## Documentation You can see below the API reference of this module. ### `GitStats(dataPath)` #### Params - **String** `dataPath`: Path to the data file. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `getConfig(callback)` Fetches the configuration object from file (`~/.git-stats-config.js`). #### Params - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **Object|Undefined** If no callback is provided, the configuration object will be returned. ### `initConfig(input, callback)` Inits the configuration field (`this.config`). #### Params - **Object|String** `input`: The path to a custom git-stats configuration file or the configuration object. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. ### `record(data, callback)` Records a new commit. #### Params - **Object** `data`: The commit data containing: - `date` (String|Date): The date object or a string in a format that can be parsed. - `url` (String): The repository remote url. - `hash` (String): The commit hash. - `_data` (Object): If this field is provided, it should be the content of the git-stats data file as object. It will be modified in-memory and then returned. - `save` (Boolean): If `false`, the result will *not* be saved in the file. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `removeCommit(data, callback)` Deletes a specifc commit from the history. #### Params - **Object** `data`: The commit data containing: - `date` (String|Date): The date object or a string in a format that can be parsed. If not provided, the hash object will be searched in all dates. - `hash` (String): The commit hash. - `_data` (Object): If this field is provided, it should be the content of the git-stats data file as object. It will be modified in-memory and then returned. - `save` (Boolean): If `false`, the result will *not* be saved in the file. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `get(callback)` Gets the git stats. #### Params - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `save(stats, callback)` Saves the provided stats. #### Params - **Object** `stats`: The stats to be saved. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `iterateDays(data, callback)` Iterate through the days, calling the callback function on each day. #### Params - **Object** `data`: An object containing the following fields: - `start` (Moment): A `Moment` date object representing the start date (default: *an year ago*). - `end` (Moment): A `Moment` date object representing the end date (default: *now*). - `format` (String): The format of the date (default: `"MMM D, YYYY"`). - **Function** `callback`: The callback function called with the current day formatted (type: string) and the `Moment` date object. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `graph(data, callback)` Creates an object with the stats on the provided period (default: *last year*). #### Params - **Object** `data`: The object passed to the `iterateDays` method. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `calendar(data, callback)` Creates the calendar data for the provided period (default: *last year*). #### Params - **Object** `data`: The object passed to the `graph` method. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `ansiCalendar(options, callback)` Creates the ANSI contributions calendar. #### Params - **Object** `options`: The object passed to the `calendar` method. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `authors(options, callback)` Creates an array with the authors of a git repository. #### Params - **String|Object** `options`: The repo path or an object containing the following fields: - `repo` (String): The repository path. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `authorsPie(options, callback)` Creates the authors pie. #### Params - **String|Object** `options`: The repo path or an object containing the following fields: - `repo` (String): The repository path. - `radius` (Number): The pie radius. - `no_ansi` (Boolean): If `true`, the pie will not contain ansi characters. - `raw` (Boolean): If `true`, the raw JSON will be displayed. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance. ### `globalActivity(options, callback)` Creates the global contributions calendar (all commits made by all committers). #### Params - **String|Object** `options`: The repo path or an object containing the following fields: - `repo` (String): The repository path. - `start` (String): The start date. - `end` (String): The end date. - `theme` (String|Object): The calendar theme. - `raw` (Boolean): If `true`, the raw JSON will be displayed. - **Function** `callback`: The callback function. #### Return - **GitStats** The `GitStats` instance.