gitinspector (0.4.2) Minor release with many small, but great improvements. * The changes module is now threaded and uses all available cores. This results in a significant speed up. * Printed extensions are now alphabetically sorted. * Ability to exclude commits with certain comments from statistics. * Support for C# code and comments. * Extensionless files can now be included in statistics. * Ability to include all file extensions by specifying "**". * Spanish translation. gitinspector (0.4.1) Maintenance release fixing several issues found in the previous version. gitinspector (0.4.0) Major update with many fixes and new features. * Support for remote repositories (git://, http(s)://, ssh://). * Code stability and age shown in blame output. * Support for cyclomatic complexity and cyclomatic complexity density metrics. * Ability to exclude commit hashes (revisions) from statistics. * Improved HTML output. * Support for ADA, OCaml and Haskell comments. * Improved localization support for languages with multi-column characters. * Many (big and small) bug fixes. * French translation. * German translation. gitinspector (0.3.2) Maintenance release that adds several new features and bug fixes. * Better handling of terminals that have no encoding configured. * File extensions .cc and .hh scanned by default. * Support for bare repositories. * Support for comments in .xhtml, .jspx, and .scala files. * The ability to filter out statistics from specific authors or emails. * The flag --since now behaves correctly. * Italian translation. * Polish translation. gitinspector (0.3.1) Minor release which adds support for gravatars. * A few minor bug fixes. * Chinese translation. * Support for gravatars in the HTML and XML outputs. * Improved responsibilities section in the HTML output. * Debian package now properly depends on git. gitinspector (0.3.0) This is a major release with many new features. * Support for comments in LaTex (.tex) and PHP files. * Many bugfixes. * Localization support (English and Swedish for now). * Support for setting gitinspector options via git-config. * Support for regular expressions in conjunction with -x/--exclude. * New output format; "htmlembedded". * Support for Python packaging via setuptools. * Improved HTML output with new JQuery and flot versions. gitinspector (0.2.2) This is a maintenance release that fixes several bugs; many related to character encoding. This version also adds table sorting to the HTML output. gitinspector (0.2.1) Maintenance release that fixes compatibility with Python 3 and introduces the --since and --until interval flags. gitinspector (0.2.0) This release includes several bug fixes and introduces HTML and XML output formats. gitinspector (0.1.0) First public release. While incomplete, this release fulfills the most important feature requirements that were originally outlined.