"p":"I'd be curious to see your calendar with all your commits. Ping me on Twitter ([**@IonicaBizau**](https://twitter.com/IonicaBizau)). :smile: Until then, here's my calendar:"
"[Importing and deleting commits](#importing-and-deleting-commits)",
"[Importing all the commits from GitHub and BitBucket](#importing-all-the-commits-from-github-and-bitbucket)",
"[What about the GitHub Contributions calendar?](#what-about-the-github-contributions-calendar)"
"I know it's not nice to start your git commit calendar from scratch. That's why I created [`git-stats-importer`](https://github.com/IonicaBizau/git-stats-importer)–a tool which imports or deletes the commits from selected repositories.",
"Check it out here: https://github.com/IonicaBizau/git-stats-importer",
"The usage is simple:"
"# Install the importer tool",
"$ npm install -g git-stats-importer",
"# Go to the repository you want to import",
"$ cd path/to/my-repository",
"# Import the commits",
"$ git-stats-importer",
"# ...or delete them if that's a dummy repository",
"$ git-stats-importer --delete"
"h3":"Importing all the commits from GitHub and BitBucket"
"p":"Yes, that's also possible. I [built a tool which downloads and then imports all the commits you have pushed to GitHub and BitBucket](https://github.com/IonicaBizau/repository-downloader)!"
"h3":"What about the GitHub Contributions calendar?"
"p":"If you want to visualize the calendars that appear on GitHub profiles, you can do that using [`ghcal`](https://github.com/IonicaBizau/ghcal)."
"# Install ghcal",
"$ npm install -g ghcal",
"# Check out @alysonla's contributions",
"$ ghcal -u alysonla"
"For more detailed documentation, check out the repository: https://github.com/IonicaBizau/ghcal.",
"If want to get even more GitHub stats in your terminal, you may want to try [`github-stats`](https://github.com/IonicaBizau/github-stats)--this is like `git-stats` but with data taken from GitHub."
"h2":"Using the configuration file"
"You can tweak the git-stats behavior using a configuration file in your home directory: `~/.git-stats-config.js`.",
"This file should export an object, like below (defaults are listed):"
"module.exports = {",
" // \"DARK\", \"LIGHT\" or an object interpreted by IonicaBizau/node-git-stats-colors",
" \"theme\": \"DARK\"",
" // The file where the commit hashes will be stored",
" , \"path\": \"~/.git-stats\"",
" // First day of the week",
" , first_day: \"Sun\"",
" // This defaults to *one year ago*",
" // It can be any parsable date",
" , since: undefined",
" // This defaults to *now*",
" // It can be any parsable date",
" , until: undefined",
" // Don't show authors by default",
" // If true, this will enable the authors pie",
" , authors: false",
" // No global activity by default",
" // If true, this will enable the global activity calendar in the current project",
" , global_activity: false",
"p":"Since it's a js file, you can `require` any other modules there."
"After we have the HTML file, we can generate an image file using [`pageres`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/pageres) by [**@sindresorhus**](https://github.com/sindresorhus/):",
"`git-stats` is working fine in terminal emulators supporting ANSI styles. It should work fine on Linux and OS X.",
"If you run `git-stats` to display graph on Windows, please use a terminal that can properly display ANSI colors.",
"Cygwin Terminal is known to work, while Windows Command Prompt and Git Bash do not. Improvements are more than welcome! :dizzy:"
"[*A GitHub-like contributions calendar, but locally, with all your git commits*, The Changelog](https://changelog.com/github-like-contributions-calendar-locally-git-commits/)"