en: project_name: Project name project_version: Project version generated_at: Generated at generator: Generator report_period: Report period total_files: Total files total_lines: Total lines total_commits: Total commits authors: Authors commits: Commits commits_by_hour: Commits by hour files: Files lines: Lines files_by_date: Files by date lines_by_date: Lines by date files_by_extension: Files by extension lines_by_extension: Lines by extension hour_of_day: Hour of day hour: Hour percentage: Percentage day: Day day_of_week: Day of week hour_of_week: Hour of week month: Month month_of_year: Month of year year_month: Year and month commits_by_wday: Commits by day of week commits_by_month: Commits by month commits_by_year_month: Commits by year and month commits_by_month_of_year: Commits by month of year year: Year commits_by_year: Commits by year activity: Activity activity_by_date: Activity by date commits_by_date: Commits by date insertions_by_author: Lines added by author deletions_by_author: Lines deleted by author changed_lines_by_author: Changed lines by author best_authors_shown: best authors shown commits_count_by_author: Commits count by author commits_sum_by_author_by_date: Commits sum by author by date insertions_by_author_by_date: Lines added by author by date deletions_by_author_by_date: Lines deleted by author by date changed_lines_by_author_by_date: Changed lines by author by date best_authors: Best authors insertions: Lines added deletions: Lines deleted first_commit: First_commit last_commit: Last commit author: Author show_more: Show more close: Close more_data_not_available: More data not available