mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 16:58:49 +01:00
Refactored all outputable modules.
This prepares the source code for the changes discussed in issue #24. Note that this is just a quick restructuring in order to see the resulting classes and separation. More work will be done to make it more elegant and with less dependencies between modules.
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 912 additions and 708 deletions
@ -20,21 +20,17 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from outputable import Outputable
from changes import FileDiff
import comment
import datetime
import filtering
import format
import gravatar
import interval
import json
import multiprocessing
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import terminal
import textwrap
import threading
NUM_THREADS = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
@ -205,107 +201,3 @@ def get(hard, useweeks, changes):
__blame__ = Blame(hard, useweeks, changes)
return __blame__
BLAME_INFO_TEXT = N_("Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still "
"intact in the current revision")
class BlameOutput(Outputable):
def __init__(self, changes, hard, useweeks):
if format.is_interactive_format():
self.changes = changes
self.hard = hard
self.useweeks = useweeks
get(self.hard, self.useweeks, self.changes)
def output_html(self):
blame_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\">"
blame_xml += "<p>" + _(BLAME_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p><div><table id=\"blame\" class=\"git\">"
blame_xml += "<thead><tr> <th>{0}</th> <th>{1}</th> <th>{2}</th> <th>{3}</th> <th>{4}</th> </tr></thead>".format(
_("Author"), _("Rows"), _("Stability"), _("Age"), _("% in comments"))
blame_xml += "<tbody>"
chart_data = ""
blames = sorted(__blame__.get_summed_blames().items())
total_blames = 0
for i in blames:
total_blames += i[1].rows
for i, entry in enumerate(blames):
work_percentage = str("{0:.2f}".format(100.0 * entry[1].rows / total_blames))
blame_xml += "<tr " + ("class=\"odd\">" if i % 2 == 1 else ">")
if format.get_selected() == "html":
author_email = self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(entry[0])
blame_xml += "<td><img src=\"{0}\"/>{1}</td>".format(gravatar.get_url(author_email), entry[0])
blame_xml += "<td>" + entry[0] + "</td>"
blame_xml += "<td>" + str(entry[1].rows) + "</td>"
blame_xml += "<td>" + ("{0:.1f}".format(Blame.get_stability(entry[0], entry[1].rows, self.changes)) + "</td>")
blame_xml += "<td>" + "{0:.1f}".format(float(entry[1].skew) / entry[1].rows) + "</td>"
blame_xml += "<td>" + "{0:.2f}".format(100.0 * entry[1].comments / entry[1].rows) + "</td>"
blame_xml += "<td style=\"display: none\">" + work_percentage + "</td>"
blame_xml += "</tr>"
chart_data += "{{label: {0}, data: {1}}}".format(json.dumps(entry[0]), work_percentage)
if blames[-1] != entry:
chart_data += ", "
blame_xml += "<tfoot><tr> <td colspan=\"5\"> </td> </tr></tfoot></tbody></table>"
blame_xml += "<div class=\"chart\" id=\"blame_chart\"></div></div>"
blame_xml += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
blame_xml += " blame_plot = $.plot($(\"#blame_chart\"), [{0}], {{".format(chart_data)
blame_xml += " series: {"
blame_xml += " pie: {"
blame_xml += " innerRadius: 0.4,"
blame_xml += " show: true,"
blame_xml += " combine: {"
blame_xml += " threshold: 0.01,"
blame_xml += " label: \"" + _("Minor Authors") + "\""
blame_xml += " }"
blame_xml += " }"
blame_xml += " }, grid: {"
blame_xml += " hoverable: true"
blame_xml += " }"
blame_xml += " });"
blame_xml += "</script></div></div>"
def output_text(self):
if sys.stdout.isatty() and format.is_interactive_format():
print(textwrap.fill(_(BLAME_INFO_TEXT) + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]) + "\n")
terminal.printb(terminal.ljust(_("Author"), 21) + terminal.rjust(_("Rows"), 10) + terminal.rjust(_("Stability"), 15) +
terminal.rjust(_("Age"), 13) + terminal.rjust(_("% in comments"), 20))
for i in sorted(__blame__.get_summed_blames().items()):
print(terminal.ljust(i[0], 20)[0:20 - terminal.get_excess_column_count(i[0])], end=" ")
print(str(i[1].rows).rjust(10), end=" ")
print("{0:.1f}".format(Blame.get_stability(i[0], i[1].rows, self.changes)).rjust(14), end=" ")
print("{0:.1f}".format(float(i[1].skew) / i[1].rows).rjust(12), end=" ")
print("{0:.2f}".format(100.0 * i[1].comments / i[1].rows).rjust(19))
def output_xml(self):
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(BLAME_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
blame_xml = ""
for i in sorted(__blame__.get_summed_blames().items()):
author_email = self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(i[0])
name_xml = "\t\t\t\t<name>" + i[0] + "</name>\n"
gravatar_xml = "\t\t\t\t<gravatar>" + gravatar.get_url(author_email) + "</gravatar>\n"
rows_xml = "\t\t\t\t<rows>" + str(i[1].rows) + "</rows>\n"
stability_xml = ("\t\t\t\t<stability>" + "{0:.1f}".format(Blame.get_stability(i[0], i[1].rows,
self.changes)) + "</stability>\n")
age_xml = ("\t\t\t\t<age>" + "{0:.1f}".format(float(i[1].skew) / i[1].rows) + "</age>\n")
percentage_in_comments_xml = ("\t\t\t\t<percentage-in-comments>" + "{0:.2f}".format(100.0 * i[1].comments / i[1].rows) +
blame_xml += ("\t\t\t<author>\n" + name_xml + gravatar_xml + rows_xml + stability_xml + age_xml +
percentage_in_comments_xml + "\t\t\t</author>\n")
print("\t<blame>\n" + message_xml + "\t\t<authors>\n" + blame_xml + "\t\t</authors>\n\t</blame>")
@ -17,22 +17,14 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from outputable import Outputable
import datetime
import extensions
import filtering
import format
import gravatar
import interval
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import subprocess
import terminal
import textwrap
import threading
@ -269,127 +261,3 @@ def get(hard):
return __changes__
HISTORICAL_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following historical commit information, by author, was found in the repository")
NO_COMMITED_FILES_TEXT = N_("No commited files with the specified extensions were found")
class ChangesOutput(Outputable):
def __init__(self, hard):
self.changes = get(hard)
def output_html(self):
authorinfo_list = self.changes.get_authorinfo_list()
total_changes = 0.0
changes_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\">"
chart_data = ""
for i in authorinfo_list:
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).insertions
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).deletions
if authorinfo_list:
changes_xml += "<p>" + _(HISTORICAL_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p><div><table id=\"changes\" class=\"git\">"
changes_xml += "<thead><tr> <th>{0}</th> <th>{1}</th> <th>{2}</th> <th>{3}</th> <th>{4}</th>".format(
_("Author"), _("Commits"), _("Insertions"), _("Deletions"), _("% of changes"))
changes_xml += "</tr></thead><tbody>"
for i, entry in enumerate(sorted(authorinfo_list)):
authorinfo = authorinfo_list.get(entry)
percentage = 0 if total_changes == 0 else (authorinfo.insertions + authorinfo.deletions) / total_changes * 100
changes_xml += "<tr " + ("class=\"odd\">" if i % 2 == 1 else ">")
if format.get_selected() == "html":
changes_xml += "<td><img src=\"{0}\"/>{1}</td>".format(
gravatar.get_url(self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(entry)), entry)
changes_xml += "<td>" + entry + "</td>"
changes_xml += "<td>" + str(authorinfo.commits) + "</td>"
changes_xml += "<td>" + str(authorinfo.insertions) + "</td>"
changes_xml += "<td>" + str(authorinfo.deletions) + "</td>"
changes_xml += "<td>" + "{0:.2f}".format(percentage) + "</td>"
changes_xml += "</tr>"
chart_data += "{{label: {0}, data: {1}}}".format(json.dumps(entry), "{0:.2f}".format(percentage))
if sorted(authorinfo_list)[-1] != entry:
chart_data += ", "
changes_xml += ("<tfoot><tr> <td colspan=\"5\"> </td> </tr></tfoot></tbody></table>")
changes_xml += "<div class=\"chart\" id=\"changes_chart\"></div></div>"
changes_xml += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
changes_xml += " changes_plot = $.plot($(\"#changes_chart\"), [{0}], {{".format(chart_data)
changes_xml += " series: {"
changes_xml += " pie: {"
changes_xml += " innerRadius: 0.4,"
changes_xml += " show: true,"
changes_xml += " combine: {"
changes_xml += " threshold: 0.01,"
changes_xml += " label: \"" + _("Minor Authors") + "\""
changes_xml += " }"
changes_xml += " }"
changes_xml += " }, grid: {"
changes_xml += " hoverable: true"
changes_xml += " }"
changes_xml += " });"
changes_xml += "</script>"
changes_xml += "<p>" + _(NO_COMMITED_FILES_TEXT) + ".</p>"
changes_xml += "</div></div>"
def output_text(self):
authorinfo_list = self.changes.get_authorinfo_list()
total_changes = 0.0
for i in authorinfo_list:
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).insertions
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).deletions
if authorinfo_list:
print(textwrap.fill(_(HISTORICAL_INFO_TEXT) + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]) + "\n")
terminal.printb(terminal.ljust(_("Author"), 21) + terminal.rjust(_("Commits"), 13) +
terminal.rjust(_("Insertions"), 14) + terminal.rjust(_("Deletions"), 15) +
terminal.rjust(_("% of changes"), 16))
for i in sorted(authorinfo_list):
authorinfo = authorinfo_list.get(i)
percentage = 0 if total_changes == 0 else (authorinfo.insertions + authorinfo.deletions) / total_changes * 100
print(terminal.ljust(i, 20)[0:20 - terminal.get_excess_column_count(i)], end=" ")
print(str(authorinfo.commits).rjust(13), end=" ")
print(str(authorinfo.insertions).rjust(13), end=" ")
print(str(authorinfo.deletions).rjust(14), end=" ")
print(_(NO_COMMITED_FILES_TEXT) + ".")
def output_xml(self):
authorinfo_list = self.changes.get_authorinfo_list()
total_changes = 0.0
for i in authorinfo_list:
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).insertions
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).deletions
if authorinfo_list:
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(HISTORICAL_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
changes_xml = ""
for i in sorted(authorinfo_list):
authorinfo = authorinfo_list.get(i)
percentage = 0 if total_changes == 0 else (authorinfo.insertions + authorinfo.deletions) / total_changes * 100
name_xml = "\t\t\t\t<name>" + i + "</name>\n"
gravatar_xml = "\t\t\t\t<gravatar>" + gravatar.get_url(self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(i)) + "</gravatar>\n"
commits_xml = "\t\t\t\t<commits>" + str(authorinfo.commits) + "</commits>\n"
insertions_xml = "\t\t\t\t<insertions>" + str(authorinfo.insertions) + "</insertions>\n"
deletions_xml = "\t\t\t\t<deletions>" + str(authorinfo.deletions) + "</deletions>\n"
percentage_xml = "\t\t\t\t<percentage-of-changes>" + "{0:.2f}".format(percentage) + "</percentage-of-changes>\n"
changes_xml += ("\t\t\t<author>\n" + name_xml + gravatar_xml + commits_xml + insertions_xml +
deletions_xml + percentage_xml + "\t\t\t</author>\n")
print("\t<changes>\n" + message_xml + "\t\t<authors>\n" + changes_xml + "\t\t</authors>\n\t</changes>")
print("\t<changes>\n\t\t<exception>" + _(NO_COMMITED_FILES_TEXT) + "</exception>\n\t</changes>")
@ -17,12 +17,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from outputable import Outputable
import terminal
import textwrap
DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = ["java", "c", "cc", "cpp", "h", "hh", "hpp", "py", "glsl", "rb", "js", "sql"]
@ -41,56 +36,3 @@ def add_located(string):
EXTENSIONS_INFO_TEXT = N_("The extensions below were found in the repository history")
EXTENSIONS_MARKED_TEXT = N_("(extensions used during statistical analysis are marked)")
class Extensions(Outputable):
def is_marked(extension):
if extension in __extensions__ or "**" in __extensions__:
return True
return False
def output_html(self):
if __located_extensions__:
extensions_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\">"
extensions_xml += "<p>{0} {1}.</p><p>".format(_(EXTENSIONS_INFO_TEXT), _(EXTENSIONS_MARKED_TEXT))
for i in sorted(__located_extensions__):
if Extensions.is_marked(i):
extensions_xml += "<strong>" + i + "</strong>"
extensions_xml += i
extensions_xml += " "
extensions_xml += "</p></div></div>"
def output_text(self):
if __located_extensions__:
print("\n" + textwrap.fill("{0} {1}:".format(_(EXTENSIONS_INFO_TEXT), _(EXTENSIONS_MARKED_TEXT)),
for i in sorted(__located_extensions__):
if Extensions.is_marked(i):
print("[" + terminal.__bold__ + i + terminal.__normal__ + "]", end=" ")
print (i, end=" ")
def output_xml(self):
if __located_extensions__:
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(EXTENSIONS_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
used_extensions_xml = ""
unused_extensions_xml = ""
for i in sorted(__located_extensions__):
if Extensions.is_marked(i):
used_extensions_xml += "\t\t\t<extension>" + i + "</extension>\n"
unused_extensions_xml += "\t\t\t<extension>" + i + "</extension>\n"
print("\t<extensions>\n" + message_xml + "\t\t<used>\n" + used_extensions_xml + "\t\t</used>\n" +
"\t\t<unused>\n" + unused_extensions_xml + "\t\t</unused>\n" + "\t</extensions>")
@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from outputable import Outputable
import re
import subprocess
import terminal
@ -92,71 +90,3 @@ def set_filtered(string, filter_type="file"):
raise InvalidRegExpError(_("invalid regular expression specified"))
return False
FILTERING_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following files were excluded from the statistics due to the specified exclusion patterns")
FILTERING_AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following authors were excluded from the statistics due to the specified exclusion patterns")
FILTERING_EMAIL_INFO_TEXT = N_("The authors with the following emails were excluded from the statistics due to the specified " \
"exclusion patterns")
FILTERING_COMMIT_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following commit revisions were excluded from the statistics due to the specified " \
"exclusion patterns")
class Filtering(Outputable):
def __output_html_section__(info_string, filtered):
filtering_xml = ""
if filtered:
filtering_xml += "<p>" + info_string + "."+ "</p>"
for i in filtered:
filtering_xml += "<p>" + i + "</p>"
return filtering_xml
def output_html(self):
if has_filtered():
filtering_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\">"
Filtering.__output_html_section__(_(FILTERING_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["file"][1])
Filtering.__output_html_section__(_(FILTERING_AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["author"][1])
Filtering.__output_html_section__(_(FILTERING_EMAIL_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["email"][1])
Filtering.__output_html_section__(_(FILTERING_COMMIT_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["revision"][1])
filtering_xml += "</div></div>"
def __output_text_section__(info_string, filtered):
if filtered:
print("\n" + textwrap.fill(info_string + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]))
for i in filtered:
(width, _unused) = terminal.get_size()
print("...%s" % i[-width+3:] if len(i) > width else i)
def output_text(self):
Filtering.__output_text_section__(_(FILTERING_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["file"][1])
Filtering.__output_text_section__(_(FILTERING_AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["author"][1])
Filtering.__output_text_section__(_(FILTERING_EMAIL_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["email"][1])
Filtering.__output_text_section__(_(FILTERING_COMMIT_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["revision"][1])
def __output_xml_section__(info_string, filtered, container_tagname):
if filtered:
message_xml = "\t\t\t<message>" +info_string + "</message>\n"
filtering_xml = ""
for i in filtered:
filtering_xml += "\t\t\t\t<entry>".format(container_tagname) + i + "</entry>\n".format(container_tagname)
print(message_xml + "\t\t\t<entries>\n" + filtering_xml + "\t\t\t</entries>\n")
def output_xml(self):
if has_filtered():
Filtering.__output_xml_section__(_(FILTERING_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["file"][1], "files")
Filtering.__output_xml_section__(_(FILTERING_AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["author"][1], "authors")
Filtering.__output_xml_section__(_(FILTERING_EMAIL_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["email"][1], "emails")
Filtering.__output_xml_section__(_(FILTERING_COMMIT_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["revision"][1], "revision")
@ -20,10 +20,17 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import localization
from output import outputable
from output.blameoutput import BlameOutput
from output.changesoutput import ChangesOutput
from output.extensionsoutput import ExtensionsOutput
from output.filteringoutput import FilteringOutput
from output.metricsoutput import MetricsOutput
from output.responsibilitiesoutput import ResponsibilitiesOutput
from output.timelineoutput import TimelineOutput
import atexit
import basedir
import blame
@ -39,7 +46,6 @@ import getopt
import metrics
import os
import optval
import outputable
import responsibilities
import sys
import terminal
@ -72,24 +78,24 @@ class Runner:
absolute_path = basedir.get_basedir_git()
if changes.get(self.hard).get_commits():
outputable.output(blame.BlameOutput(changes.get(self.hard), self.hard, self.useweeks))
outputable.output(BlameOutput(changes.get(self.hard), self.hard, self.useweeks))
if self.timeline:
outputable.output(timeline.Timeline(changes.get(self.hard), self.useweeks))
outputable.output(TimelineOutput(changes.get(self.hard), self.useweeks))
if self.include_metrics:
if self.responsibilities:
outputable.output(responsibilities.ResponsibilitiesOutput(self.hard, self.useweeks))
outputable.output(ResponsibilitiesOutput(self.hard, self.useweeks))
if self.list_file_types:
@ -116,103 +116,3 @@ class MetricsLogic:
eloc_counter += 1
return eloc_counter
ELOC_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following files are suspiciously big (in order of severity)")
CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_TEXT = N_("The following files have an elevated cyclomatic complexity (in order of severity)")
CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_DENSITY_TEXT = N_("The following files have an elevated cyclomatic complexity density " \
"(in order of severity)")
METRICS_MISSING_INFO_TEXT = N_("No metrics violations were found in the repository")
METRICS_VIOLATION_SCORES = [[1.0, "minimal"], [1.25, "minor"], [1.5, "medium"], [2.0, "bad"], [3.0, "severe"]]
def __get_metrics_score__(ceiling, value):
for i in reversed(METRICS_VIOLATION_SCORES):
if value > ceiling * i[0]:
return i[1]
class Metrics(Outputable):
def output_text(self):
metrics_logic = MetricsLogic()
if not metrics_logic.eloc and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
print("\n" + _(METRICS_MISSING_INFO_TEXT) + ".")
if metrics_logic.eloc:
print("\n" + _(ELOC_INFO_TEXT) + ":")
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.eloc.items()]), reverse = True):
print(_("{0} ({1} estimated lines of code)").format(i[1], str(i[0])))
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity:
print("\n" + _(CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_TEXT) + ":")
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity.items()]), reverse = True):
print(_("{0} ({1} in cyclomatic complexity)").format(i[1], str(i[0])))
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density.items()]), reverse = True):
print(_("{0} ({1:.3f} in cyclomatic complexity density)").format(i[1], i[0]))
def output_html(self):
metrics_logic = MetricsLogic()
metrics_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\" id=\"metrics\">"
if not metrics_logic.eloc and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
metrics_xml += "<p>" + _(METRICS_MISSING_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p>"
if metrics_logic.eloc:
metrics_xml += "<div><h4>" + _(ELOC_INFO_TEXT) + ".</h4>"
for num, i in enumerate(sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.eloc.items()]), reverse = True)):
metrics_xml += "<div class=\"" + __get_metrics_score__(__metric_eloc__[FileDiff.get_extension(i[1])], i[0]) + \
(" odd\">" if num % 2 == 1 else "\">") + \
_("{0} ({1} estimated lines of code)").format(i[1], str(i[0])) + "</div>"
metrics_xml += "</div>"
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity:
metrics_xml += "<div><h4>" + _(CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_TEXT) + "</h4>"
for num, i in enumerate(sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity.items()]), reverse = True)):
metrics_xml += "<div class=\"" + __get_metrics_score__(METRIC_CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_THRESHOLD, i[0]) + \
(" odd\">" if num % 2 == 1 else "\">") + \
_("{0} ({1} in cyclomatic complexity)").format(i[1], str(i[0])) + "</div>"
metrics_xml += "</div>"
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
metrics_xml += "<div><h4>" + _(CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_DENSITY_TEXT) + "</h4>"
for num, i in enumerate(sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density.items()]), reverse = True)):
metrics_xml += "<div class=\"" + __get_metrics_score__(METRIC_CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_DENSITY_THRESHOLD, i[0]) + \
(" odd\">" if num % 2 == 1 else "\">") + \
_("{0} ({1:.3f} in cyclomatic complexity density)").format(i[1], i[0]) + "</div>"
metrics_xml += "</div>"
metrics_xml += "</div></div>"
def output_xml(self):
metrics_logic = MetricsLogic()
if not metrics_logic.eloc and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
print("\t<metrics>\n\t\t<message>" + _(METRICS_MISSING_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n\t</metrics>")
eloc_xml = ""
if metrics_logic.eloc:
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.eloc.items()]), reverse = True):
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t<estimated-lines-of-code>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<file-name>" + i[1] + "</file-name>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<value>" + str(i[0]) + "</value>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t</estimated-lines-of-code>\n"
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity:
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity.items()]), reverse = True):
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t<cyclomatic-complexity>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<file-name>" + i[1] + "</file-name>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<value>" + str(i[0]) + "</value>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t</cyclomatic-complexity>\n"
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density.items()]), reverse = True):
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t<cyclomatic-complexity-density>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<file-name>" + i[1] + "</file-name>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<value>{0:.3f}</value>\n".format(i[0])
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t</cyclomatic-complexity-density>\n"
print("\t<metrics>\n\t\t<violations>\n" + eloc_xml + "\t\t</violations>\n\t</metrics>")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2013 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gitinspector.
# gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This file was intentionally left blank.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2012-2015 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gitinspector.
# gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from .outputable import Outputable
import blame
import format
import gravatar
import json
import sys
import terminal
import textwrap
BLAME_INFO_TEXT = N_("Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still "
"intact in the current revision")
class BlameOutput(Outputable):
def __init__(self, changes, hard, useweeks):
if format.is_interactive_format():
self.changes = changes
self.hard = hard
self.useweeks = useweeks
blame.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, self.changes)
def output_html(self):
blame_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\">"
blame_xml += "<p>" + _(BLAME_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p><div><table id=\"blame\" class=\"git\">"
blame_xml += "<thead><tr> <th>{0}</th> <th>{1}</th> <th>{2}</th> <th>{3}</th> <th>{4}</th> </tr></thead>".format(
_("Author"), _("Rows"), _("Stability"), _("Age"), _("% in comments"))
blame_xml += "<tbody>"
chart_data = ""
blames = sorted(blame.__blame__.get_summed_blames().items())
total_blames = 0
for i in blames:
total_blames += i[1].rows
for i, entry in enumerate(blames):
work_percentage = str("{0:.2f}".format(100.0 * entry[1].rows / total_blames))
blame_xml += "<tr " + ("class=\"odd\">" if i % 2 == 1 else ">")
if format.get_selected() == "html":
author_email = self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(entry[0])
blame_xml += "<td><img src=\"{0}\"/>{1}</td>".format(gravatar.get_url(author_email), entry[0])
blame_xml += "<td>" + entry[0] + "</td>"
blame_xml += "<td>" + str(entry[1].rows) + "</td>"
blame_xml += "<td>" + ("{0:.1f}".format(blame.Blame.get_stability(entry[0], entry[1].rows, self.changes)) + "</td>")
blame_xml += "<td>" + "{0:.1f}".format(float(entry[1].skew) / entry[1].rows) + "</td>"
blame_xml += "<td>" + "{0:.2f}".format(100.0 * entry[1].comments / entry[1].rows) + "</td>"
blame_xml += "<td style=\"display: none\">" + work_percentage + "</td>"
blame_xml += "</tr>"
chart_data += "{{label: {0}, data: {1}}}".format(json.dumps(entry[0]), work_percentage)
if blames[-1] != entry:
chart_data += ", "
blame_xml += "<tfoot><tr> <td colspan=\"5\"> </td> </tr></tfoot></tbody></table>"
blame_xml += "<div class=\"chart\" id=\"blame_chart\"></div></div>"
blame_xml += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
blame_xml += " blame_plot = $.plot($(\"#blame_chart\"), [{0}], {{".format(chart_data)
blame_xml += " series: {"
blame_xml += " pie: {"
blame_xml += " innerRadius: 0.4,"
blame_xml += " show: true,"
blame_xml += " combine: {"
blame_xml += " threshold: 0.01,"
blame_xml += " label: \"" + _("Minor Authors") + "\""
blame_xml += " }"
blame_xml += " }"
blame_xml += " }, grid: {"
blame_xml += " hoverable: true"
blame_xml += " }"
blame_xml += " });"
blame_xml += "</script></div></div>"
def output_text(self):
if sys.stdout.isatty() and format.is_interactive_format():
print(textwrap.fill(_(BLAME_INFO_TEXT) + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]) + "\n")
terminal.printb(terminal.ljust(_("Author"), 21) + terminal.rjust(_("Rows"), 10) + terminal.rjust(_("Stability"), 15) +
terminal.rjust(_("Age"), 13) + terminal.rjust(_("% in comments"), 20))
for i in sorted(blame.__blame__.get_summed_blames().items()):
print(terminal.ljust(i[0], 20)[0:20 - terminal.get_excess_column_count(i[0])], end=" ")
print(str(i[1].rows).rjust(10), end=" ")
print("{0:.1f}".format(blame.Blame.get_stability(i[0], i[1].rows, self.changes)).rjust(14), end=" ")
print("{0:.1f}".format(float(i[1].skew) / i[1].rows).rjust(12), end=" ")
print("{0:.2f}".format(100.0 * i[1].comments / i[1].rows).rjust(19))
def output_xml(self):
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(BLAME_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
blame_xml = ""
for i in sorted(blame.__blame__.get_summed_blames().items()):
author_email = self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(i[0])
name_xml = "\t\t\t\t<name>" + i[0] + "</name>\n"
gravatar_xml = "\t\t\t\t<gravatar>" + gravatar.get_url(author_email) + "</gravatar>\n"
rows_xml = "\t\t\t\t<rows>" + str(i[1].rows) + "</rows>\n"
stability_xml = ("\t\t\t\t<stability>" + "{0:.1f}".format(blame.Blame.get_stability(i[0], i[1].rows,
self.changes)) + "</stability>\n")
age_xml = ("\t\t\t\t<age>" + "{0:.1f}".format(float(i[1].skew) / i[1].rows) + "</age>\n")
percentage_in_comments_xml = ("\t\t\t\t<percentage-in-comments>" + "{0:.2f}".format(100.0 * i[1].comments / i[1].rows) +
blame_xml += ("\t\t\t<author>\n" + name_xml + gravatar_xml + rows_xml + stability_xml + age_xml +
percentage_in_comments_xml + "\t\t\t</author>\n")
print("\t<blame>\n" + message_xml + "\t\t<authors>\n" + blame_xml + "\t\t</authors>\n\t</blame>")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2012-2015 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gitinspector.
# gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from .outputable import Outputable
import changes
import format
import gravatar
import json
import terminal
import textwrap
HISTORICAL_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following historical commit information, by author, was found in the repository")
NO_COMMITED_FILES_TEXT = N_("No commited files with the specified extensions were found")
class ChangesOutput(Outputable):
def __init__(self, hard):
self.changes = changes.get(hard)
def output_html(self):
authorinfo_list = self.changes.get_authorinfo_list()
total_changes = 0.0
changes_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\">"
chart_data = ""
for i in authorinfo_list:
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).insertions
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).deletions
if authorinfo_list:
changes_xml += "<p>" + _(HISTORICAL_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p><div><table id=\"changes\" class=\"git\">"
changes_xml += "<thead><tr> <th>{0}</th> <th>{1}</th> <th>{2}</th> <th>{3}</th> <th>{4}</th>".format(
_("Author"), _("Commits"), _("Insertions"), _("Deletions"), _("% of changes"))
changes_xml += "</tr></thead><tbody>"
for i, entry in enumerate(sorted(authorinfo_list)):
authorinfo = authorinfo_list.get(entry)
percentage = 0 if total_changes == 0 else (authorinfo.insertions + authorinfo.deletions) / total_changes * 100
changes_xml += "<tr " + ("class=\"odd\">" if i % 2 == 1 else ">")
if format.get_selected() == "html":
changes_xml += "<td><img src=\"{0}\"/>{1}</td>".format(
gravatar.get_url(self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(entry)), entry)
changes_xml += "<td>" + entry + "</td>"
changes_xml += "<td>" + str(authorinfo.commits) + "</td>"
changes_xml += "<td>" + str(authorinfo.insertions) + "</td>"
changes_xml += "<td>" + str(authorinfo.deletions) + "</td>"
changes_xml += "<td>" + "{0:.2f}".format(percentage) + "</td>"
changes_xml += "</tr>"
chart_data += "{{label: {0}, data: {1}}}".format(json.dumps(entry), "{0:.2f}".format(percentage))
if sorted(authorinfo_list)[-1] != entry:
chart_data += ", "
changes_xml += ("<tfoot><tr> <td colspan=\"5\"> </td> </tr></tfoot></tbody></table>")
changes_xml += "<div class=\"chart\" id=\"changes_chart\"></div></div>"
changes_xml += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
changes_xml += " changes_plot = $.plot($(\"#changes_chart\"), [{0}], {{".format(chart_data)
changes_xml += " series: {"
changes_xml += " pie: {"
changes_xml += " innerRadius: 0.4,"
changes_xml += " show: true,"
changes_xml += " combine: {"
changes_xml += " threshold: 0.01,"
changes_xml += " label: \"" + _("Minor Authors") + "\""
changes_xml += " }"
changes_xml += " }"
changes_xml += " }, grid: {"
changes_xml += " hoverable: true"
changes_xml += " }"
changes_xml += " });"
changes_xml += "</script>"
changes_xml += "<p>" + _(NO_COMMITED_FILES_TEXT) + ".</p>"
changes_xml += "</div></div>"
def output_text(self):
authorinfo_list = self.changes.get_authorinfo_list()
total_changes = 0.0
for i in authorinfo_list:
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).insertions
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).deletions
if authorinfo_list:
print(textwrap.fill(_(HISTORICAL_INFO_TEXT) + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]) + "\n")
terminal.printb(terminal.ljust(_("Author"), 21) + terminal.rjust(_("Commits"), 13) +
terminal.rjust(_("Insertions"), 14) + terminal.rjust(_("Deletions"), 15) +
terminal.rjust(_("% of changes"), 16))
for i in sorted(authorinfo_list):
authorinfo = authorinfo_list.get(i)
percentage = 0 if total_changes == 0 else (authorinfo.insertions + authorinfo.deletions) / total_changes * 100
print(terminal.ljust(i, 20)[0:20 - terminal.get_excess_column_count(i)], end=" ")
print(str(authorinfo.commits).rjust(13), end=" ")
print(str(authorinfo.insertions).rjust(13), end=" ")
print(str(authorinfo.deletions).rjust(14), end=" ")
print(_(NO_COMMITED_FILES_TEXT) + ".")
def output_xml(self):
authorinfo_list = self.changes.get_authorinfo_list()
total_changes = 0.0
for i in authorinfo_list:
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).insertions
total_changes += authorinfo_list.get(i).deletions
if authorinfo_list:
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(HISTORICAL_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
changes_xml = ""
for i in sorted(authorinfo_list):
authorinfo = authorinfo_list.get(i)
percentage = 0 if total_changes == 0 else (authorinfo.insertions + authorinfo.deletions) / total_changes * 100
name_xml = "\t\t\t\t<name>" + i + "</name>\n"
gravatar_xml = "\t\t\t\t<gravatar>" + gravatar.get_url(self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(i)) + "</gravatar>\n"
commits_xml = "\t\t\t\t<commits>" + str(authorinfo.commits) + "</commits>\n"
insertions_xml = "\t\t\t\t<insertions>" + str(authorinfo.insertions) + "</insertions>\n"
deletions_xml = "\t\t\t\t<deletions>" + str(authorinfo.deletions) + "</deletions>\n"
percentage_xml = "\t\t\t\t<percentage-of-changes>" + "{0:.2f}".format(percentage) + "</percentage-of-changes>\n"
changes_xml += ("\t\t\t<author>\n" + name_xml + gravatar_xml + commits_xml + insertions_xml +
deletions_xml + percentage_xml + "\t\t\t</author>\n")
print("\t<changes>\n" + message_xml + "\t\t<authors>\n" + changes_xml + "\t\t</authors>\n\t</changes>")
print("\t<changes>\n\t\t<exception>" + _(NO_COMMITED_FILES_TEXT) + "</exception>\n\t</changes>")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2012-2015 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gitinspector.
# gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import extensions
from localization import N_
from .outputable import Outputable
import terminal
import textwrap
EXTENSIONS_INFO_TEXT = N_("The extensions below were found in the repository history")
EXTENSIONS_MARKED_TEXT = N_("(extensions used during statistical analysis are marked)")
class ExtensionsOutput(Outputable):
def is_marked(extension):
if extension in extensions.__extensions__ or "**" in extensions.__extensions__:
return True
return False
def output_html(self):
if extensions.__located_extensions__:
extensions_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\">"
extensions_xml += "<p>{0} {1}.</p><p>".format(_(EXTENSIONS_INFO_TEXT), _(EXTENSIONS_MARKED_TEXT))
for i in sorted(extensions.__located_extensions__):
if ExtensionsOutput.is_marked(i):
extensions_xml += "<strong>" + i + "</strong>"
extensions_xml += i
extensions_xml += " "
extensions_xml += "</p></div></div>"
def output_text(self):
if extensions.__located_extensions__:
print("\n" + textwrap.fill("{0} {1}:".format(_(EXTENSIONS_INFO_TEXT), _(EXTENSIONS_MARKED_TEXT)),
for i in sorted(extensions.__located_extensions__):
if ExtensionsOutput.is_marked(i):
print("[" + terminal.__bold__ + i + terminal.__normal__ + "]", end=" ")
print (i, end=" ")
def output_xml(self):
if extensions.__located_extensions__:
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(EXTENSIONS_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
used_extensions_xml = ""
unused_extensions_xml = ""
for i in sorted(extensions.__located_extensions__):
if ExtensionsOutput.is_marked(i):
used_extensions_xml += "\t\t\t<extension>" + i + "</extension>\n"
unused_extensions_xml += "\t\t\t<extension>" + i + "</extension>\n"
print("\t<extensions>\n" + message_xml + "\t\t<used>\n" + used_extensions_xml + "\t\t</used>\n" +
"\t\t<unused>\n" + unused_extensions_xml + "\t\t</unused>\n" + "\t</extensions>")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2012-2015 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gitinspector.
# gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from filtering import __filters__
from filtering import has_filtered
from localization import N_
from .outputable import Outputable
import terminal
import textwrap
FILTERING_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following files were excluded from the statistics due to the specified exclusion patterns")
FILTERING_AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following authors were excluded from the statistics due to the specified exclusion patterns")
FILTERING_EMAIL_INFO_TEXT = N_("The authors with the following emails were excluded from the statistics due to the specified " \
"exclusion patterns")
FILTERING_COMMIT_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following commit revisions were excluded from the statistics due to the specified " \
"exclusion patterns")
class FilteringOutput(Outputable):
def __output_html_section__(info_string, filtered):
filtering_xml = ""
if filtered:
filtering_xml += "<p>" + info_string + "."+ "</p>"
for i in filtered:
filtering_xml += "<p>" + i + "</p>"
return filtering_xml
def output_html(self):
if has_filtered():
filtering_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\">"
FilteringOutput.__output_html_section__(_(FILTERING_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["file"][1])
FilteringOutput.__output_html_section__(_(FILTERING_AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["author"][1])
FilteringOutput.__output_html_section__(_(FILTERING_EMAIL_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["email"][1])
FilteringOutput.__output_html_section__(_(FILTERING_COMMIT_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["revision"][1])
filtering_xml += "</div></div>"
def __output_text_section__(info_string, filtered):
if filtered:
print("\n" + textwrap.fill(info_string + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]))
for i in filtered:
(width, _unused) = terminal.get_size()
print("...%s" % i[-width+3:] if len(i) > width else i)
def output_text(self):
FilteringOutput.__output_text_section__(_(FILTERING_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["file"][1])
FilteringOutput.__output_text_section__(_(FILTERING_AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["author"][1])
FilteringOutput.__output_text_section__(_(FILTERING_EMAIL_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["email"][1])
FilteringOutput.__output_text_section__(_(FILTERING_COMMIT_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["revision"][1])
def __output_xml_section__(info_string, filtered, container_tagname):
if filtered:
message_xml = "\t\t\t<message>" +info_string + "</message>\n"
filtering_xml = ""
for i in filtered:
filtering_xml += "\t\t\t\t<entry>".format(container_tagname) + i + "</entry>\n".format(container_tagname)
print(message_xml + "\t\t\t<entries>\n" + filtering_xml + "\t\t\t</entries>\n")
def output_xml(self):
if has_filtered():
FilteringOutput.__output_xml_section__(_(FILTERING_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["file"][1], "files")
FilteringOutput.__output_xml_section__(_(FILTERING_AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["author"][1], "authors")
FilteringOutput.__output_xml_section__(_(FILTERING_EMAIL_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["email"][1], "emails")
FilteringOutput.__output_xml_section__(_(FILTERING_COMMIT_INFO_TEXT), __filters__["revision"][1], "revision")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2012-2015 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gitinspector.
# gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from .outputable import Outputable
import metrics
ELOC_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following files are suspiciously big (in order of severity)")
CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_TEXT = N_("The following files have an elevated cyclomatic complexity (in order of severity)")
CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_DENSITY_TEXT = N_("The following files have an elevated cyclomatic complexity density " \
"(in order of severity)")
METRICS_MISSING_INFO_TEXT = N_("No metrics violations were found in the repository")
METRICS_VIOLATION_SCORES = [[1.0, "minimal"], [1.25, "minor"], [1.5, "medium"], [2.0, "bad"], [3.0, "severe"]]
def __get_metrics_score__(ceiling, value):
for i in reversed(METRICS_VIOLATION_SCORES):
if value > ceiling * i[0]:
return i[1]
class MetricsOutput(Outputable):
def output_text(self):
metrics_logic = metrics.MetricsLogic()
if not metrics_logic.eloc and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
print("\n" + _(METRICS_MISSING_INFO_TEXT) + ".")
if metrics_logic.eloc:
print("\n" + _(ELOC_INFO_TEXT) + ":")
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.eloc.items()]), reverse=True):
print(_("{0} ({1} estimated lines of code)").format(i[1], str(i[0])))
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity:
print("\n" + _(CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_TEXT) + ":")
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity.items()]), reverse=True):
print(_("{0} ({1} in cyclomatic complexity)").format(i[1], str(i[0])))
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density.items()]), reverse=True):
print(_("{0} ({1:.3f} in cyclomatic complexity density)").format(i[1], i[0]))
def output_html(self):
metrics_logic = metrics.MetricsLogic()
metrics_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\" id=\"metrics\">"
if not metrics_logic.eloc and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
metrics_xml += "<p>" + _(METRICS_MISSING_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p>"
if metrics_logic.eloc:
metrics_xml += "<div><h4>" + _(ELOC_INFO_TEXT) + ".</h4>"
for num, i in enumerate(sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.eloc.items()]), reverse=True)):
metrics_xml += "<div class=\"" + __get_metrics_score__(__metric_eloc__[FileDiff.get_extension(i[1])], i[0]) + \
(" odd\">" if num % 2 == 1 else "\">") + \
_("{0} ({1} estimated lines of code)").format(i[1], str(i[0])) + "</div>"
metrics_xml += "</div>"
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity:
metrics_xml += "<div><h4>" + _(CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_TEXT) + "</h4>"
for num, i in enumerate(sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity.items()]), reverse=True)):
metrics_xml += "<div class=\"" + __get_metrics_score__(metrics.METRIC_CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_THRESHOLD, i[0]) + \
(" odd\">" if num % 2 == 1 else "\">") + \
_("{0} ({1} in cyclomatic complexity)").format(i[1], str(i[0])) + "</div>"
metrics_xml += "</div>"
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
metrics_xml += "<div><h4>" + _(CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_DENSITY_TEXT) + "</h4>"
for num, i in enumerate(sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density.items()]), reverse=True)):
metrics_xml += "<div class=\"" + __get_metrics_score__(metrics.METRIC_CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY_DENSITY_THRESHOLD, i[0]) + \
(" odd\">" if num % 2 == 1 else "\">") + \
_("{0} ({1:.3f} in cyclomatic complexity density)").format(i[1], i[0]) + "</div>"
metrics_xml += "</div>"
metrics_xml += "</div></div>"
def output_xml(self):
metrics_logic = metrics.MetricsLogic()
if not metrics_logic.eloc and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity and not metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
print("\t<metrics>\n\t\t<message>" + _(METRICS_MISSING_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n\t</metrics>")
eloc_xml = ""
if metrics_logic.eloc:
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.eloc.items()]), reverse=True):
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t<estimated-lines-of-code>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<file-name>" + i[1] + "</file-name>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<value>" + str(i[0]) + "</value>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t</estimated-lines-of-code>\n"
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity:
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity.items()]), reverse=True):
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t<cyclomatic-complexity>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<file-name>" + i[1] + "</file-name>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<value>" + str(i[0]) + "</value>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t</cyclomatic-complexity>\n"
if metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density:
for i in sorted(set([(j, i) for (i, j) in metrics_logic.cyclomatic_complexity_density.items()]), reverse=True):
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t<cyclomatic-complexity-density>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<file-name>" + i[1] + "</file-name>\n"
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t\t<value>{0:.3f}</value>\n".format(i[0])
eloc_xml += "\t\t\t</cyclomatic-complexity-density>\n"
print("\t<metrics>\n\t\t<violations>\n" + eloc_xml + "\t\t</violations>\n\t</metrics>")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2012-2014 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gitinspector.
# gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from .outputable import Outputable
import blame
import changes
import format
import gravatar
import responsibilities as resp
import terminal
import textwrap
RESPONSIBILITIES_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following repsonsibilties, by author, were found in the current "
"revision of the repository (comments are exluded from the line count, "
"if possible)")
MOSTLY_RESPONSIBLE_FOR_TEXT = N_("is mostly responsible for")
class ResponsibilitiesOutput(Outputable):
def __init__(self, hard, useweeks):
self.hard = hard
self.useweeks = useweeks
self.changes = changes.get(hard)
def output_text(self):
print("\n" + textwrap.fill(_(RESPONSIBILITIES_INFO_TEXT) + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]))
for i in sorted(set(i[0] for i in blame.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, self.changes).blames)):
responsibilities = sorted(((i[1], i[0]) for i in resp.Responsibilities.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, i)), reverse=True)
if responsibilities:
print("\n" + i, _(MOSTLY_RESPONSIBLE_FOR_TEXT) + ":")
for j, entry in enumerate(responsibilities):
(width, _unused) = terminal.get_size()
width -= 7
print(str(entry[0]).rjust(6), end=" ")
print("...%s" % entry[1][-width+3:] if len(entry[1]) > width else entry[1])
if j >= 9:
def output_html(self):
resp_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\" id=\"responsibilities\">"
resp_xml += "<p>" + _(RESPONSIBILITIES_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p>"
for i in sorted(set(i[0] for i in blame.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, self.changes).blames)):
responsibilities = sorted(((i[1], i[0]) for i in resp.Responsibilities.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, i)), reverse=True)
if responsibilities:
resp_xml += "<div>"
if format.get_selected() == "html":
author_email = self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(i)
resp_xml += "<h3><img src=\"{0}\"/>{1} {2}</h3>".format(gravatar.get_url(author_email, size=32),
resp_xml += "<h3>{0} {1}</h3>".format(i, _(MOSTLY_RESPONSIBLE_FOR_TEXT))
for j, entry in enumerate(responsibilities):
resp_xml += "<div" + (" class=\"odd\">" if j % 2 == 1 else ">") + entry[1] + \
" (" + str(entry[0]) + " eloc)</div>"
if j >= 9:
resp_xml += "</div>"
resp_xml += "</div></div>"
def output_xml(self):
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(RESPONSIBILITIES_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
resp_xml = ""
for i in sorted(set(i[0] for i in blame.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, self.changes).blames)):
responsibilities = sorted(((i[1], i[0]) for i in resp.Responsibilities.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, i)), reverse=True)
if responsibilities:
author_email = self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(i)
resp_xml += "\t\t\t<author>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t<name>" + i + "</name>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t<gravatar>" + gravatar.get_url(author_email) + "</gravatar>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t<files>\n"
for j, entry in enumerate(responsibilities):
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t<file>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t\t<name>" + entry[1] + "</name>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t\t<rows>" + str(entry[0]) + "</rows>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t</file>\n"
if j >= 9:
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t</files>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t</author>\n"
print("\t<responsibilities>\n" + message_xml + "\t\t<authors>\n" + resp_xml + "\t\t</authors>\n\t</responsibilities>")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2012-2014 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gitinspector.
# gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from .outputable import Outputable
import format
import gravatar
import terminal
import textwrap
import timeline
TIMELINE_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following history timeline has been gathered from the repository")
MODIFIED_ROWS_TEXT = N_("Modified Rows:")
def __output_row__text__(timeline_data, periods, names):
print("\n" + terminal.__bold__ + terminal.ljust(_("Author"), 20), end=" ")
for period in periods:
print(terminal.rjust(period, 10), end=" ")
for name in names:
if timeline_data.is_author_in_periods(periods, name[0]):
print(terminal.ljust(name[0], 20)[0:20 - terminal.get_excess_column_count(name[0])], end=" ")
for period in periods:
multiplier = timeline_data.get_multiplier(period, 9)
signs = timeline_data.get_author_signs_in_period(name[0], period, multiplier)
signs_str = (signs[1] * "-" + signs[0] * "+")
print (("." if timeline_data.is_author_in_period(period, name[0]) and
len(signs_str) == 0 else signs_str).rjust(10), end=" ")
print(terminal.__bold__ + terminal.ljust(_(MODIFIED_ROWS_TEXT), 20) + terminal.__normal__, end=" ")
for period in periods:
total_changes = str(timeline_data.get_total_changes_in_period(period)[2])
if hasattr(total_changes, 'decode'):
total_changes = total_changes.decode("utf-8", "replace")
print(terminal.rjust(total_changes, 10), end=" ")
def __output_row__html__(timeline_data, periods, names):
timeline_xml = "<table class=\"git full\"><thead><tr><th>" + _("Author") + "</th>"
for period in periods:
timeline_xml += "<th>" + str(period) + "</th>"
timeline_xml += "</tr></thead><tbody>"
i = 0
for name in names:
if timeline_data.is_author_in_periods(periods, name[0]):
timeline_xml += "<tr" + (" class=\"odd\">" if i % 2 == 1 else ">")
if format.get_selected() == "html":
timeline_xml += "<td><img src=\"{0}\"/>{1}</td>".format(gravatar.get_url(name[1]), name[0])
timeline_xml += "<td>" + name[0] + "</td>"
for period in periods:
multiplier = timeline_data.get_multiplier(period, 18)
signs = timeline_data.get_author_signs_in_period(name[0], period, multiplier)
signs_str = (signs[1] * "<div class=\"remove\"> </div>" + signs[0] * "<div class=\"insert\"> </div>")
timeline_xml += "<td>" + ("." if timeline_data.is_author_in_period(period, name[0]) and len(signs_str) == 0 else signs_str)
timeline_xml += "</td>"
timeline_xml += "</tr>"
i = i + 1
timeline_xml += "<tfoot><tr><td><strong>" + _(MODIFIED_ROWS_TEXT) + "</strong></td>"
for period in periods:
total_changes = timeline_data.get_total_changes_in_period(period)
timeline_xml += "<td>" + str(total_changes[2]) + "</td>"
timeline_xml += "</tr></tfoot></tbody></table>"
class TimelineOutput(Outputable):
def __init__(self, changes, useweeks):
self.changes = changes
self.useweeks = useweeks
def output_text(self):
if self.changes.get_commits():
print("\n" + textwrap.fill(_(TIMELINE_INFO_TEXT) + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]))
timeline_data = timeline.TimelineData(self.changes, self.useweeks)
periods = timeline_data.get_periods()
names = timeline_data.get_authors()
(width, _unused) = terminal.get_size()
max_periods_per_row = int((width - 21) / 11)
for i in range(0, len(periods), max_periods_per_row):
__output_row__text__(timeline_data, periods[i:i+max_periods_per_row], names)
def output_html(self):
if self.changes.get_commits():
timeline_data = timeline.TimelineData(self.changes, self.useweeks)
periods = timeline_data.get_periods()
names = timeline_data.get_authors()
max_periods_per_row = 8
timeline_xml = "<div><div id=\"timeline\" class=\"box\">"
timeline_xml += "<p>" + _(TIMELINE_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p>"
for i in range(0, len(periods), max_periods_per_row):
__output_row__html__(timeline_data, periods[i:i+max_periods_per_row], names)
timeline_xml = "</div></div>"
def output_xml(self):
if self.changes.get_commits():
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(TIMELINE_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
timeline_xml = ""
periods_xml = "\t\t<periods length=\"{0}\">\n".format("week" if self.useweeks else "month")
timeline_data = timeline.TimelineData(self.changes, self.useweeks)
periods = timeline_data.get_periods()
names = timeline_data.get_authors()
for period in periods:
name_xml = "\t\t\t\t<name>" + str(period) + "</name>\n"
authors_xml = "\t\t\t\t<authors>\n"
for name in names:
if timeline_data.is_author_in_period(period, name[0]):
multiplier = timeline_data.get_multiplier(period, 24)
signs = timeline_data.get_author_signs_in_period(name[0], period, multiplier)
signs_str = (signs[1] * "-" + signs[0] * "+")
if len(signs_str) == 0:
signs_str = "."
authors_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t<author>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<name>" + name[0] + "</name>\n"
authors_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t\t<gravatar>" + gravatar.get_url(name[1]) + "</gravatar>\n"
authors_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t\t<work>" + signs_str + "</work>\n\t\t\t\t\t</author>\n"
authors_xml += "\t\t\t\t</authors>\n"
modified_rows_xml = "\t\t\t\t<modified_rows>" + \
str(timeline_data.get_total_changes_in_period(period)[2]) + "</modified_rows>\n"
timeline_xml += "\t\t\t<period>\n" + name_xml + authors_xml + modified_rows_xml + "\t\t\t</period>\n"
print("\t<timeline>\n" + message_xml + periods_xml + timeline_xml + "\t\t</periods>\n\t</timeline>")
@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from outputable import Outputable
import blame
import changes
import format
@ -43,87 +41,3 @@ class Responsibilities:
author_blames[i[0][1]] = total_rows
return sorted(author_blames.items())
RESPONSIBILITIES_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following repsonsibilties, by author, were found in the current "
"revision of the repository (comments are exluded from the line count, "
"if possible)")
MOSTLY_RESPONSIBLE_FOR_TEXT = N_("is mostly responsible for")
class ResponsibilitiesOutput(Outputable):
def __init__(self, hard, useweeks):
self.hard = hard
self.useweeks = useweeks
self.changes = changes.get(hard)
def output_text(self):
print("\n" + textwrap.fill(_(RESPONSIBILITIES_INFO_TEXT) + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]))
for i in sorted(set(i[0] for i in blame.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, self.changes).blames)):
responsibilities = sorted(((i[1], i[0]) for i in Responsibilities.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, i)), reverse=True)
if responsibilities:
print("\n" + i, _(MOSTLY_RESPONSIBLE_FOR_TEXT) + ":")
for j, entry in enumerate(responsibilities):
(width, _unused) = terminal.get_size()
width -= 7
print(str(entry[0]).rjust(6), end=" ")
print("...%s" % entry[1][-width+3:] if len(entry[1]) > width else entry[1])
if j >= 9:
def output_html(self):
resp_xml = "<div><div class=\"box\" id=\"responsibilities\">"
resp_xml += "<p>" + _(RESPONSIBILITIES_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p>"
for i in sorted(set(i[0] for i in blame.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, self.changes).blames)):
responsibilities = sorted(((i[1], i[0]) for i in Responsibilities.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, i)), reverse=True)
if responsibilities:
resp_xml += "<div>"
if format.get_selected() == "html":
author_email = self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(i)
resp_xml += "<h3><img src=\"{0}\"/>{1} {2}</h3>".format(gravatar.get_url(author_email, size=32),
resp_xml += "<h3>{0} {1}</h3>".format(i, _(MOSTLY_RESPONSIBLE_FOR_TEXT))
for j, entry in enumerate(responsibilities):
resp_xml += "<div" + (" class=\"odd\">" if j % 2 == 1 else ">") + entry[1] + \
" (" + str(entry[0]) + " eloc)</div>"
if j >= 9:
resp_xml += "</div>"
resp_xml += "</div></div>"
def output_xml(self):
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(RESPONSIBILITIES_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
resp_xml = ""
for i in sorted(set(i[0] for i in blame.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, self.changes).blames)):
responsibilities = sorted(((i[1], i[0]) for i in Responsibilities.get(self.hard, self.useweeks, i)), reverse=True)
if responsibilities:
author_email = self.changes.get_latest_email_by_author(i)
resp_xml += "\t\t\t<author>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t<name>" + i + "</name>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t<gravatar>" + gravatar.get_url(author_email) + "</gravatar>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t<files>\n"
for j, entry in enumerate(responsibilities):
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t<file>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t\t<name>" + entry[1] + "</name>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t\t<rows>" + str(entry[0]) + "</rows>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t</file>\n"
if j >= 9:
resp_xml += "\t\t\t\t</files>\n"
resp_xml += "\t\t\t</author>\n"
print("\t<responsibilities>\n" + message_xml + "\t\t<authors>\n" + resp_xml + "\t\t</authors>\n\t</responsibilities>")
@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from localization import N_
from outputable import Outputable
import datetime
import format
import gravatar
@ -105,146 +103,3 @@ class TimelineData:
if self.is_author_in_period(period, author):
return True
return False
TIMELINE_INFO_TEXT = N_("The following history timeline has been gathered from the repository")
MODIFIED_ROWS_TEXT = N_("Modified Rows:")
def __output_row__text__(timeline_data, periods, names):
print("\n" + terminal.__bold__ + terminal.ljust(_("Author"), 20), end=" ")
for period in periods:
print(terminal.rjust(period, 10), end=" ")
for name in names:
if timeline_data.is_author_in_periods(periods, name[0]):
print(terminal.ljust(name[0], 20)[0:20 - terminal.get_excess_column_count(name[0])], end=" ")
for period in periods:
multiplier = timeline_data.get_multiplier(period, 9)
signs = timeline_data.get_author_signs_in_period(name[0], period, multiplier)
signs_str = (signs[1] * "-" + signs[0] * "+")
print (("." if timeline_data.is_author_in_period(period, name[0]) and
len(signs_str) == 0 else signs_str).rjust(10), end=" ")
print(terminal.__bold__ + terminal.ljust(_(MODIFIED_ROWS_TEXT), 20) + terminal.__normal__, end=" ")
for period in periods:
total_changes = str(timeline_data.get_total_changes_in_period(period)[2])
if hasattr(total_changes, 'decode'):
total_changes = total_changes.decode("utf-8", "replace")
print(terminal.rjust(total_changes, 10), end=" ")
def __output_row__html__(timeline_data, periods, names):
timeline_xml = "<table class=\"git full\"><thead><tr><th>" + _("Author") + "</th>"
for period in periods:
timeline_xml += "<th>" + str(period) + "</th>"
timeline_xml += "</tr></thead><tbody>"
i = 0
for name in names:
if timeline_data.is_author_in_periods(periods, name[0]):
timeline_xml += "<tr" + (" class=\"odd\">" if i % 2 == 1 else ">")
if format.get_selected() == "html":
timeline_xml += "<td><img src=\"{0}\"/>{1}</td>".format(gravatar.get_url(name[1]), name[0])
timeline_xml += "<td>" + name[0] + "</td>"
for period in periods:
multiplier = timeline_data.get_multiplier(period, 18)
signs = timeline_data.get_author_signs_in_period(name[0], period, multiplier)
signs_str = (signs[1] * "<div class=\"remove\"> </div>" + signs[0] * "<div class=\"insert\"> </div>")
timeline_xml += "<td>" + ("." if timeline_data.is_author_in_period(period, name[0]) and len(signs_str) == 0 else signs_str)
timeline_xml += "</td>"
timeline_xml += "</tr>"
i = i + 1
timeline_xml += "<tfoot><tr><td><strong>" + _(MODIFIED_ROWS_TEXT) + "</strong></td>"
for period in periods:
total_changes = timeline_data.get_total_changes_in_period(period)
timeline_xml += "<td>" + str(total_changes[2]) + "</td>"
timeline_xml += "</tr></tfoot></tbody></table>"
class Timeline(Outputable):
def __init__(self, changes, useweeks):
self.changes = changes
self.useweeks = useweeks
def output_text(self):
if self.changes.get_commits():
print("\n" + textwrap.fill(_(TIMELINE_INFO_TEXT) + ":", width=terminal.get_size()[0]))
timeline_data = TimelineData(self.changes, self.useweeks)
periods = timeline_data.get_periods()
names = timeline_data.get_authors()
(width, _unused) = terminal.get_size()
max_periods_per_row = int((width - 21) / 11)
for i in range(0, len(periods), max_periods_per_row):
__output_row__text__(timeline_data, periods[i:i+max_periods_per_row], names)
def output_html(self):
if self.changes.get_commits():
timeline_data = TimelineData(self.changes, self.useweeks)
periods = timeline_data.get_periods()
names = timeline_data.get_authors()
max_periods_per_row = 8
timeline_xml = "<div><div id=\"timeline\" class=\"box\">"
timeline_xml += "<p>" + _(TIMELINE_INFO_TEXT) + ".</p>"
for i in range(0, len(periods), max_periods_per_row):
__output_row__html__(timeline_data, periods[i:i+max_periods_per_row], names)
timeline_xml = "</div></div>"
def output_xml(self):
if self.changes.get_commits():
message_xml = "\t\t<message>" + _(TIMELINE_INFO_TEXT) + "</message>\n"
timeline_xml = ""
periods_xml = "\t\t<periods length=\"{0}\">\n".format("week" if self.useweeks else "month")
timeline_data = TimelineData(self.changes, self.useweeks)
periods = timeline_data.get_periods()
names = timeline_data.get_authors()
for period in periods:
name_xml = "\t\t\t\t<name>" + str(period) + "</name>\n"
authors_xml = "\t\t\t\t<authors>\n"
for name in names:
if timeline_data.is_author_in_period(period, name[0]):
multiplier = timeline_data.get_multiplier(period, 24)
signs = timeline_data.get_author_signs_in_period(name[0], period, multiplier)
signs_str = (signs[1] * "-" + signs[0] * "+")
if len(signs_str) == 0:
signs_str = "."
authors_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t<author>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<name>" + name[0] + "</name>\n"
authors_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t\t<gravatar>" + gravatar.get_url(name[1]) + "</gravatar>\n"
authors_xml += "\t\t\t\t\t\t<work>" + signs_str + "</work>\n\t\t\t\t\t</author>\n"
authors_xml += "\t\t\t\t</authors>\n"
modified_rows_xml = "\t\t\t\t<modified_rows>" + \
str(timeline_data.get_total_changes_in_period(period)[2]) + "</modified_rows>\n"
timeline_xml += "\t\t\t<period>\n" + name_xml + authors_xml + modified_rows_xml + "\t\t\t</period>\n"
print("\t<timeline>\n" + message_xml + periods_xml + timeline_xml + "\t\t</periods>\n\t</timeline>")
Reference in a new issue