Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ejwa/gitinspector.git synced 2025-03-23 16:58:00 +01:00

Ran the whole project through "pylint" and fixed violations.

Also created a custom .pylintrc file that disables a few warnings, but for the
most part, gitinspector now follows proper python guidelines.
This commit is contained in:
Adam Waldenberg 2012-05-04 15:15:41 +02:00
parent 1eedd79089
commit e5137a8468
9 changed files with 118 additions and 104 deletions

.pylintrc Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

View file

@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ import terminal
class Blame:
def __init__(self, repo, hard):
self.blames = {}
f = sysrun.run(repo, "git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD")
ls_tree_r = sysrun.run(repo, "git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD")
for i in f.readlines():
for i in ls_tree_r.readlines():
if FileDiff.is_valid_extension(i):
g = sysrun.run(repo, "git blame -w {0} \"".format("-C -M" if hard else "") + i.strip() + "\"")
git_blame_r = sysrun.run(repo, "git blame -w {0} \"".format("-C -M" if hard else "") +
i.strip() + "\"")
for j in g.readlines():
for j in git_blame_r.readlines():
if Blame.is_blame_line(j):
author = Blame.get_author(j)
@ -46,15 +47,15 @@ class Blame:
def get_author(string):
g = re.search(" \((.*?)\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d", string)
return re.sub("[^\w ]", "", g.group(1)).strip()
author = re.search(" \((.*?)\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d", string)
return re.sub("[^\w ]", "", author.group(1)).strip()
def output(repo, hard):
b = Blame(repo, hard)
blame = Blame(repo, hard)
print "\nBelow is the number of rows from each author that have survived and"
print "are still intact in the current revision:\n"
terminal.printb("Author".ljust(21) + " Rows")
for i in sorted(b.blames.items()):
for i in sorted(blame.blames.items()):
print i[0].ljust(20)[0:20],
print str(i[1]).rjust(10)

View file

@ -34,20 +34,20 @@ class FileDiff:
def is_filediff_line(string):
s = string.split("|")
return s.__len__() == 2 and s[1].find("Bin") == -1
string = string.split("|")
return string.__len__() == 2 and string[1].find("Bin") == -1
def get_extension(string):
s = string.split("|")[0].strip().strip("{}")
return os.path.splitext(s)[1][1:]
string = string.split("|")[0].strip().strip("{}")
return os.path.splitext(string)[1][1:]
def is_valid_extension(string):
s = FileDiff.get_extension(string)
extension = FileDiff.get_extension(string)
for i in extensions.get():
if s == i:
if extension == i:
return True
return False
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ class AuthorInfo:
class Changes:
def __init__(self, repo, hard):
self.commits = []
f = sysrun.run(repo, "git log --pretty='%ad|%t|%aN|%s' --stat=100000 --no-merges --ignore-space-change " +
"-C {0} --date=short".format("-C" if hard else ""))
git_log_r = sysrun.run(repo, "git log --pretty='%ad|%t|%aN|%s' --stat=100000 --no-merges --ignore-space-change " +
"-C {0} --date=short".format("-C" if hard else ""))
commit = None
found_valid_extension = False
lines = f.readlines()
lines = git_log_r.readlines()
for i in lines:
if Commit.is_commit_line(i) or i == lines[-1]:
@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ class Changes:
def get_commits(self):
return self.commits
def __modify_authorinfo__(self, authors, key, commit):
def __modify_authorinfo__(authors, key, commit):
if authors.get(key, None) == None:
authors[key] = AuthorInfo()
@ -117,29 +118,29 @@ class Changes:
def get_authorinfo_list(self):
authors = {}
for i in self.commits:
self.__modify_authorinfo__(authors, i.author, i)
Changes.__modify_authorinfo__(authors, i.author, i)
return authors
def get_authordateinfo_list(self):
authors = {}
for i in self.commits:
self.__modify_authorinfo__(authors, (i.date, i.author), i)
Changes.__modify_authorinfo__(authors, (i.date, i.author), i)
return authors
changes = None
__changes__ = None
def get(repo, hard):
global changes
if changes == None:
changes = Changes(repo, hard)
global __changes__
if __changes__ == None:
__changes__ = Changes(repo, hard)
return changes
return __changes__
def output(repo, hard):
get(repo, hard)
authorinfo_list = changes.get_authorinfo_list()
authorinfo_list = get(repo, hard).get_authorinfo_list()
total_changes = 0.0
for i in authorinfo_list:

View file

@ -18,20 +18,19 @@
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
__default_extensions__ = ["java", "c", "cpp", "h", "hpp", "py", "glsl", "rb", "js", "sql"]
extensions = __default_extensions__
located_extensions = set()
__extensions__ = __default_extensions__
__located_extensions__ = set()
def get():
return extensions
return __extensions__
def set(string):
global extensions
extensions = string.split(",")
def define(string):
global __extensions__
__extensions__ = string.split(",")
def add_located(string):
if len(string) > 0:
global located_extensions
def get_located():
return located_extensions
return __located_extensions__

View file

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Runner:
changes.output(self.repo, self.hard)
if changes.changes.get_commits():
if changes.get(self.repo, self.hard).get_commits():
blame.output(self.repo, self.hard)
if self.timeline == True:
@ -56,39 +56,40 @@ class Runner:
print i,
if __name__ == "__main__":
r = Runner()
__run__ = Runner()
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:hHlTwx", ["file-types=", "hard", "help", "list-file-types", "tda367", "timeline", "version"])
__opts__, __args__ = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:hHlTwx", ["file-types=", "hard", "help",
"list-file-types", "tda367", "timeline", "version"])
except getopt.error, msg:
print sys.argv[0], "\b:", msg
print "Try `", sys.argv[0], "--help' for more information."
for o, a in opts:
for o, a in __opts__:
if o in("-h", "--help"):
elif o in("-f", "--file-types"):
elif o in("-H", "--hard"):
r.hard = True
__run__.hard = True
elif o in("-l", "--list-file-types"):
r.list_file_types = True
__run__.list_file_types = True
elif o in("--version"):
elif o in("--tda367"):
r.list_file_types = True
r.tda367 = True
r.timeline = True
r.useweeks = True
__run__.list_file_types = True
__run__.tda367 = True
__run__.timeline = True
__run__.useweeks = True
elif o in("-T", "--timeline"):
r.timeline = True
__run__.timeline = True
elif o in("-w"):
r.useweeks = True
__run__.useweeks = True
elif o in("-x"):
r.skipescapes = True
for arg in args:
r.repo = arg
__run__.skipescapes = True
for arg in __args__:
__run__.repo = arg

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import os
def run(directory, command):
previous_directory = os.getcwd()
f = os.popen(command)
result = os.popen(command)
return f
return result

View file

@ -17,25 +17,26 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gitinspector. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import platform
bold = "\033[1m"
normal = "\033[0;0m"
__bold__ = "\033[1m"
__normal__ = "\033[0;0m"
def __get_size_windows__():
res = None
from ctypes import windll, create_string_buffer
h = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-12) # stderr
handler = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-12) # stderr
csbi = create_string_buffer(22)
res = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, csbi)
res = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handler, csbi)
return None
if res:
import struct
(bufx, bufy, curx, cury, wattr, left, top, right, bottom, maxx, maxy) = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw)
(_, _, _, _, _, left, top, right, bottom, _, _) = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw)
sizex = right - left + 1
sizey = bottom - top + 1
return sizex, sizey
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ def __get_size_windows__():
def __get_size_tput__():
import subprocess
proc=subprocess.Popen(["tput", "cols"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
proc = subprocess.Popen(["tput", "cols"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
output = proc.communicate(input = None)
cols = int(output[0])
proc = subprocess.Popen(["tput", "lines"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
@ -56,41 +57,41 @@ def __get_size_tput__():
return None
def __get_size_linux__():
def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd):
def ioctl_get_window_size(file_descriptor):
import fcntl, termios, struct, os
cr = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234'))
import fcntl, termios, struct
size = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(file_descriptor, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234'))
return None
return cr
return size
cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2)
size = ioctl_get_window_size(0) or ioctl_get_window_size(1) or ioctl_get_window_size(2)
if not cr:
if not size:
fd = os.open(os.ctermid(), os.O_RDONLY)
cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd)
file_descriptor = os.open(os.ctermid(), os.O_RDONLY)
size = ioctl_get_window_size(file_descriptor)
if not cr:
if not size:
cr = (env['LINES'], env['COLUMNS'])
size = (os.environ["LINES"], os.environ["COLUMNS"])
return None
return int(cr[1]), int(cr[0])
return int(size[1]), int(size[0])
def skip_escapes(skip):
if skip:
global bold
global normal
bold = ""
normal = ""
global __bold__
global __normal__
__bold__ = ""
__normal__ = ""
def printb(string):
print bold + string + normal
print __bold__ + string + __normal__
def get_size():
current_os = platform.system()

View file

@ -42,17 +42,18 @@ class TimelineData:
self.entries[key].insertions += i[1].insertions
self.entries[key].deletions += i[1].deletions
for p in self.get_periods():
for period in self.get_periods():
total_insertions = 0
total_deletions = 0
for a in self.get_authors():
e = self.entries.get((a, p), None)
if e != None:
total_insertions += e.insertions
total_deletions += e.deletions
for author in self.get_authors():
entry = self.entries.get((author, period), None)
if entry != None:
total_insertions += entry.insertions
total_deletions += entry.deletions
self.total_changes_by_period[p] = (total_insertions, total_deletions, total_insertions + total_deletions)
self.total_changes_by_period[period] = (total_insertions, total_deletions,
total_insertions + total_deletions)
def get_periods(self):
return sorted(set([i[1] for i in self.entries]))
@ -62,8 +63,6 @@ class TimelineData:
def get_author_signs_in_period(self, author, period, multiplier):
authorinfo = self.entries.get((author, period), None)
insertions = float(self.total_changes_by_period[period][0])
deletions = float(self.total_changes_by_period[period][1])
total = float(self.total_changes_by_period[period][2])
if authorinfo:
@ -78,11 +77,11 @@ class TimelineData:
while True:
for i in self.entries:
e = self.entries.get(i)
entry = self.entries.get(i)
if period == i[1]:
deletions = e.deletions / float(self.total_changes_by_period[i[1]][2])
if multiplier * (e.insertions + e.deletions) / float(self.total_changes_by_period[i[1]][2]) > max_width:
changes_in_period = float(self.total_changes_by_period[i[1]][2])
if multiplier * (entry.insertions + entry.deletions) / changes_in_period > max_width:
return multiplier
multiplier += 0.25
@ -90,21 +89,21 @@ class TimelineData:
def is_author_in_period(self, period, author):
return self.entries.get((author, period), None) != None
def __output_row__(changes, timeline_data, periods, names):
print "\n" + terminal.bold + "Author".ljust(20),
def __output_row__(timeline_data, periods, names):
print "\n" + terminal.__bold__ + "Author".ljust(20),
for p in periods:
print p.rjust(10),
for period in periods:
print period.rjust(10),
print terminal.normal
print terminal.__normal__
for n in names:
print n.ljust(20)[0:20],
for p in periods:
multiplier = timeline_data.get_multiplier(p, 9)
signs = timeline_data.get_author_signs_in_period(n, p, multiplier)
for name in names:
print name.ljust(20)[0:20],
for period in periods:
multiplier = timeline_data.get_multiplier(period, 9)
signs = timeline_data.get_author_signs_in_period(name, period, multiplier)
signs_str = (signs[1] * "-" + signs[0] * "+")
print ("." if timeline_data.is_author_in_period(p, n) and len(signs_str) == 0 else signs_str).rjust(10),
print ("." if timeline_data.is_author_in_period(period, name) and len(signs_str) == 0 else signs_str).rjust(10),
print ""
def output(changes, useweeks):
@ -118,4 +117,4 @@ def output(changes, useweeks):
max_periods_per_row = (width - 21) / 11
for i in range(0, len(periods), max_periods_per_row):
__output_row__(changes, timeline_data, periods[i:i+max_periods_per_row], names)
__output_row__(timeline_data, periods[i:i+max_periods_per_row], names)

View file

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Adam Waldenberg."""
import sys
__version__ = "0.0.1"
def output():