH' ) ) {
define( 'SESSIONS_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/data/sessions' );
if( ! defined( 'SITE_ID' ) ) {
if( ! defined( 'THEMES' ) ) {
define( "THEMES", BASE_PATH . "/themes" );
if( ! defined( 'THEME' ) ) {
define( "THEME", "default" );
if( ! defined( 'LANGUAGE' ) ) {
define( "LANGUAGE", "en" );
require_once( COMPONENTS . "/permissions/class.permissions.php" );
require_once( COMPONENTS . "/update/class.update.php" );
require_once( COMPONENTS . "/sql/class.sql.php" );
global $sql;
$sql = sql::get_instance();
// New Methods
public static function get_user_id( $username ) {
global $sql;
$user_id = false;
$query = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1;";
$bind_variables = array( $username );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, array(), "fetch" );
if( ! empty( $return ) ) {
$user_id = $return["id"];
return $user_id;
public static function get_users( $return = "return", $exclude_current = false ) {
global $sql;
$query = "SELECT * FROM users";
$bind = "";
$bind_variables = array();
if( $exclude_current ) {
$query .= " WHERE username!=?";
$bind .= "s";
array_push( $bind_variables, $_SESSION["user"] );
$result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, formatJSEND( "error", "Error checking users." ) );
if( ! empty( $result ) ) {
switch( $return ) {
case( "json" ):
$return = json_encode( $result );
case( "return" ):
$return = $result;
} else {
$return = formatJSEND( "error", "Error selecting user information." );
return( $return );
public static function get_version() {
return Update::VERSION;
public static function is_admin() {
global $sql;
$admin = false;
if( isset( $_SESSION["user_id"] ) ) {
$query = "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM users WHERE id=? AND ( access=? OR access='admin' );";
$bind_variables = array( $_SESSION["user_id"], Permissions::SYSTEM_LEVELS["admin"] );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, -1, 'fetchColumn' );
$admin = ( $return > 0 );
return $admin;
public static function logout() {
if( isset( $_SESSION["user"] ) ) {
global $sql;
$query = "UPDATE users SET token=? WHERE username=?;";
$bind_variables = array( null, $_SESSION["user"] );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, formatJSEND( "error", "Error updating user information." ), 'fetchColumn' );
if( ! $return > 0 ) {
$json = json_decode( $return, true );
echo( $return );
// Search Users
public static function search_users( $username, $return = "return", $exclude_current = false ) {
global $sql;
$query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username LIKE ?";
$bind_variables = array( "%{$username}%" );
if( $exclude_current ) {
$query .= " AND username != ?";
array_push( $bind_variables, $_SESSION["user"] );
$result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, array() );
if( ! empty( $result ) ) {
switch( $return ) {
case( "exit" ):
exit( formatJSEND( "success", $result ) );
case( "json" ):
$return = json_encode( $result );
case( "return" ):
$return = $result;
} else {
switch( $return ) {
case( "exit" ):
exit( formatJSEND( "error", "Error selecting user information." ) );
case( "json" ):
$return = formatJSEND( "error", "Error selecting user information." );
case( "return" ):
$return = null;
return( $return );
// Start Sessions
public static function start_session() {
//Set a Session Name
try {
session_name( md5( BASE_PATH ) );
session_save_path( SESSIONS_PATH );
} catch( exception $e ) {
if( ! is_dir( SESSIONS_PATH ) ) {
if( ! defined( 'SESSION_ID' ) ) {
define( "SESSION_ID", session_id() );
//Check for external authentification
if( defined( 'AUTH_PATH' ) ) {
require_once( AUTH_PATH );
global $lang;
if ( isset( $_SESSION['lang'] ) ) {
include BASE_PATH . "/languages/{$_SESSION['lang']}.php";
} else {
include BASE_PATH . "/languages/" . LANGUAGE . ".php";
public static function return( $output, $action = "return" ) {
switch( $action ) {
case( "exit" ):
exit( $output );
case( "return" ):
return( $output );
// Old Methods
public static function startSession() {
// Read Content of directory
public static function readDirectory( $foldername ) {
$tmp = array();
$allFiles = scandir( $foldername );
foreach ( $allFiles as $fname ) {
if( $fname == '.' || $fname == '..' ) {
if( is_dir( $foldername . '/' . $fname ) ) {
$tmp[] = $fname;
return $tmp;
// Log debug message
// Messages will be displayed in the console when the response is
// made with the formatJSEND function.
public static function debug( $message ) {
Common::$debugMessageStack[] = $message;
// URLs
public static function getConstant( $key, $default = null ) {
return defined( $key ) ? constant( $key ) : $default;
// Localization
public static function i18n( $key, $args = array() ) {
echo Common::get_i18n( $key, $args );
public static function get_i18n( $key, $args = array() ) {
global $lang;
$key = ucwords( strtolower( $key ) ); //Test, test TeSt and tESt are exacly the same
$return = isset( $lang[$key] ) ? $lang[$key] : $key;
foreach( $args as $k => $v ) {
$return = str_replace( "%{" . $k . "}%", $v, $return );
return $return;
// Check Session / Key
public static function checkSession() {
$pass = false;
if( isset( $_SESSION["token"] ) && isset( $_SESSION["user_id"] ) ) {
global $sql;
$query = "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM users WHERE id=? AND token=?;";
$bind_variables = array( $_SESSION["user_id"], sha1( $_SESSION["token"] ) );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, formatJSEND( "error", "Error checking access." ), "fetchColumn" );
if( $return > 0 ) {
$pass = true;
if( ! $pass ) {
exit( '{"status":"error","message":"Authentication Error<script>window.location.href = window.location.protocol + `' . "//" . Common::getConstant('BASE_URL') . '`</script>"}' );
// Get JSON
public static function getJSON( $file, $namespace = "" ) {
$path = DATA . "/";
if( $namespace != "" ) {
$path = $path . $namespace . "/";
$path = preg_replace( '#/+#', '/', $path );
$json = file_get_contents( $path . $file );
$json = str_replace( ["\n\r", "\r", "\n"], "", $json );
$json = str_replace( "|*/?>", "", str_replace( "<?php/*|", "", $json ) );
$json = json_decode( $json, true );
return $json;
// Save JSON
public static function saveJSON( $file, $data, $namespace = "" ) {
$path = DATA . "/";
if( $namespace != "" ) {
$path = $path . $namespace . "/";
$path = preg_replace( '#/+#', '/', $path );
if( ! is_dir( $path ) ) {
mkdir( $path );
$data = "<?php\r\n/*|" . json_encode( $data ) . "|*/\r\n?>";
$write = fopen( $path . $file, 'w' ) or die( "can't open file " . $path . $file );
fwrite( $write, $data );
fclose( $write );
// Format JSEND Response
public static function formatJSEND( $status, $data = false, $debug = false ) {
/// Debug /////////////////////////////////////////////////
$jsend = array(
"status" => null,
"data" => null,
"debug" => null,
"message" => null,
if( count( Common::$debugMessageStack ) > 0 ) {
$jsend["debug"] = json_encode( Common::$debugMessageStack );
if( $debug ) {
$jsend["debug"] = $debug;
if( $status == "success" ) {
// Success ///////////////////////////////////////////////
$jsend["status"] = "success";
if( $data ) {
$jsend["data"] = $data;
} else {
// Error /////////////////////////////////////////////////
$jsend["status"] = "error";
$jsend["message"] = $data;
// Return ////////////////////////////////////////////////
return json_encode( $jsend );
// Check Function Availability
public static function checkAccess() {
return self::is_admin();
// Check Path
public static function checkPath( $path ) {
return Permissions::has_manager( $path );
// Check Function Availability
public static function isAvailable( $func ) {
if ( ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) ) {
return false;
$disabled = ini_get( 'disable_functions' );
if ( $disabled ) {
$disabled = explode( ',', $disabled );
$disabled = array_map( 'trim', $disabled );
return ! in_array( $func, $disabled );
return true;
// Check If Path is absolute
public static function isAbsPath( $path ) {
return( ( isset( $path[0] ) && $path[0] === '/' ) || ( isset( $path[1] ) && $path[1] === ':' ) ) ? true : false;
// Check If WIN based system
public static function isWINOS( ) {
return( strtoupper( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) ) === 'WIN' );
// Wrapper for old method names
function checkAccess() { return Common::checkAccess(); }
function checkPath( $path ) { return Common::checkPath($path); }
function checkSession() { Common::checkSession(); }
function debug( $message ) { Common::debug( $message ); }
function formatJSEND( $status, $data=false ){ return Common::formatJSEND($status,$data); }
function get_i18n( $key, $args = array() ) { return Common::get_i18n($key, $args); }
function get_user_id( $username ) { return Common::get_user_id( $username ); }
function get_users( $return = "return", $exclude_current = false ) { return Common::get_users( $return, $exclude_current ); }
function get_version() { return Common::get_version(); }
function getJSON( $file,$namespace=""){ return Common::getJSON( $file, $namespace ); }
function i18n( $key, $args = array() ) { echo Common::i18n( $key, $args ); }
function is_admin() { return Common::is_admin(); }
function isAvailable( $func ) { return Common::isAvailable( $func ); }
function logout() { return Common::logout(); }
function saveJSON( $file, $data, $namespace="" ){ Common::saveJSON( $file, $data, $namespace ); }
function search_users( $username, $return = "return", $exclude_current = false ) { return Common::search_users( $username, $return, $exclude_current ); }