live) ? split(' ', $support->live) : array(); $nightly = isset($support->nightly) ? split(' ', $support->nightly) : array(); $html = ''; foreach ($browsers as $browser) { $class = ''; if (in_array($browser, $live)) { $class .= ' live'; } else if (in_array($browser, $nightly)) { $class .= ' nightly'; } else { $class .= ' none'; } $html .= '' . $browser . ':' . $class . ' '; } return $html; } function spans($list) { $items = split(' ', $list); $html = ''; foreach ($items as $item) { $html .= '' . $item . ' '; } return $html; } ?> HTML5 Demos and Examples

HTML 5 Demos and Examples

HTML 5 experimentation and demos I've hacked together. Click on the browser support icon or the technology tag to filter the demos (the filter is an OR filter).

Full Frontal Logo

Learn more HTML5 & JavaScript: Full Frontal is a conference, run by front end developers for front end developers, held in the UK on 12th November.

Early bird tickets start at £100. Find out more:

Demo Support Technology
desc?>note)) { echo ' ' . $demo->note . ''; }?> support)?> tags)?>

All content, code, video and audio is Creative Commons Share Alike 2.0

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