
141 lines
4.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use reqwest::blocking::Client;
use reqwest::header::CONTENT_TYPE;
2019-12-06 02:20:09 +01:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::url::{clean_url, data_url_to_data, file_url_to_fs_path, is_data_url, is_file_url};
2019-09-29 23:15:49 +02:00
2020-03-24 13:22:14 +01:00
const MAGIC: [[&[u8]; 2]; 18] = [
2019-08-24 00:48:08 +02:00
// Image
[b"GIF87a", b"image/gif"],
[b"GIF89a", b"image/gif"],
[b"\xFF\xD8\xFF", b"image/jpeg"],
[b"\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A", b"image/png"],
[b"<svg ", b"image/svg+xml"],
[b"RIFF....WEBPVP8 ", b"image/webp"],
[b"\x00\x00\x01\x00", b"image/x-icon"],
// Audio
[b"ID3", b"audio/mpeg"],
[b"\xFF\x0E", b"audio/mpeg"],
[b"\xFF\x0F", b"audio/mpeg"],
[b"OggS", b"audio/ogg"],
[b"RIFF....WAVEfmt ", b"audio/wav"],
[b"fLaC", b"audio/x-flac"],
// Video
[b"RIFF....AVI LIST", b"video/avi"],
[b"....ftyp", b"video/mp4"],
[b"\x00\x00\x01\x0B", b"video/mpeg"],
[b"....moov", b"video/quicktime"],
[b"\x1A\x45\xDF\xA3", b"video/webm"],
2019-08-23 05:17:15 +02:00
2020-04-10 02:27:07 +02:00
const PLAINTEXT_MEDIA_TYPES: &[&str] = &[
2020-03-24 13:22:14 +01:00
pub fn detect_media_type(data: &[u8], url: &str) -> String {
for item in MAGIC.iter() {
2019-08-24 00:48:08 +02:00
if data.starts_with(item[0]) {
2019-10-10 15:23:00 +02:00
return String::from_utf8(item[1].to_vec()).unwrap();
2019-08-24 00:48:08 +02:00
2020-03-24 13:22:14 +01:00
if url.to_lowercase().ends_with(".svg") {
return str!("image/svg+xml");
2020-02-13 06:56:30 +01:00
2019-08-23 05:17:15 +02:00
2020-04-10 02:27:07 +02:00
pub fn is_plaintext_media_type(media_type: &str) -> bool {
pub fn retrieve_asset(
cache: &mut HashMap<String, Vec<u8>>,
client: &Client,
parent_url: &str,
url: &str,
opt_silent: bool,
) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, String, String), reqwest::Error> {
if url.len() == 0 {
// Provoke error
if is_data_url(&url) {
let (media_type, data) = data_url_to_data(url);
Ok((data, url.to_string(), media_type))
} else if is_file_url(&url) {
// Check if parent_url is also file:///
2020-03-29 09:54:20 +02:00
// (if not, then we don't embed the asset)
if !is_file_url(&parent_url) {
// Provoke error
2020-03-29 09:54:20 +02:00
let fs_file_path: String = file_url_to_fs_path(url);
let path = Path::new(&fs_file_path);
if path.exists() {
if !opt_silent {
eprintln!("{}", &url);
Ok((fs::read(&fs_file_path).expect(""), url.to_string(), str!()))
} else {
// Provoke error
} else {
let cache_key: String = clean_url(&url);
if cache.contains_key(&cache_key) {
// URL is in cache, we get and return it
if !opt_silent {
eprintln!("{} (from cache)", &url);
} else {
// URL not in cache, we retrieve the file
let mut response = client.get(url).send()?;
let res_url = response.url().to_string();
if !opt_silent {
if url == res_url {
eprintln!("{}", &url);
} else {
eprintln!("{} -> {}", &url, &res_url);
let new_cache_key: String = clean_url(&res_url);
// Convert response into a byte array
let mut data: Vec<u8> = vec![];
response.copy_to(&mut data)?;
// Attempt to obtain media type by reading the Content-Type header
let media_type = response
.and_then(|header| header.to_str().ok())
// Add to cache
cache.insert(new_cache_key, data.clone());
Ok((data, res_url, media_type.to_string()))