mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:18:47 +01:00
277 lines
6.6 KiB
277 lines
6.6 KiB
// Dependencies
var FsExtra = require("fs-extra")
, Ul = require("ul")
, Moment = require("moment")
, Couleurs = require("couleurs")()
, CliBox = require("cli-box")
// Constants
const STORE_PATH = Ul.USER_DIR + "/.git-stats"
, LEVELS = 5
, SQUARES = process.argv.indexOf("--no-ansi") !== -1 ? [
, "▢"
, "▢"
, "▤"
, "▣"
, "⬛"
] : [
Couleurs.fg("⬚", "#eee")
, Couleurs.fg("▢", "#eee")
, Couleurs.fg("▢", "#d6e685")
, Couleurs.fg("▤", "#8cc665")
, Couleurs.fg("▤", "#8cc665")
, Couleurs.fg("▣", "#44a340")
, Couleurs.fg("▣", "#1e6823")
, DAYS = [
, "Mon"
, "Tue"
, "Wed"
, "Thu"
, "Fri"
, "Sat"
// Constructor
var GitStats = module.exports = {};
* record
* Records a new commit.
* @name record
* @function
* @param {Object} data The commit data containing:
* - `date` (String|Date): The date object or a string in a format that can be parsed.
* - `url` (String): The repository remote url.
* - `hash` (String): The commit hash.
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @return {undefined}
GitStats.record = function (data, callback) {
// Validate data
callback = callback || function (err) { if (err) throw err; };
data = Object(data);
if (typeof data.date === "string") {
data.date = new Moment(new Date(data.date));
if (!data.date || !/^Moment|Date$/.test(data.date.constructor.name)) {
return callback(new Error("The date field should be a string or a date object."));
if (typeof data.hash !== "string" || !data.hash) {
return callback(new Error("Invalid hash."));
if (typeof data.url !== "string" || !data.url) {
return callback(new Error("Invalid url field."));
// Get stats
GitStats.get(function (err, stats) {
stats = stats || {};
var day = data.date.format(DATE_FORMAT)
, today = stats[day] = Object(stats[day])
, repo = today[data.url] = Object(today[data.url])
repo[data.hash] = { date: data.date };
FsExtra.writeJSON(STORE_PATH, stats, callback);
* get
* Gets the git stats.
* @name get
* @function
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @return {undefined}
GitStats.get = function (callback) {
FsExtra.readJSON(STORE_PATH, callback);
GitStats.iterateDays = function (data, callback) {
if (typeof data === "function") {
callback = data;
data = undefined;
// Merge the defaults
data = Ul.merge({
end: Moment()
, start: Moment().subtract(1, "years")
, format: DATE_FORMAT
}, data);
var start = data.start
, end = data.end
, cDay = null
while (start.format(DATE_FORMAT) !== end.format(DATE_FORMAT)) {
cDay = start.format(data.format);
callback(cDay, start);
start.add(1, "days")
GitStats.graph = function (data, callback) {
if (typeof data === "function") {
callback = data;
data = undefined;
// Get commits
GitStats.get(function (err, stats) {
if (err) { return callback(err); }
var cDayObj = null
, year = {}
// Iterate days
GitStats.iterateDays(data, function (cDay) {
cDayObj = year[cDay] = {
_: stats[cDay] || {}
, c: 0
Object.keys(cDayObj._).forEach(function (c) {
cDayObj.c += Object.keys(cDayObj._[c]).length;
callback(null, year);
GitStats.calendar = function (data, callback) {
GitStats.graph(data, function (err, graph) {
if (err) { return callback(err); }
var cal = { total: 0, days: {}, cStreak: 0, lStreak: 0 }
, cDay = null
, days = Object.keys(graph)
, max = 0
days.forEach(function (c) {
cDay = graph[c];
cal.total += cDay.c;
if (cDay.c > max) {
max = cDay.c;
if (cDay.c > 0) {
if (++cal.cStreak > cal.lStreak) {
cal.lStreak = cal.cStreak;
} else {
cal.cStreak = 0;
days.forEach(function (c) {
cDay = graph[c];
cal.days[c] = {
c: cDay.c
, level: cDay.c === 0 ? 0 : LEVELS - Math.floor(max / (cDay.c + 2))
callback(null, cal);
GitStats.ansiCalendar = function (data, callback) {
if (typeof data === "function") {
callback = data;
data = undefined;
var year = []
, cWeek = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
, sDay = ""
, cDayObj = null
, strYear = ""
, w = 0
, d = 0
GitStats.calendar(data, function (err, cal) {
if (err) { return callback(err); }
GitStats.iterateDays(function (cDay, mDay) {
sDay = mDay.format("ddd");
cDayObj = cal.days[cDay];
if (sDay === "Sun" && Object.keys(cWeek).length) {
cWeek = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
if (!cDayObj) return;
cWeek[DAYS.indexOf(sDay)] = SQUARES[cDayObj.level];
if (cWeek.length) {
for (d = 0; d < 7; ++d) {
for (w = 0; w < year.length; ++w) {
strYear += " " + year[w][d];
strYear += "\n";
strYear = strYear.split("\n").map(function (c, i) {
if (i > 6) { return; }
return DAYS[i] + c;
strYear +=
new Array(4 + 2 * Math.ceil(365 / 7)).join("-")
+ "\n" + "Total commits: " + cal.total
+ "\n" + "Current Streak: " + cal.cStreak
+ "\n" + "Longest Streak: " + cal.lStreak
strYear = new CliBox({
w: 10
, h: 10
, marks: {
nw: "╔"
, n: "═"
, ne: "╗"
, e: "║"
, se: "╝"
, s: "═"
, sw: "╚"
, w: "║"
, b: " "
}, {
text: strYear
, stretch: true
, hAlign: "left"
callback(null, strYear.toString());