# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'spec_helper' describe GitStats::GitData::Tree do let(:repo) { build(:test_repo_tree, tree_path: '.') } let(:repo_tree) { build(:test_repo_tree, tree_path: './subdir_with_1_commit') } let(:tree) { build(:tree, repo: repo_tree, relative_path: './subdir_with_1_commit') } describe 'tree git output parsing' do it 'should return . by default' do repo.tree.should == GitStats::GitData::Tree.new(repo: repo, relative_path: '.') end it 'should return relative_path given by parameter' do repo_tree.tree.should == GitStats::GitData::Tree.new(repo: repo, relative_path: './subdir_with_1_commit') repo_tree.tree.relative_path.should == './subdir_with_1_commit' tree.relative_path.should == './subdir_with_1_commit' end context 'invoking authors command' do before do repo_tree.should_receive(:run).with('git shortlog -se HEAD ./subdir_with_1_commit').and_return(" 3 Israel Revert ") end it 'should parse git shortlog output to authors hash' do repo_tree.authors.should == [ build(:author, repo: repo_tree, name: "Israel Revert", email:"israelrevert@gmail.com") ] end it 'should parse git revlist output to date sorted commits array' do repo_tree.should_receive(:run). with("git rev-list --pretty=format:'%h|%at|%ai|%aE' HEAD ./subdir_with_1_commit | grep -v commit"). and_return("10d1814|1395407506|2014-03-21 14:11:46 +0100|israelrevert@gmail.com") repo_tree.commits.should == [ GitStats::GitData::Commit.new( repo: repo, sha: "10d1814", stamp: "1395407506", date: DateTime.parse("2014-03-21 14:11:46 +0100"), author: repo.authors.by_email("israelrevert@gmail.com"))] end end end end