// Dependencies
var Ul = require("ul")
  , Abs = require("abs")
  , ReadJson = require("r-json")
  , WriteJson = require("w-json")
  , Moment = require("moment")
  , Gry = require("gry")
  , IsThere = require("is-there")
  , CliPie = require("cli-pie")
  , CliGhCal = require("cli-gh-cal")
  , GitLogParser = require("gitlog-parser").parse
  , ChildProcess = require("child_process")
  , Deffy = require("deffy")
  , Typpy = require("typpy")
  , Exec = ChildProcess.exec
  , Spawn = ChildProcess.spawn
  , IterateObject = require("iterate-object")

// Constants
    , DEFAULT_STORE = Abs("~/.git-stats")
    , DEFAULT_DATA = {
        commits: {}
    , CONFIG_PATH = Abs("~/.git-stats-config.json")

 * GitStats
 * @name GitStats
 * @function
 * @param {String} dataPath Path to the data file.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
function GitStats(dataPath) {
    this.path = Abs(Deffy(dataPath, DEFAULT_STORE));
    this.config = {};

// Defaults
    // Dark theme by default
    theme: "DARK"

    // This defaults in library
  , path: undefined

    // This defaults in cli-gh-cal
  , first_day: undefined

    // This defaults to *one year ago*
  , since: undefined

    // This defaults to *now*
  , until: undefined

    // Don't show authors by default
  , authors: false

    // No global activity by default
  , global_activity: false

 * getConfig
 * Fetches the configuration object from file (`~/.git-stats-config.json`).
 * @name getConfig
 * @function
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {Object|Undefined} If no callback is provided, the configuration object will be returned.
GitStats.prototype.getConfig = function (callback) {
    if (callback) {
        ReadJson(CONFIG_PATH, function (err, data) {
            callback(err && err.code !== "ENOENT" ? err : null, data || {});
    } else {
        try {
            return ReadJson(CONFIG_PATH);
        } catch (err) {
            if (err.code !== "ENOENT") {
                throw err;
            return {};

 * initConfig
 * Inits the configuration field (`this.config`).
 * @name initConfig
 * @function
 * @param {Object|String} input The path to a custom git-stats configuration file or the configuration object.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
GitStats.prototype.initConfig = function (input, callback) {

    var self = this;
    if (Typpy(input, Function)) {
        callback = input;
        input = null;

    input = input || CONFIG_PATH;

    // Handle object input
    if (Typpy(input, Object)) {
        this.config = Ul.deepMerge(this.config, GitStats.DEFAULT_CONFIG);
        callback && callback(null, this.config);
        return this.config;

    if (callback) {
        this.getConfig(function (err, data) {
            if (err) { return callback(err); }
            self.initConfig(data, callback);
    } else {

 * record
 * Records a new commit.
 * @name record
 * @function
 * @param {Object} data The commit data containing:
 *  - `date` (String|Date): The date object or a string in a format that can be parsed.
 *  - `url` (String): The repository remote url.
 *  - `hash` (String): The commit hash.
 *  - `_data` (Object): If this field is provided, it should be the content of the git-stats data file as object. It will be modified in-memory and then returned.
 *  - `save` (Boolean): If `false`, the result will *not* be saved in the file.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.record = function (data, callback) {

    var self = this;

    // Validate data
    callback = callback || function (err) { if (err) throw err; };
    data = Object(data);

    if (typeof data.date === "string") {
        data.date = new Moment(new Date(data.date));

    if (!/^moment|date$/.test(Typpy(data.date))) {
        callback(new Error("The date field should be a string or a date object."));
        return GitStats;
    } else if (Typpy(data.date, Date)) {
        data.date = Moment(data.date);

    if (typeof data.hash !== "string" || !data.hash) {
        callback(new Error("Invalid hash."));
        return GitStats;

    // This is not used, but remains here just in case we need
    // it in the future
    if (typeof data.url !== "string" || !data.url) {
        delete data.url;

    function modify (err, stats) {

        var commits = stats.commits
          , day = data.date.format(DATE_FORMAT)
          , today = commits[day] = Object(commits[day])

        today[data.hash] = 1;

        if (data.save === false) {
            callback(null, stats);
        } else {
            self.save(stats, callback);

        return stats;

    // Check if we have input data
    if (data._data) {
        return modify(null, data._data);
    } else {
        // Get stats

    return self;

 * removeCommit
 * Deletes a specifc commit from the history.
 * @name record
 * @function
 * @param {Object} data The commit data containing:
 *  - `date` (String|Date): The date object or a string in a format that can be parsed. If not provided, the hash object will be searched in all dates.
 *  - `hash` (String): The commit hash.
 *  - `_data` (Object): If this field is provided, it should be the content of the git-stats data file as object. It will be modified in-memory and then returned.
 *  - `save` (Boolean): If `false`, the result will *not* be saved in the file.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.removeCommit = function (data, callback) {

    var self = this;

    // Validate data
    callback = callback || function (err) { if (err) throw err; };
    data = Object(data);

    if (typeof data.date === "string") {
        data.date = new Moment(new Date(data.date));

    if (!/^moment|date$/.test(Typpy(data.date))) {
        data.date = null;
    } else if (Typpy(data.date, Date)) {
        data.date = Moment(data.date);

    if (typeof data.hash !== "string" || !data.hash) {
        callback(new Error("Invalid hash."));
        return GitStats;

    function modify (err, stats) {

        if (err) { return callback(err); }
        if (!data.date) {
            IterateObject(stats.commits, function (todayObj) {
                delete todayObj[data.hash];
        } else {
            var commits = stats.commits
              , day = data.date.format(DATE_FORMAT)
              , today = commits[day] = Object(commits[day])

            delete today[data.hash];

        if (data.save === false) {
            callback(null, stats);
        } else {
            self.save(stats, callback);

        return stats;

    // Check if we have input data
    if (data._data) {
        return modify(null, data._data);
    } else {
        // Get stats

    return self;

 * get
 * Gets the git stats.
 * @name get
 * @function
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.get = function (callback) {
    var self = this;
    ReadJson(self.path, function (err, data) {

        if (err && err.code === "ENOENT") {
           return self.save(DEFAULT_DATA, function (err) {
               callback(err, DEFAULT_DATA);

        if (err) { return callback(err); }
        callback(null, data);
    return self;

 * save
 * Saves the provided stats.
 * @name save
 * @function
 * @param {Object} stats The stats to be saved.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.save = function (stats, callback) {
    WriteJson(this.path, stats, callback);
    return this;

 * iterateDays
 * Iterate through the days, calling the callback function on each day.
 * @name iterateDays
 * @function
 * @param {Object} data An object containing the following fields:
 *  - `start` (Moment): A `Moment` date object representing the start date (default: *an year ago*).
 *  - `end` (Moment): A `Moment` date object representing the end date (default: *now*).
 *  - `format` (String): The format of the date (default: `"MMM D, YYYY"`).
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function called with the current day formatted (type: string) and the `Moment` date object.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.iterateDays = function (data, callback) {

    if (typeof data === "function") {
        callback = data;
        data = undefined;

    // Merge the defaults
    data.end = data.end || Moment();
    data.start = data.start || Moment().subtract(1, "years");
    data.format = data.format || DATE_FORMAT;

    var start = new Moment(data.start.format(DATE_FORMAT), DATE_FORMAT)
      , end = new Moment(data.end.format(DATE_FORMAT), DATE_FORMAT)
      , tomrrow = Moment(end.format(DATE_FORMAT), DATE_FORMAT).add(1, "days")
      , endStr = tomrrow.format(DATE_FORMAT)
      , cDay = null

    while (start.format(DATE_FORMAT) !== endStr) {
        cDay = start.format(data.format);
        callback(cDay, start);
        start.add(1, "days");

    return this;

 * graph
 * Creates an object with the stats on the provided period (default: *last year*).
 * @name graph
 * @function
 * @param {Object} data The object passed to the `iterateDays` method.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.graph = function (data, callback) {

    if (typeof data === "function") {
        callback = data;
        data = undefined;

    var self = this;

    // Get commits
    self.get(function (err, stats) {
        if (err) { return callback(err); }

        var cDayObj = null
          , year = {}

        // Iterate days
        self.iterateDays(data, function (cDay) {
            cDayObj = Object(stats.commits[cDay]);
            cDayObj = year[cDay] = {
                _: cDayObj
              , c: Object.keys(cDayObj).length

        callback(null, year);

    return self;

 * calendar
 * Creates the calendar data for the provided period (default: *last year*).
 * @name calendar
 * @function
 * @param {Object} data The object passed to the `graph` method.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.calendar = function (data, callback) {

    var self = this;

    self.graph(data, function (err, graph) {
        if (err) { return callback(err); }

        var cal = { total: 0, days: {}, cStreak: 0, lStreak: 0, max: 0 }
          , cDay = null
          , days = Object.keys(graph)
          , levels = null
          , cLevel = 0

        days.forEach(function (c) {
            cDay = graph[c];
            cal.total += cDay.c;
            if (cDay.c > cal.max) {
                cal.max = cDay.c;

            if (cDay.c > 0) {
                if (++cal.cStreak > cal.lStreak) {
                    cal.lStreak = cal.cStreak;
            } else {
                cal.cStreak = 0;

        levels = cal.max / (LEVELS.length * 2);
        days.forEach(function (c) {
            cDay = graph[c];
            cal.days[c] = {
                c: cDay.c
              , level: !levels
              ? 0 : (cLevel = Math.round(cDay.c / levels)) >= 4
              ? 4 : !cLevel && cDay.c > 0 ? 1 : cLevel

        callback(null, cal);
    return self;

 * ansiCalendar
 * Creates the ANSI contributions calendar.
 * @name ansiCalendar
 * @function
 * @param {Object} options The object passed to the `calendar` method.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.ansiCalendar = function (options, callback) {

    if (typeof options === "function") {
        callback = options;
        options = undefined;

    var self = this;

    self.graph(options, function (err, graph) {
        var cal = []
          , data = {
                theme: options.theme
              , start: options.start
              , end: options.end
              , firstDay: options.firstDay
              , cal: cal

        self.iterateDays(options, function (cDay) {
            cDayObj = graph[cDay];
            if (!cDayObj) { return; }
            cal.push([cDay, cDayObj.c]);

        callback(null, options.raw ? data : CliGhCal(cal, data));

    return self;

 * authors
 * Creates an array with the authors of a git repository.
 * @name authors
 * @function
 * @param {String|Object} options The repo path or an object containing the following fields:
 *  - `repo` (String): The repository path.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.authors = function (options, callback) {
    var repo = new Gry(options.repo);
    repo.exec("shortlog -s -n --all", function (err, stdout) {
        if (err) { return callback(err); }
        lines = stdout.split("\n");
        pieData = stdout.split("\n").map(function (c) {
            var splits = c.split("\t").map(function (cc) {
                return cc.trim();
            return {
                value: parseInt(splits[0])
              , label: splits[1]
        callback(null, pieData);
    return this;

 * authorsPie
 * Creates the authors pie.
 * @name authorsPie
 * @function
 * @param {String|Object} options The repo path or an object containing the following fields:
 *  - `repo` (String): The repository path.
 *  - `radius` (Number): The pie radius.
 *  - `no_ansi` (Boolean): If `true`, the pie will not contain ansi characters.
 *  - `raw` (Boolean): If `true`, the raw JSON will be displayed.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.authorsPie = function (options, callback) {

    if (typeof options === "string") {
        options = {
            repo: options

    options = Ul.merge(options, {
        radius: process.stdout.rows / 2 || 20

    if (!IsThere(options.repo)) {
        return callback(new Error("The repository folder doesn't exist."));

    var self = this
      , repo = new Gry(options.repo)
      , pie = null
      , pieData = []

    self.authors(options, function (err, authors) {
        if (err) { return callback(err); }
        if (authors.length > 50) {
            var others = {
                value: authors.slice(50).reduce(function (a, b) {
                    return a + b.value;
                }, 0)
              , label: "Others"
            authors = authors.slice(0, 50);

        var data = {
            legend: true
          , flat: true
          , no_ansi: options.no_ansi
          , authors: authors

        callback(null, options.raw ? data : new CliPie(options.radius, authors, data).toString());

    return self;

 * globalActivity
 * Creates the global contributions calendar (all commits made by all committers).
 * @name globalActivity
 * @function
 * @param {String|Object} options The repo path or an object containing the following fields:
 *  - `repo` (String): The repository path.
 *  - `start` (String): The start date.
 *  - `end` (String): The end date.
 *  - `theme` (String|Object): The calendar theme.
 *  - `raw` (Boolean): If `true`, the raw JSON will be displayed.
 * @param {Function} callback The callback function.
 * @return {GitStats} The `GitStats` instance.
GitStats.prototype.globalActivity = function (options, callback) {

    if (typeof options === "string") {
        options = {
            repo: options

    options.repo = Abs(options.repo);

    if (!IsThere(options.repo)) {
        return callback(new Error("The repository folder doesn't exist."));

    var commits = {}
      , today = null
      , cal = []

    GitLogParser(Spawn("git", ["log", "--since", options.start.format(DATE_FORMAT), "--until", options.end.format(DATE_FORMAT)], { cwd: options.repo }).stdout).on("commit", function(commit) {
        if (!commit) { return; }
        today = Moment(commit.date).format(DATE_FORMAT);
        commits[today] = commits[today] || 0;
    }).on("error", function (err) {
    }).on("finish", function () {
        Object.keys(commits).forEach(function (c) {
            cal.push([c, commits[c]])
        var data = {
            theme: options.theme
          , start: options.start
          , end: options.end
          , cal: cal
        callback(null, options.raw ? data : CliGhCal(cal, data));

    return this;

module.exports = GitStats;