#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ######################################################## # ____ _ __ # # ___ __ __/ / /__ ___ ______ ______(_) /___ __ # # / _ \/ // / / (_- -s [opts] | ''' + BOLD + '''opts''' + NORM + ''' -h - single host/url or host-/cidr-range or file containing hosts or file containing URLs, e.g.: foobar.net,,, /tmp/hosts.txt NOTE: hosts can also contain ':' on cmdline or in file. -p - port to connect to (default: 80 if hosts were given) -t - use TLS/SSL to connect to service -u - URI to search given strings in, e.g.: /foobar/, /foo.html (default: /) -s - a single string/regex or multile strings/regex in a file to find in given URIs and HTTP response headers, e.g.: 'tomcat 8', '/tmp/igot0daysforthese.txt' -S - search strings in given places (default: headers,body) -X - specify HTTP request method to use (default: get). use '?' to list available methods. -a - http auth credentials (format: 'user:pass') -U - set custom User-Agent (default: firefox, rv84, windows) -b - num bytes to read from response. offset == response[0]. (default: 64) -x - num threads for concurrent scans and checks (default: 80) -c - num seconds for socket timeout (default: 3.0) -i - use case-insensitive search -r - perform reverse dns lookup for given IPv4 addresses NOTE: this will slow down the scanz -l - log found matches to file -v - verbose mode (default: quiet) ''' + BOLD + '''misc''' + NORM + ''' -H - print help -V - print version information ''' opts = { 'hosts': None, 'port': 80, 'ssl': False, 'uri': '/', 'searchstr': '', 'where': ('headers', 'body'), 'method': 'get', 'auth': False, 'ua': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:87.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/87.0', 'bytes': 64, 'threads': 80, 'timeout': 3.0, 'case_in': False, 'rptr': False, 'logfile': False, 'verbose': False, } def log(msg='', _type='normal', esc='\n'): iprefix = f'{BOLD}{BLUE}[+]{NORM}' gprefix = f'{BOLD}{GREEN}[*]{NORM}' wprefix = f'{BOLD}{YELLOW}[!]{NORM}' eprefix = f'{BOLD}{RED}[-]{NORM}' vprefix = f'{BOLD} >{NORM}' if _type == 'normal': sys.stdout.write(f'{msg}') elif _type == 'verbose': sys.stdout.write(f'{vprefix} {msg}{esc}') elif _type == 'info': sys.stderr.write(f'{iprefix} {msg}{esc}') elif _type == 'good': sys.stderr.write(f'{gprefix} {msg}{esc}') elif _type == 'warn': sys.stderr.write(f'{wprefix} {msg}{esc}') elif _type == 'error': sys.stderr.write(f'{eprefix} {msg}{esc}') sys.exit(FAILURE) elif _type == 'spin': sys.stderr.flush() for i in ('-', '\\', '|', '/'): sys.stderr.write(f'\r{BOLD}{BLUE}[{i}] {NORM}{msg} ') time.sleep(0.025) elif _type == 'file': try: with open(opts['logfile'], 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f: print(msg, file=f) except: log('could not open or write to logfile', 'warn') return def rptr(ipaddr): if opts['rptr']: try: return socket.gethostbyaddr(ipaddr)[0] except: return ipaddr return ipaddr def get_strings(strings): if os.path.isfile(strings): with open(strings, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for string in f: yield string.rstrip() else: yield strings # single string return def http_req(url): m = getattr(requests, opts['method']) r = m(url, timeout=opts['timeout'], headers={'User-Agent': opts['ua']}, verify=False, auth=opts['auth']) return r def scan(url): if opts['verbose']: log(f'scanning {url}' + ' ' * 20, 'verbose', esc='\r') sys.stdout.flush() r = http_req(url) if 'body' in opts['where']: idx = re.search(opts['searchstr'], r.text, opts['case_in']).regs[0][0] if idx: res = repr(r.text[idx:idx+opts['bytes']]) log(f'{url} | body | {res}', 'good') if opts['logfile']: log(f'{url} | body | {res}', 'file') if 'headers' in opts['where']: for k, v in r.headers.items(): if re.search(opts['searchstr'], k, opts['case_in']) or \ re.search(opts['searchstr'], v, opts['case_in']): log(f"{url} | header | {k}: {v}", 'good') if opts['logfile']: log(f"{url} | header | {k}: {v}", 'file') if opts['verbose']: sys.stdout.flush() log('\n') return def build_url(host): scheme = 'http' if opts['ssl']: scheme = 'https' if ':' in host: return f'{scheme}://{host}{opts["uri"]}' url = f'{scheme}://{host}:{opts["port"]}{opts["uri"]}' return url def get_hosts(hosts): try: if os.path.isfile(hosts): with open(hosts, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for host in f: yield host.rstrip() else: if '-' in hosts: start = ipaddress.IPv4Address(hosts.split('-')[0]) end = ipaddress.IPv4Address(hosts.split('-')[1]) for i in range(int(start), int(end) + 1): ipaddr = str(ipaddress.IPv4Address(i)) yield rptr(str(ipaddr)) elif '/' in hosts and 'http' not in hosts: for ipaddr in ipaddress.IPv4Network(hosts).hosts(): yield rptr(str(ipaddr)) else: yield hosts # single host or url except Exception as err: log(err.args[0].lower(), 'error') return def check_search_place(): if 'headers' not in opts['where'] and 'body' not in opts['where']: log("nope, i only know 'body' and 'headers'", 'error') return def check_http_method(): allowed = ('head', 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch', 'options') if opts['method'] == '?': log('supported http methods\n', 'info') for i in allowed: log(f'{i}', 'verbose') sys.exit(SUCCESS) if opts['method'] not in allowed: log(f'unsupported http method: {opts["method"]}', 'error') return def check_auth(): if opts['auth']: if len(opts['auth']) != 2: log(f'wrong user:pass supplied', 'error') return def check_argv(cmdline): needed = ['-h', '-s', '-V', '-H'] if '-h' not in cmdline or '-s' not in cmdline or \ set(needed).isdisjoint(set(cmdline)): log('WTF? mount /dev/brain!', 'error') return def parse_cmdline(cmdline): global opts try: _opts, _args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h:p:tu:s:S:X:a:U:b:x:c:irl:vVH') for o, a in _opts: if o == '-h': opts['hosts'] = a if o == '-p': opts['port'] = a if o == '-t': opts['ssl'] = True if o == '-u': opts['uri'] = a if o == '-s': opts['searchstr'] = a if o == '-S': opts['where'] = a.split(',') if o == '-X': opts['method'] = a if o == '-a': opts['auth'] = tuple(a.split(':', 1)) if o == '-U': opts['ua'] = a if o == '-b': opts['bytes'] = int(a) if o == '-x': opts['threads'] = int(a) if o == '-c': opts['timeout'] = float(a) if o == '-i': opts['case_in'] = re.IGNORECASE if o == '-r': opts['rptr'] = True if o == '-l': opts['logfile'] = a if o == '-v': opts['verbose'] = True if o == '-V': log(f'httpgrep v{__version__}', _type='info') sys.exit(SUCCESS) if o == '-H': log(HELP) sys.exit(SUCCESS) except (getopt.GetoptError, ValueError) as err: log(err.args[0].lower(), 'error') return def check_argc(cmdline): if len(cmdline) == 0: log('use -H for help', 'error') return def main(cmdline): sys.stderr.write(f'{BANNER}\n\n') check_argc(cmdline) parse_cmdline(cmdline) check_argv(cmdline) check_http_method() check_search_place() check_auth() with ThreadPoolExecutor(opts['threads']) as exe: log('w00t w00t, game started', 'info') log('wait bitch, scanning', 'info') if opts['verbose']: log('\n') for host in get_hosts(opts['hosts']): url = host if 'http' not in host: url = build_url(host) for string in get_strings(opts['searchstr']): exe.submit(scan, url) if opts['verbose']: log('\n\n') log('n00b n00b, game over', 'info') return if __name__ == '__main__': warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') try: main(sys.argv[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: log('\n') log('you aborted me', 'warn') os._exit(SUCCESS)