Better requirements/installing/configuration/running sections

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Sean DuBois 2014-07-18 06:15:26 +00:00
parent 4a19482e20
commit ce26bc0ca9
1 changed files with 24 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,32 +1,42 @@
fail2rest is a small REST server that aims to allow full administration of a fail2ban server via HTTP
fail2rest will eventually be used as a backend to a small web app to make fail2ban
administration and reporting easier.
* fail2rest is written in Go, you will need the Go distribution
* Install the necessary libraries `make libs`
* Run fail2rest `make run`
fail2rest is written in Golang, so it requires a working Golang installation. If you have never used Golang before install it from your
package manager, and then follow [these]( instructions to setup your enviroment.
Some libraries currently are not building on older versions of Go, I recommend running the newest stable of Golang.
Once you have a working Golang installation all you need to do is run
go get -v
go install -v
fail2rest will now be available as a binary in your GOPATH, you can run 'fail2rest' from the command line, or copy it
somewhere else to make it available to all users.
Use `whereis fail2rest` to locate your fail2rest binary.
Next you need to configure fail2rest, and then finally make it a system service.
fail2rest is configured via config.json in your current working directory. You can also specify a custom path with the --config flag `fail2rest --config=my_config.json`
fail2rest is configured via config.json, the default is located [here](
To load your config.json you use the --config flag `fail2rest --config=my_config.json`
fail2rest has two options that be configured via config.json
* **Fail2banSocket** - The path to the fail2ban socket, can usually be found via `grep socket /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf` you also have to run fail2rest as a user who has permissions to use this socket
* **Addr** - The address that fail2rest is served upon, it is usually best so serve to the loopback, and then allow access via nginx see an example config in the [fail2web]( repository
Once you have a config.json all you need to do is run `fail2rest --config config.json`
Every PR will be merged! Feel free to open up PRs that aren't fully done, I will do
my best to finish them for you. I will make sure to review everything I can. If
you are interested in working on fail2rest, but don't know where to start here are some ideas.
* Document current API calls (and examples with cURL), small static website for this info
* Write tests, and implement some post-commit system for running tests
However, fail2rest is designed to run as a service, so init scripts are provided that allow easy management of fail2rest. They can be found [here](
Download the appropriate init file your Distribution. You may need to customize your init script to load your config.json, but most scripts default to /etc/fail2rest.json
The MIT License (MIT)