# HTML5 Demos and Examples A collection of HTML5 experiments I've created, now open source and on GitHub, so please go ahead and help me hack this resource in to a wealth of demos that other authors can learn from. ## Aim * If a user can hit view source on the demo, then we've done our job * Where possible browser support should be named (FF3.5, etc) * All content is open source and content is [Creative Commons Share Alike 2.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/uk/) * Individual demos, if authored by someone other than [@rem](http://twitter.com) can be credited as appropriate # Creating new demos If the demo should take the default style - currently grey and dull - but it keeps the focus on the code ;) then follow these instructions. Otherwise, simply create the file in the root directory calling it [yourdemo].html and include it in the index.php. Instructions to creating a new demo: * Create a .html in the /demos directory * Use the following template (also a sample in /demos/template.html): `<!-- Title of your demo, note this appears in the document title prefixed with "HTML5 Demo:" -->
` * When requesting the demo, use html5demos.com/[yourdemo] and page.php will top and tail your page * Any additional JavaScript libraries should be stored in the /js directory, assets, such as video and audio live in the /assets directory. That should be it. By submitting any code, you're also agreeing that your code is covered by the MIT-LICENSE that this project is covered by, and all content is covered by Creative Commons Share Alike 2.0 - as is all of this project: it's all about sharing baby! # TODO ## Demos Required * Microdata * SVG * More audio and video demos * More introductions to canvas * More event based stuff * WebSockets (@rem - have a demo ready, but not the server side) ## Misc * Clearer versioning on the demos, rather than "All bar Opera", should include last version to support feature, i.e. Opera 10.10b, Chrome 4 dev, Safari 4.0, etc.