mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 13:28:13 +01:00
206 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable file
206 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable file
* Copyright (c) Codiad, Kent Safranski (codiad.com), and Isaac Brown (telaaedifex.com), distributed
* as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See
* [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact.
class Active extends Common {
public $username = "";
public $path = "";
public $new_path = "";
// -----------------------------||----------------------------- //
// Construct
public function __construct() {
public static function remove( $path ) {
global $sql;
$query = "DELETE FROM active WHERE path=? AND username=?;";
$bind_variables = array( $path, $_SESSION["user"] );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
// List User's Active Files
public function ListActive() {
global $sql;
$query = "SELECT path, position, focused FROM active WHERE username=?";
$bind_variables = array( $this->username );
$result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, array() );
$tainted = false;
$root = WORKSPACE;
$active_list = $result;
if( ! empty( $result ) ) {
foreach ( $result as $id => $data ) {
if ( $this->isAbsPath( $data['path'] ) ) {
$root = "";
} else {
$root = $root.'/';
if ( ! is_file( $root . $data['path'] ) ) {
self::remove( $data['path'] );
unset( $active_list[$id] );
exit( formatJSEND( "success", $active_list ) );
// Check File
public function Check() {
global $sql;
$query = "SELECT username FROM active WHERE path=?";
$bind_variables = array( $this->path );
$result = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, array() );
$tainted = false;
$user = false;
$users = array();
$root = WORKSPACE;
foreach( $result as $id => $data ) {
array_push( $users, $data["username"] );
if( $data["username"] == $this->username ) {
$user = true;
if ( ( count( $result ) == 1 && ! $user ) || count( $result ) > 1 ) {
//echo formatJSEND( "warning", "Warning: File " . substr( $this->path, strrpos( $this->path, "/" ) +1 ) . " Currently Opened By: " . implode( ", ", $users ) );
} else {
echo formatJSEND("success");
// Add File
public function Add() {
global $sql;
$query = "INSERT INTO active( username, path, focused ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );";
$bind_variables = array( $this->username, $this->path, false );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
if( $return > 0 ) {
echo formatJSEND( "success" );
// Rename File
public function Rename() {
global $sql;
$query = "UPDATE active SET path=? WHERE path=?;";
$bind_variables = array( $this->new_path, $this->path );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
if( $return > 0 ) {
echo formatJSEND( "success" );
// Remove All Files
public function RemoveAll() {
global $sql;
$query = "DELETE FROM active WHERE username=?;";
$bind_variables = array( $this->username );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
if( $return > 0 ) {
echo formatJSEND( "success" );
// Mark File As Focused
// All other files will be marked as non-focused.
public function MarkFileAsFocused() {
global $sql;
$query = "UPDATE active SET focused=? WHERE username=?;UPDATE active SET focused=? WHERE path=? AND username=?;";
$bind_variables = array( false, $this->username, true, $this->path, $this->username );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
if( $return > 0 ) {
echo formatJSEND( "success" );
public function savePositions( $positions ) {
global $sql;
$positions = json_decode( $positions, true );
$query = "";
$bind_variables = array();
if( json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
foreach( $positions as $path => $cursor ) {
$query .= "UPDATE active SET position=? WHERE path=? AND username=?;";
array_push( $bind_variables, json_encode( $cursor ), $path, $this->username );
$return = $sql->query( $query, $bind_variables, 0, "rowCount" );
if( $return > 0 ) {
exit( formatJSEND( "success" ) );
} else {
exit( formatJSEND( "success" ) );