
209 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file

* @package
* @author Isaac Brown
* The function below will stop direct access to this file.
if ( ! defined( "U29tZSByYW5kb20gc3RyaW5nIHRoYXQgbm8gb25lIHdpbGwgZXZlciBndWVzcy4gIFRoaXMgd2lsbCBiZSB0aGUgcHVibGljIGZpbGUgcGFzc3dvcmQuIElmIHlvdSB3YW50IHRvIGRlY29kZSB0aGlzLCB0aGVuIGdvb2QgZm9yIHlvdS4gIFRoaXMgaXMgZm9yIEFiYmFzcycgYXBwbGljYXRpb24uICBBbnkgcXVlc3Rpb25zIGFzayBBYmJhc3Mgb3IgZW1haWwgbWUgYXQgeGV2aWRvc0BnbWFpbC5jb20u" ) ) {echo "Access code required";exit();}
* Plugin class. This class should ideally be used to work with the
* public-facing side of the application.
* @package
* @author Isaac Brown <>
class mypit {
const VERSION = '1.0.0';
* Unique identifier for your plugin.
* The variable name is used as the text domain when internationalizing strings
* of text. Its value should match the Text Domain file header in the main
* plugin file.
* @var string
protected $plugin_slug = '';
* Instance of this class.
protected static $instance = null;
* Initialize the plugin by setting localization and loading public scripts and styles.
private function __construct() {
// Trigger initial
* Return the plugin slug.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return Plugin slug variable.
public function get_plugin_slug() {
return $this->plugin_slug;
* Return an instance of this class.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return object A single instance of this class.
public static function get_instance() {
// If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now.
if ( null == self::$instance ) {
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
* Fired for each blog when the plugin is activated.
* @since 1.0.0
private static function install() {}
* Fired for each blog when the plugin is uninstalled.
* @since 1.0.0
private static function uninstall() {}
* Load the plugin text domain for translation.
* @since 1.0.0
public function init() {}
* Register and enqueue public-facing style sheet.
* @since 1.0.0
public function enqueue_scripts() {}
* Register and enqueue public-facing style sheet.
* @since 1.0.0
public function enqueue_styles() {}
* Connect to specified MYSQL database with preset login details.
* @since 1.0.0
public static function sql_connect( $database = "" ) {
switch( $database ) {
default :
$database = "main";
$host = "localhost";
$password = base64_decode( "UCF0QWRtIW4=" );
$username = "main";
$connection = mysqli_connect( $host, $username, $password, $database );
return( $connection );
* Execute an sql query with binded variables
* This allows you to use POST or GET values without
* having to worry about people hacking your query.
* @since 1.0.0
public static function sql( $sql, $bind, $bind_vars, $error, $last_id = FALSE ) {
$connection = self::sql_connect();
$result = mysqli_prepare( $connection, $sql ) or die( "<section class='container'><p>" . $error . ":<br>Query:" . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error( $connection ) . "</p></section>" );
//call_user_func_array(array($result, "bind_param"), array_merge(array($bind), $bind_vars));
$result->bind_param( $bind, ...$bind_vars );
if ( $last_id === FALSE ) {
$return = $result->get_result();
} else {
$return = mysqli_insert_id( $connection );
return( $return );
* Execute a basic sql query
* This allows should only be used for statements without user input.
* @since 1.0.0
public static function sql_internal( $sql, $error ) {
$connection = self::sql_connect();
$result = mysqli_query( $connection, $sql ) or die( "<section class='container'><p>" . $error . ":<br>Query:" . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error( $connection ) . "</p></section>" );
return( $result );
* Connect to a microsoft sql database with preset login details.
* @since 1.0.0
public static function ms_sql_connect( $database ) {
$server = "";
$connection_info = array();
$connection_info["Database"] = $database;
$connection_info["UID"] = "";
$connection_info["PWD"] = "";
$connection = sqlsrv_connect( $server , $connection_info );
if( $connection === false ) {
echo "<p>Error connecting to database.</p><br><br>";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ) );
return( $connection );