# coding: utf-8 # # Copyright © 2012-2015 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of gitinspector. # # gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with gitinspector. If not, see . from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import base64 import os import textwrap import time import zipfile from .localization import N_ from . import basedir, localization, terminal, version __available_formats__ = ["html", "htmlembedded", "json", "text", "xml"] DEFAULT_FORMAT = __available_formats__[3] __selected_format__ = DEFAULT_FORMAT class InvalidFormatError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): super(InvalidFormatError, self).__init__(msg) self.msg = msg def select(format): global __selected_format__ __selected_format__ = format return format in __available_formats__ def get_selected(): return __selected_format__ def is_interactive_format(): return __selected_format__ == "text" def __output_html_template__(name): template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), name) file_r = open(template_path, "rb") return file_r.read().decode("utf-8", "replace") def __get_zip_file_content__(name, file_name="/html/flot.zip"): zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(basedir.get_basedir() + file_name, "r") content = zip_file.read(name) zip_file.close() return content.decode("utf-8", "replace") INFO_ONE_REPOSITORY = N_("Statistical information for the repository '{0}' was gathered on {1}.") INFO_MANY_REPOSITORIES = N_("Statistical information for the repositories '{0}' was gathered on {1}.") def output_header(repos): repos_string = ", ".join([repo.name for repo in repos]) if __selected_format__ == "html" or __selected_format__ == "htmlembedded": base = basedir.get_basedir() html_header = __output_html_template__(base + "/html/html.header") tablesorter_js = __get_zip_file_content__("jquery.tablesorter.min.js", "/html/jquery.tablesorter.min.js.zip").encode("latin-1", "replace") tablesorter_js = tablesorter_js.decode("utf-8", "ignore") flot_js = __get_zip_file_content__("jquery.flot.js") pie_js = __get_zip_file_content__("jquery.flot.pie.js") resize_js = __get_zip_file_content__("jquery.flot.resize.js") logo_file = open(base + "/html/gitinspector_piclet.png", "rb") logo = logo_file.read() logo_file.close() logo = base64.b64encode(logo) if __selected_format__ == "htmlembedded": jquery_js = ">" + __get_zip_file_content__("jquery.js") else: jquery_js = " src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js\">" print(html_header.format(title=_("Repository statistics for '{0}'").format(repos_string), jquery=jquery_js, jquery_tablesorter=tablesorter_js, jquery_flot=flot_js, jquery_flot_pie=pie_js, jquery_flot_resize=resize_js, logo=logo.decode("utf-8", "replace"), logo_text=_("The output has been generated by {0} {1}. The statistical analysis tool" " for git repositories.").format( "gitinspector", version.__version__), repo_text=_(INFO_ONE_REPOSITORY if len(repos) <= 1 else INFO_MANY_REPOSITORIES).format( repos_string, localization.get_date()), show_minor_authors=_("Show minor authors"), hide_minor_authors=_("Hide minor authors"), show_minor_rows=_("Show rows with minor work"), hide_minor_rows=_("Hide rows with minor work"))) elif __selected_format__ == "json": print("{\n\t\"gitinspector\": {") print("\t\t\"version\": \"" + version.__version__ + "\",") if len(repos) <= 1: print("\t\t\"repository\": \"" + repos[0].name + "\",") else: repos_json = "\t\t\"repositories\": [ " for repo in repos: repos_json += "\"" + repo.name + "\", " print(repos_json[:-2] + " ],") print("\t\t\"report_date\": \"" + time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") + "\",") elif __selected_format__ == "xml": print("") print("\t" + version.__version__ + "") if len(repos) <= 1: print("\t" + repos_string + "") else: print("\t") for repo in repos: print("\t\t" + repo.name + "") print("\t") print("\t" + time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") + "") else: print(textwrap.fill(_(INFO_ONE_REPOSITORY if len(repos) <= 1 else INFO_MANY_REPOSITORIES).format( repos_string, localization.get_date()), width=terminal.get_size()[0])) def output_footer(): if __selected_format__ == "html" or __selected_format__ == "htmlembedded": base = basedir.get_basedir() html_footer = __output_html_template__(base + "/html/html.footer") print(html_footer) elif __selected_format__ == "json": print("\n\t}\n}") elif __selected_format__ == "xml": print("")