# coding: utf-8 # # Copyright © 2012-2015 Ejwa Software. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of gitinspector. # # gitinspector is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # gitinspector is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with gitinspector. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import bisect import datetime import multiprocessing import os import subprocess import threading from .localization import N_ from . import extensions, filtering, format, interval, terminal CHANGES_PER_THREAD = 200 NUM_THREADS = multiprocessing.cpu_count() __thread_lock__ = threading.BoundedSemaphore(NUM_THREADS) __changes_lock__ = threading.Lock() class FileDiff(object): def __init__(self, string): commit_line = string.split("|") if commit_line.__len__() == 2: self.name = commit_line[0].strip() self.insertions = commit_line[1].count("+") self.deletions = commit_line[1].count("-") @staticmethod def is_filediff_line(string): string = string.split("|") return string.__len__() == 2 and string[1].find("Bin") == -1 and ('+' in string[1] or '-' in string[1]) @staticmethod def get_extension(string): string = string.split("|")[0].strip().strip("{}").strip("\"").strip("'") return os.path.splitext(string)[1][1:] @staticmethod def get_filename(string): return string.split("|")[0].strip().strip("{}").strip("\"").strip("'") @staticmethod def is_valid_extension(string): extension = FileDiff.get_extension(string) for i in extensions.get(): if (extension == "" and i == "*") or extension == i or i == '**': return True return False class Commit(object): def __init__(self, string): self.filediffs = [] commit_line = string.split("|") if commit_line.__len__() == 5: self.timestamp = commit_line[0] self.date = commit_line[1] self.sha = commit_line[2] self.author = commit_line[3].strip() self.email = commit_line[4].strip() def __lt__(self, other): return self.timestamp.__lt__(other.timestamp) # only used for sorting; we just consider the timestamp. def add_filediff(self, filediff): self.filediffs.append(filediff) def get_filediffs(self): return self.filediffs @staticmethod def get_author_and_email(string): commit_line = string.split("|") if commit_line.__len__() == 5: return (commit_line[3].strip(), commit_line[4].strip()) @staticmethod def is_commit_line(string): return string.split("|").__len__() == 5 class AuthorInfo(object): email = None insertions = 0 deletions = 0 commits = 0 class ChangesThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, hard, changes, first_hash, second_hash, offset): __thread_lock__.acquire() # Lock controlling the number of threads running threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.hard = hard self.changes = changes self.first_hash = first_hash self.second_hash = second_hash self.offset = offset @staticmethod def create(hard, changes, first_hash, second_hash, offset): thread = ChangesThread(hard, changes, first_hash, second_hash, offset) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def run(self): git_log_r = subprocess.Popen(filter(None, ["git", "log", "--reverse", "--pretty=%ct|%cd|%H|%aN|%aE", "--stat=100000,8192", "--no-merges", "-w", interval.get_since(), interval.get_until(), "--date=short"] + (["-C", "-C", "-M"] if self.hard else []) + [self.first_hash + self.second_hash]), bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout lines = git_log_r.readlines() git_log_r.close() commit = None found_valid_extension = False is_filtered = False commits = [] __changes_lock__.acquire() # Global lock used to protect calls from here... for i in lines: j = i.strip().decode("unicode_escape", "ignore") j = j.encode("latin-1", "replace") j = j.decode("utf-8", "replace") if Commit.is_commit_line(j): (author, email) = Commit.get_author_and_email(j) self.changes.emails_by_author[author] = email self.changes.authors_by_email[email] = author if Commit.is_commit_line(j) or i is lines[-1]: if found_valid_extension: bisect.insort(commits, commit) found_valid_extension = False is_filtered = False commit = Commit(j) if Commit.is_commit_line(j) and \ (filtering.set_filtered(commit.author, "author") or \ filtering.set_filtered(commit.email, "email") or \ filtering.set_filtered(commit.sha, "revision") or \ filtering.set_filtered(commit.sha, "message")): is_filtered = True if FileDiff.is_filediff_line(j) and not \ filtering.set_filtered(FileDiff.get_filename(j)) and not is_filtered: extensions.add_located(FileDiff.get_extension(j)) if FileDiff.is_valid_extension(j): found_valid_extension = True filediff = FileDiff(j) commit.add_filediff(filediff) self.changes.commits[self.offset // CHANGES_PER_THREAD] = commits __changes_lock__.release() # ...to here. __thread_lock__.release() # Lock controlling the number of threads running PROGRESS_TEXT = N_("Fetching and calculating primary statistics (1 of 2): {0:.0f}%") class Changes(object): authors = {} authors_dateinfo = {} authors_by_email = {} emails_by_author = {} def __init__(self, repo, hard): self.commits = [] git_log_hashes_r = subprocess.Popen(filter(None, ["git", "rev-list", "--reverse", "--no-merges", interval.get_since(), interval.get_until(), "HEAD"]), bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout lines = git_log_hashes_r.readlines() git_log_hashes_r.close() if len(lines) > 0: progress_text = _(PROGRESS_TEXT) if repo != None: progress_text = "[%s] " % repo.name + progress_text self.commits = [None] * (len(lines) // CHANGES_PER_THREAD + 1) first_hash = "" for i, entry in enumerate(lines): if i % CHANGES_PER_THREAD == CHANGES_PER_THREAD - 1: entry = entry.decode("utf-8", "replace").strip() second_hash = entry ChangesThread.create(hard, self, first_hash, second_hash, i) first_hash = entry + ".." if format.is_interactive_format(): terminal.output_progress(progress_text, i, len(lines)) else: entry = entry.decode("utf-8", "replace").strip() second_hash = entry ChangesThread.create(hard, self, first_hash, second_hash, i) # Make sure all threads have completed. for i in range(0, NUM_THREADS): __thread_lock__.acquire() # We also have to release them for future use. for i in range(0, NUM_THREADS): __thread_lock__.release() self.commits = [item for sublist in self.commits for item in sublist] if len(self.commits) > 0: if interval.has_interval() and len(self.commits) > 0: interval.set_ref(self.commits[-1].sha) self.first_commit_date = datetime.date(int(self.commits[0].date[0:4]), int(self.commits[0].date[5:7]), int(self.commits[0].date[8:10])) self.last_commit_date = datetime.date(int(self.commits[-1].date[0:4]), int(self.commits[-1].date[5:7]), int(self.commits[-1].date[8:10])) def __add__(self, other): if other == None: return self self.authors.update(other.authors) self.authors_dateinfo.update(other.authors_dateinfo) self.authors_by_email.update(other.authors_by_email) self.emails_by_author.update(other.emails_by_author) for commit in other.commits: bisect.insort(self.commits, commit) return self def get_commits(self): return self.commits @staticmethod def modify_authorinfo(authors, key, commit): if authors.get(key, None) == None: authors[key] = AuthorInfo() if commit.get_filediffs(): authors[key].commits += 1 for j in commit.get_filediffs(): authors[key].insertions += j.insertions authors[key].deletions += j.deletions def get_authorinfo_list(self): if not self.authors: for i in self.commits: Changes.modify_authorinfo(self.authors, i.author, i) return self.authors def get_authordateinfo_list(self): if not self.authors_dateinfo: for i in self.commits: Changes.modify_authorinfo(self.authors_dateinfo, (i.date, i.author), i) return self.authors_dateinfo def get_latest_author_by_email(self, name): if not hasattr(name, "decode"): name = str.encode(name) name = name.decode("unicode_escape", "ignore") return self.authors_by_email[name] def get_latest_email_by_author(self, name): return self.emails_by_author[name]