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synced 2025-03-18 06:18:11 +01:00
352 lines
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Executable file
352 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
* Copyright (c) Codiad & daeks (codiad.com), distributed
* as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See
* [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact.
class Market extends Common
public $local = array();
public $url = 'http://market.codiad.com/json';
public $remote = null;
public $tmp = array();
public $old = null;
// -----------------------------||----------------------------- //
// Construct
public function __construct()
// initial setup
if (!file_exists(DATA.'/cache')) {
// get existing data
$this->local['plugins'] = Common::readDirectory(PLUGINS);
$this->local['themes'] = Common::readDirectory(THEMES);
$this->url = Common::getConstant('MARKETURL', $this->url);
// load market from server
if (!file_exists(DATA.'/cache/market.current')) {
$optout = "";
foreach ($this->local as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $data) {
if (trim($data) != '') {
if (file_exists(BASE_PATH.'/'.$key.'/'.$data.'/'.rtrim($key, "s").'.json')) {
$tmp = json_decode(file_get_contents(BASE_PATH.'/'.$key.'/'.$data.'/'.rtrim($key, "s").'.json'), true);
if (substr($tmp[0]['url'], -4) == '.git') {
$tmp[0]['url'] = substr($tmp[0]['url'], 0, -4);
$optout .= rtrim($key, "s").":".array_pop(explode('/', $tmp[0]['url'])).",";
file_put_contents(DATA.'/cache/market.current', file_get_contents($this->url.'/?o='.substr($optout, 0, -1)));
copy(DATA.'/cache/market.current', DATA.'/cache/market.last');
} else {
if (time()-filemtime(DATA.'/cache/market.current') > 24 * 3600) {
copy(DATA.'/cache/market.current', DATA.'/cache/market.last');
file_put_contents(DATA.'/cache/market.current', file_get_contents($this->url));
// get current and last market cache to establish array
$this->old = json_decode(file_get_contents(DATA.'/cache/market.last'), true);
$this->remote = json_decode(file_get_contents(DATA.'/cache/market.current'), true);
// internet connection could not be established
if ($this->remote == '') {
$this->remote = array();
// check old cache for new ones
$this->tmp = array();
foreach ($this->remote as $key => $data) {
$found = false;
foreach ($this->old as $key => $old) {
if ($old['name'] == $data['name']) {
$found = true;
if (!$found && !isset($data['folder'])) {
$data['new'] = '1';
// check if folder exists for that extension
if (substr($data['url'], -4) == '.git') {
$data['url'] = substr($data['url'], 0, -4);
if (file_exists(BASE_PATH.'/'.$data['type'].substr($data['url'], strrpos($data['url'], '/'.rtrim($data['type'], 's').'.json')))) {
$data['folder'] = substr($data['url'], strrpos($data['url'], '/')+1);
} else {
if (file_exists(BASE_PATH.'/'.$data['type'].substr($data['url'], strrpos($data['url'], '/')).'-master/'.rtrim($data['type'], 's').'.json')) {
$data['folder'] = substr($data['url'], strrpos($data['url'], '/')+1).'-master';
array_push($this->tmp, $data);
$this->remote = $this->tmp;
// Scan plugins directory for missing plugins
foreach (scandir(PLUGINS) as $fname) {
if ($fname == '.' || $fname == '..') {
if (is_dir(PLUGINS.'/'.$fname)) {
$found = false;
foreach ($this->remote as $key => $data) {
if (isset($data['folder']) && $data['folder'] == $fname) {
$found = true;
if (!$found && file_exists(PLUGINS . "/" . $fname . "/plugin.json")) {
$data = file_get_contents(PLUGINS . "/" . $fname . "/plugin.json");
$data = json_decode($data, true);
$data[0]['name'] = $fname;
$data[0]['folder'] = $fname;
$data[0]['type'] = 'plugins';
$data[0]['image'] = '';
$data[0]['count'] = -1;
$data[0]['remote'] = 0;
if (!isset($data[0]['description'])) {
$data[0]['description'] = 'Manual Installation';
array_push($this->remote, $data[0]);
// Scan theme directory for missing plugins
foreach (scandir(THEMES) as $fname) {
if ($fname == '.' || $fname == '..' || $fname == 'default') {
if (is_dir(THEMES.'/'.$fname)) {
$found = false;
foreach ($this->remote as $key => $data) {
if (isset($data['folder']) && $data['folder'] == $fname) {
$found = true;
if (!$found && file_exists(THEMES . "/" . $fname . "/theme.json")) {
$data = file_get_contents(THEMES . "/" . $fname . "/theme.json");
$data = json_decode($data, true);
$data[0]['name'] = $fname;
$data[0]['folder'] = $fname;
$data[0]['type'] = 'themes';
$data[0]['image'] = '';
$data[0]['count'] = -1;
$data[0]['remote'] = 0;
if (!isset($data[0]['description'])) {
$data[0]['description'] = 'Manual Installation';
array_push($this->remote, $data[0]);
// Check for updates
$this->tmp = array();
foreach ($this->remote as $key => $data) {
if (substr($data['url'], -4) == '.git') {
$data['url'] = substr($data['url'], 0, -4);
// extension exists locally, so load its metadata
if (isset($data['folder'])) {
$local = json_decode(file_get_contents(BASE_PATH.'/'.$data['type'].'/'.$data['folder'].'/'.rtrim($data['type'], 's').'.json'), true);
$remoteurl = str_replace('github.com', 'raw.github.com', $data['url']).'/master/'.rtrim($data['type'], 's').'.json';
if (!file_exists(DATA.'/cache/'.$data['folder'].'.current')) {
file_put_contents(DATA.'/cache/'.$data['folder'].'.current', file_get_contents($remoteurl));
} else {
if (time()-filemtime(DATA.'/cache/'.$data['folder'].'.current') > 24 * 3600) {
file_put_contents(DATA.'/cache/'.$data['folder'].'.current', file_get_contents($remoteurl));
$remote = json_decode(file_get_contents(DATA.'/cache/'.$data['folder'].'.current'), true);
$data['version'] = $local[0]['version'];
if ($remote[0]['version'] != $local[0]['version']) {
$data['update'] = $remote[0]['version'];
$data['remote'] = 0;
} else {
$data['remote'] = 1;
array_push($this->tmp, $data);
$this->remote = $this->tmp;
// Install Plugin
public function Install($type, $name, $repo)
if (substr($repo, -4) == '.git') {
$repo = substr($repo, 0, -4);
if ($type == '') {
$file_headers = @get_headers(str_replace('github.com', 'raw.github.com', $repo.'/master/plugin.json'));
if ($file_headers[0] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found') {
$type = 'plugins';
} else {
$file_headers = @get_headers(str_replace('github.com', 'raw.github.com', $repo.'/master/theme.json'));
if ($file_headers[0] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found') {
$type = 'themes';
} else {
die(formatJSEND("error", "Invalid Repository"));
} else {
$reponame = explode('/', $repo);
$tmp = file_get_contents($this->url.'/?t='.rtrim($type, "s").'&i='.str_replace("-master", "", $reponame[@sizeof($repo)-1]));
if (file_put_contents(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/'.$name.'.zip', fopen($repo.'/archive/master.zip', 'r'))) {
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/'.$name.'.zip');
// open downloaded archive
if ($res === true) {
// extract archive
if ($zip->extractTo(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type) === true) {
} else {
die(formatJSEND("error", "Unable to open ".$name.".zip"));
} else {
die(formatJSEND("error", "ZIP Extension not found"));
// Response
echo formatJSEND("success", null);
} else {
die(formatJSEND("error", "Unable to download ".$repo));
// Remove Plugin
public function Remove($type, $name)
function rrmdir($path)
return is_file($path)?
@array_map('rrmdir', glob($path.'/*'))==@rmdir($path);
echo formatJSEND("success", null);
// Update Plugin
public function Update($type, $name)
function rrmdir($path)
return is_file($path)?
@array_map('rrmdir', glob($path.'/*'))==@rmdir($path);
function cpy($source, $dest, $ign)
if (is_dir($source)) {
while ($file=readdir($dir_handle)) {
if (!in_array($file, $ign)) {
if (is_dir($source."/".$file)) {
if (!file_exists($dest."/".$file)) {
cpy($source."/".$file, $dest."/".$file, $ign);
} else {
copy($source."/".$file, $dest."/".$file);
} else {
copy($source, $dest);
if (file_exists(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/'.$name.'/'.rtrim($type, "s").'.json')) {
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/'.$name.'/'.rtrim($type, "s").'.json'), true);
if (substr($data[0]['url'], -4) == '.git') {
$data[0]['url'] = substr($data[0]['url'], 0, -4);
$data[0]['url'] .= '/archive/master.zip';
$ign = array(".","..");
if (isset($data[0]['exclude'])) {
foreach (explode(",", $data[0]['exclude']) as $exclude) {
array_push($ign, $exclude);
if (file_exists(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/_'.session_id()) || mkdir(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/_'.session_id())) {
if (file_put_contents(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/_'.session_id().'/'.$name.'.zip', fopen($data[0]['url'], 'r'))) {
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/_'.session_id().'/'.$name.'.zip');
// open downloaded archive
if ($res === true) {
// extract archive
if ($zip->extractTo(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/_'.session_id().'') === true) {
$srcname = $name;
if (substr($srcname, -6) != "master") {
$srcname = $srcname.'-master';
cpy(BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/_'.session_id().'/'.$srcname, BASE_PATH.'/'.$type.'/'.$name, $ign);
} else {
die(formatJSEND("error", "Unable to open ".$name.".zip"));
} else {
die(formatJSEND("error", "ZIP Extension not found"));
// Response
echo formatJSEND("success", null);
} else {
die(formatJSEND("error", "Unable to download ".$repo));
} else {
die(formatJSEND("error", "Unable to create temp dir "));
} else {
echo formatJSEND("error", "Unable to find ".$name);