use base64; use chrono::prelude::*; use html5ever::interface::QualName; use html5ever::parse_document; use html5ever::rcdom::{Handle, NodeData, RcDom}; use html5ever::serialize::{serialize, SerializeOpts}; use html5ever::tendril::{format_tendril, TendrilSink}; use html5ever::tree_builder::{Attribute, TreeSink}; use html5ever::{local_name, namespace_url, ns, LocalName}; use regex::Regex; use reqwest::blocking::Client; use reqwest::Url; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256, Sha384, Sha512}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::default::Default; use crate::css::embed_css; use crate::js::attr_is_event_handler; use crate::opts::Options; use crate::url::{clean_url, create_data_url, is_url_and_has_protocol, resolve_url}; use crate::utils::retrieve_asset; struct SrcSetItem<'a> { path: &'a str, descriptor: &'a str, } const ICON_VALUES: &'static [&str] = &["icon", "shortcut icon"]; pub fn add_favicon(document: &Handle, favicon_data_url: String) -> RcDom { let mut buf: Vec = Vec::new(); serialize(&mut buf, document, SerializeOpts::default()) .expect("unable to serialize DOM into buffer"); let result = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap(); let mut dom = html_to_dom(&result); let doc = dom.get_document(); if let Some(html) = get_child_node_by_name(&doc, "html") { if let Some(head) = get_child_node_by_name(&html, "head") { let favicon_node = dom.create_element( QualName::new(None, ns!(), local_name!("link")), vec![ Attribute { name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), local_name!("rel")), value: format_tendril!("icon"), }, Attribute { name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), local_name!("href")), value: format_tendril!("{}", favicon_data_url), }, ], Default::default(), ); // Insert favicon LINK tag into HEAD head.children.borrow_mut().push(favicon_node.clone()); } } dom } pub fn check_integrity(data: &[u8], integrity: &str) -> bool { if integrity.starts_with("sha256-") { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(data); base64::encode(hasher.finalize()) == integrity[7..] } else if integrity.starts_with("sha384-") { let mut hasher = Sha384::new(); hasher.update(data); base64::encode(hasher.finalize()) == integrity[7..] } else if integrity.starts_with("sha512-") { let mut hasher = Sha512::new(); hasher.update(data); base64::encode(hasher.finalize()) == integrity[7..] } else { false } } pub fn compose_csp(options: &Options) -> String { let mut string_list = vec![]; if options.isolate { string_list.push("default-src 'unsafe-inline' data:;"); } if options.no_css { string_list.push("style-src 'none';"); } if options.no_fonts { string_list.push("font-src 'none';"); } if options.no_frames { string_list.push("frame-src 'none';"); string_list.push("child-src 'none';"); } if options.no_js { string_list.push("script-src 'none';"); } if options.no_images { // Note: "data:" is required for transparent pixel images to work string_list.push("img-src data:;"); } string_list.join(" ") } pub fn create_metadata_tag(url: &Url) -> String { let timestamp = Utc::now().to_rfc3339_opts(SecondsFormat::Secs, true); let mut clean_url: Url = clean_url(url.clone()); // Prevent credentials from getting into metadata if clean_url.scheme() == "http" || clean_url.scheme() == "https" { // Only HTTP(S) URLs may feature credentials clean_url.set_username("").unwrap(); clean_url.set_password(None).unwrap(); } format!( "", if clean_url.scheme() == "http" || clean_url.scheme() == "https" { &clean_url.as_str() } else { "local source" }, timestamp, env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), ) } pub fn determine_link_node_type(node: &Handle) -> &str { let mut link_type: &str = "unknown"; if let Some(link_attr_rel_value) = get_node_attr(node, "rel") { if is_icon(&link_attr_rel_value) { link_type = "icon"; } else if link_attr_rel_value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("stylesheet") || link_attr_rel_value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("alternate stylesheet") { link_type = "stylesheet"; } else if link_attr_rel_value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("preload") { link_type = "preload"; } else if link_attr_rel_value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("dns-prefetch") { link_type = "dns-prefetch"; } } link_type } pub fn embed_srcset( cache: &mut HashMap>, client: &Client, document_url: &Url, srcset: &str, options: &Options, depth: u32, ) -> String { let mut array: Vec = vec![]; let re = Regex::new(r",\s+").unwrap(); for srcset_item in re.split(srcset) { let parts: Vec<&str> = srcset_item.trim().split_whitespace().collect(); if parts.len() > 0 { let path = parts[0].trim(); let descriptor = if parts.len() > 1 { parts[1].trim() } else { "" }; let srcset_real_item = SrcSetItem { path, descriptor }; array.push(srcset_real_item); } } let mut result: String = str!(); let mut i: usize = array.len(); for part in array { if options.no_images { result.push_str(empty_image!()); } else { let image_full_url: Url = resolve_url(&document_url, part.path); match retrieve_asset( cache, client, &document_url, &image_full_url, options, depth + 1, ) { Ok((image_data, image_final_url, image_media_type)) => { let mut image_data_url = create_data_url(&image_media_type, &image_data, &image_final_url); // Append retreved asset as a data URL image_data_url.set_fragment(image_full_url.fragment()); result.push_str(image_data_url.as_ref()); } Err(_) => { // Keep remote reference if unable to retrieve the asset if image_full_url.scheme() == "http" || image_full_url.scheme() == "https" { result.push_str(image_full_url.as_ref()); } else { // Avoid breaking the structure in case if not an HTTP(S) URL result.push_str(empty_image!()); } } } } if !part.descriptor.is_empty() { result.push_str(" "); result.push_str(part.descriptor); } if i > 1 { result.push_str(", "); } i -= 1; } result } pub fn find_base_node(node: &Handle) -> Option { match { NodeData::Document => { // Dig deeper for child in node.children.borrow().iter() { if let Some(base_node) = find_base_node(child) { return Some(base_node); } } } NodeData::Element { ref name, .. } => { match name.local.as_ref() { "head" => { return get_child_node_by_name(node, "base"); } _ => {} } // Dig deeper for child in node.children.borrow().iter() { if let Some(base_node) = find_base_node(child) { return Some(base_node); } } } _ => {} } None } pub fn get_base_url(handle: &Handle) -> Option { if let Some(base_node) = find_base_node(handle) { get_node_attr(&base_node, "href") } else { None } } pub fn get_child_node_by_name(parent: &Handle, node_name: &str) -> Option { let children = parent.children.borrow(); let matching_children = children.iter().find(|child| match { NodeData::Element { ref name, .. } => &*name.local == node_name, _ => false, }); match matching_children { Some(node) => Some(node.clone()), _ => None, } } pub fn get_node_name(node: &Handle) -> Option<&'_ str> { match & { NodeData::Element { ref name, .. } => Some(name.local.as_ref()), _ => None, } } pub fn get_node_attr(node: &Handle, attr_name: &str) -> Option { match & { NodeData::Element { ref attrs, .. } => { for attr in attrs.borrow().iter() { if &* == attr_name { return Some(str!(&*attr.value)); } } None } _ => None, } } pub fn get_parent_node(child: &Handle) -> Handle { let parent = child.parent.take().clone(); parent.and_then(|node| node.upgrade()).unwrap() } pub fn has_favicon(handle: &Handle) -> bool { let mut found_favicon: bool = false; match { NodeData::Document => { // Dig deeper for child in handle.children.borrow().iter() { if has_favicon(child) { found_favicon = true; break; } } } NodeData::Element { ref name, .. } => { match name.local.as_ref() { "link" => { if let Some(attr_value) = get_node_attr(handle, "rel") { if is_icon(attr_value.trim()) { found_favicon = true; } } } _ => {} } if !found_favicon { // Dig deeper for child in handle.children.borrow().iter() { if has_favicon(child) { found_favicon = true; break; } } } } _ => {} } found_favicon } pub fn html_to_dom(data: &str) -> RcDom { parse_document(RcDom::default(), Default::default()) .from_utf8() .read_from(&mut data.as_bytes()) .unwrap() } pub fn is_icon(attr_value: &str) -> bool { ICON_VALUES.contains(&attr_value.to_lowercase().as_str()) } pub fn set_base_url(document: &Handle, desired_base_href: String) -> RcDom { let mut buf: Vec = Vec::new(); serialize(&mut buf, document, SerializeOpts::default()) .expect("unable to serialize DOM into buffer"); let result = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap(); let mut dom = html_to_dom(&result); let doc = dom.get_document(); if let Some(html_node) = get_child_node_by_name(&doc, "html") { if let Some(head_node) = get_child_node_by_name(&html_node, "head") { // Check if BASE node already exists in the DOM tree if let Some(base_node) = get_child_node_by_name(&head_node, "base") { set_node_attr(&base_node, "href", Some(desired_base_href)); } else { let base_node = dom.create_element( QualName::new(None, ns!(), local_name!("base")), vec![Attribute { name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), local_name!("href")), value: format_tendril!("{}", desired_base_href), }], Default::default(), ); // Insert newly created BASE node into HEAD head_node.children.borrow_mut().push(base_node.clone()); } } } dom } pub fn set_node_attr(node: &Handle, attr_name: &str, attr_value: Option) { match & { NodeData::Element { ref attrs, .. } => { let attrs_mut = &mut attrs.borrow_mut(); let mut i = 0; let mut found_existing_attr: bool = false; while i < attrs_mut.len() { if &attrs_mut[i].name.local == attr_name { found_existing_attr = true; if let Some(attr_value) = attr_value.clone() { &attrs_mut[i].value.clear(); &attrs_mut[i].value.push_slice(&attr_value.as_str()); } else { // Remove attr completely if attr_value is not defined attrs_mut.remove(i); continue; } } i += 1; } if !found_existing_attr { // Add new attribute (since originally the target node didn't have it) if let Some(attr_value) = attr_value.clone() { let name = LocalName::from(attr_name); attrs_mut.push(Attribute { name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), name), value: format_tendril!("{}", attr_value), }); } } } _ => {} }; } pub fn stringify_document(handle: &Handle, options: &Options) -> String { let mut buf: Vec = Vec::new(); serialize(&mut buf, handle, SerializeOpts::default()) .expect("Unable to serialize DOM into buffer"); let mut result = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap(); // We can't make it isolate the page right away since it may have no HEAD element, // ergo we have to serialize, parse the DOM again, insert the CSP meta tag, and then // finally serialize and return the resulting string if options.isolate || options.no_css || options.no_fonts || options.no_frames || options.no_js || options.no_images { // Take care of CSP let mut buf: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut dom = html_to_dom(&result); let doc = dom.get_document(); if let Some(html) = get_child_node_by_name(&doc, "html") { if let Some(head) = get_child_node_by_name(&html, "head") { let meta = dom.create_element( QualName::new(None, ns!(), local_name!("meta")), vec![ Attribute { name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), local_name!("http-equiv")), value: format_tendril!("Content-Security-Policy"), }, Attribute { name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), local_name!("content")), value: format_tendril!("{}", compose_csp(options)), }, ], Default::default(), ); // The CSP meta-tag has to be prepended, never appended, // since there already may be one defined in the original document, // and browsers don't allow re-defining them (for obvious reasons) head.children.borrow_mut().reverse(); head.children.borrow_mut().push(meta.clone()); head.children.borrow_mut().reverse(); } } serialize(&mut buf, &doc, SerializeOpts::default()) .expect("Unable to serialize DOM into buffer"); result = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap(); } // Unwrap NOSCRIPT elements if options.unwrap_noscript { let noscript_re = Regex::new(r"<(?P/?noscript[^>]*)>").unwrap(); result = noscript_re.replace_all(&result, "").to_string(); } result } pub fn retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache: &mut HashMap>, client: &Client, document_url: &Url, node: &Handle, attr_name: &str, attr_value: &str, options: &Options, depth: u32, ) { let resolved_url: Url = resolve_url(document_url, attr_value.clone()); match retrieve_asset( cache, client, &document_url.clone(), &resolved_url, options, depth + 1, ) { Ok((data, final_url, mut media_type)) => { let node_name: &str = get_node_name(&node).unwrap(); // Check integrity if it's a LINK or SCRIPT element let mut ok_to_include: bool = true; if node_name == "link" || node_name == "script" { // Check integrity if let Some(node_integrity_attr_value) = get_node_attr(node, "integrity") { if !node_integrity_attr_value.is_empty() { ok_to_include = check_integrity(&data, &node_integrity_attr_value); } // Wipe the integrity attribute set_node_attr(node, "integrity", None); } } if ok_to_include { if node_name == "link" && determine_link_node_type(node) == "stylesheet" { // Stylesheet LINK elements require special treatment let css: String = embed_css( cache, client, &final_url, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&data), options, depth + 1, ); // Create and embed data URL let css_data_url = create_data_url("text/css", css.as_bytes(), &final_url); set_node_attr(&node, attr_name, Some(css_data_url.to_string())); } else if node_name == "frame" || node_name == "iframe" { // (I)FRAMEs are also quite different from conventional resources let frame_dom = html_to_dom(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&data)); walk_and_embed_assets( cache, client, &final_url, &frame_dom.document, &options, depth + 1, ); let mut frame_data: Vec = Vec::new(); serialize( &mut frame_data, &frame_dom.document, SerializeOpts::default(), ) .unwrap(); // Create and embed data URL let mut frame_data_url = create_data_url(&media_type, &frame_data, &final_url); frame_data_url.set_fragment(resolved_url.fragment()); set_node_attr(node, attr_name, Some(frame_data_url.to_string())); } else { // Every other type of element gets processed here // Parse media type for SCRIPT elements if node_name == "script" { if let Some(_) = get_node_attr(node, "src") { if let Some(script_node_type_attr_value) = get_node_attr(node, "type") { media_type = script_node_type_attr_value.to_string(); } else { // Fallback to default one if it's not specified media_type = "application/javascript".to_string(); } } } // Create and embed data URL let mut data_url = create_data_url(&media_type, &data, &final_url); data_url.set_fragment(resolved_url.fragment()); set_node_attr(node, attr_name, Some(data_url.to_string())); } } } Err(_) => { if resolved_url.scheme() == "http" || resolved_url.scheme() == "https" { // Keep remote references if unable to retrieve the asset set_node_attr(node, attr_name, Some(resolved_url.to_string())); } else { // Remove local references if they can't be successfully embedded as data URLs set_node_attr(node, attr_name, None); } } } } pub fn walk_and_embed_assets( cache: &mut HashMap>, client: &Client, document_url: &Url, node: &Handle, options: &Options, depth: u32, ) { match { NodeData::Document => { // Dig deeper for child in node.children.borrow().iter() { walk_and_embed_assets(cache, client, &document_url, child, options, depth); } } NodeData::Element { ref name, ref attrs, .. } => { match name.local.as_ref() { "meta" => { if let Some(meta_attr_http_equiv_value) = get_node_attr(node, "http-equiv") { let meta_attr_http_equiv_value: &str = &meta_attr_http_equiv_value; if meta_attr_http_equiv_value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("refresh") || meta_attr_http_equiv_value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("location") { // Remove http-equiv attributes from META nodes if they're able to control the page set_node_attr( &node, "http-equiv", Some(format!( "disabled by monolith ({})", meta_attr_http_equiv_value )), ); } else if meta_attr_http_equiv_value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Content-Type") { // Enforce charset to be set to UTF-8 if let Some(_attr_value) = get_node_attr(node, "content") { set_node_attr( &node, "content", Some(str!("text/html; charset=utf-8")), ); } } } else if let Some(_meta_attr_http_equiv_value) = get_node_attr(node, "charset") { // Enforce charset to be set to UTF-8 set_node_attr(&node, "charset", Some(str!("utf-8"))); } } "link" => { let link_type: &str = determine_link_node_type(node); if link_type == "icon" { // Find and resolve LINK's href attribute if let Some(link_attr_href_value) = get_node_attr(node, "href") { if !options.no_images && !link_attr_href_value.is_empty() { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, &document_url, node, "href", &link_attr_href_value, options, depth, ); } else { set_node_attr(node, "href", None); } } } else if link_type == "stylesheet" { // Resolve LINK's href attribute if let Some(link_attr_href_value) = get_node_attr(node, "href") { if options.no_css { set_node_attr(node, "href", None); // Wipe integrity attribute set_node_attr(node, "integrity", None); } else { if !link_attr_href_value.is_empty() { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, &document_url, node, "href", &link_attr_href_value, options, depth, ); } } } } else if link_type == "preload" || link_type == "dns-prefetch" { // Since all resources are embedded as data URLs, preloading and prefetching are not necessary set_node_attr(node, "rel", None); } else { // Make sure that all other LINKs' href attributes are full URLs if let Some(link_attr_href_value) = get_node_attr(node, "href") { let href_full_url: Url = resolve_url(&document_url, &link_attr_href_value); set_node_attr(node, "href", Some(href_full_url.to_string())); } } } "base" => { if document_url.scheme() == "http" || document_url.scheme() == "https" { // Ensure the BASE node doesn't have a relative URL if let Some(base_attr_href_value) = get_node_attr(node, "href") { let href_full_url: Url = resolve_url(document_url, &base_attr_href_value); set_node_attr(node, "href", Some(href_full_url.to_string())); } } } "body" => { // Read and remember background attribute value of this BODY node if let Some(body_attr_background_value) = get_node_attr(node, "background") { // Remove background BODY node attribute by default set_node_attr(node, "background", None); if !options.no_images && !body_attr_background_value.is_empty() { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "background", &body_attr_background_value, options, depth, ); } } } "img" => { // Find src and data-src attribute(s) let img_attr_src_value: Option = get_node_attr(node, "src"); let img_attr_data_src_value: Option = get_node_attr(node, "data-src"); if options.no_images { // Put empty images into src and data-src attributes if img_attr_src_value != None { set_node_attr(node, "src", Some(str!(empty_image!()))); } if img_attr_data_src_value != None { set_node_attr(node, "data-src", Some(str!(empty_image!()))); } } else { if img_attr_src_value.clone().unwrap_or_default().is_empty() && img_attr_data_src_value .clone() .unwrap_or_default() .is_empty() { // Add empty src attribute set_node_attr(node, "src", Some(str!())); } else { // Add data URL src attribute let img_full_url: String = if !img_attr_data_src_value .clone() .unwrap_or_default() .is_empty() { img_attr_data_src_value.unwrap_or_default() } else { img_attr_src_value.unwrap_or_default() }; retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "src", &img_full_url, options, depth, ); } } // Resolve srcset attribute if let Some(img_srcset) = get_node_attr(node, "srcset") { if !img_srcset.is_empty() { let resolved_srcset: String = embed_srcset( cache, client, &document_url, &img_srcset, options, depth, ); set_node_attr(node, "srcset", Some(resolved_srcset)); } } } "svg" => { if options.no_images { node.children.borrow_mut().clear(); } } "input" => { if let Some(input_attr_type_value) = get_node_attr(node, "type") { if input_attr_type_value.eq_ignore_ascii_case("image") { if let Some(input_attr_src_value) = get_node_attr(node, "src") { if options.no_images || input_attr_src_value.is_empty() { let value = if input_attr_src_value.is_empty() { str!() } else { str!(empty_image!()) }; set_node_attr(node, "src", Some(value)); } else { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "src", &input_attr_src_value, options, depth, ); } } } } } "image" => { let mut image_href: String = str!(); if let Some(image_attr_href_value) = get_node_attr(node, "href") { image_href = image_attr_href_value; if options.no_images { set_node_attr(node, "href", None); } } if let Some(image_attr_xlink_href_value) = get_node_attr(node, "xlink:href") { image_href = image_attr_xlink_href_value; if options.no_images { set_node_attr(node, "xlink:href", None); } } if !options.no_images && !image_href.is_empty() { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "href", &image_href, options, depth, ); } } "source" => { let parent_node = get_parent_node(node); let parent_node_name: &str = get_node_name(&parent_node).unwrap_or_default(); if let Some(source_attr_src_value) = get_node_attr(node, "src") { if parent_node_name == "audio" { if options.no_audio { set_node_attr(node, "src", None); } else { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "src", &source_attr_src_value, options, depth, ); } } else if parent_node_name == "video" { if options.no_video { set_node_attr(node, "src", None); } else { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "src", &source_attr_src_value, options, depth, ); } } } if let Some(source_attr_srcset_value) = get_node_attr(node, "srcset") { if parent_node_name == "picture" { if !source_attr_srcset_value.is_empty() { if options.no_images { set_node_attr(node, "srcset", Some(str!(empty_image!()))); } else { let resolved_srcset: String = embed_srcset( cache, client, &document_url, &source_attr_srcset_value, options, depth, ); set_node_attr(node, "srcset", Some(resolved_srcset)); } } } } } "a" | "area" => { if let Some(anchor_attr_href_value) = get_node_attr(node, "href") { if anchor_attr_href_value .clone() .trim() .starts_with("javascript:") { if options.no_js { // Replace with empty JS call to preserve original behavior set_node_attr(node, "href", Some(str!("javascript:;"))); } } else { // Don't touch mailto: links or hrefs which begin with a hash sign if !anchor_attr_href_value.clone().starts_with('#') && !is_url_and_has_protocol(&anchor_attr_href_value.clone()) { let href_full_url: Url = resolve_url(document_url, &anchor_attr_href_value); set_node_attr(node, "href", Some(href_full_url.to_string())); } } } } "script" => { // Read values of integrity and src attributes let script_attr_src: Option = get_node_attr(node, "src"); if options.no_js { // Empty inner content node.children.borrow_mut().clear(); // Remove src attribute if script_attr_src != None { set_node_attr(node, "src", None); // Wipe integrity attribute set_node_attr(node, "integrity", None); } } else if !script_attr_src.clone().unwrap_or_default().is_empty() { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "src", &script_attr_src.unwrap_or_default(), options, depth, ); } } "style" => { if options.no_css { // Empty inner content of STYLE tags node.children.borrow_mut().clear(); } else { for child_node in node.children.borrow_mut().iter_mut() { if let NodeData::Text { ref contents } = { let mut tendril = contents.borrow_mut(); let replacement = embed_css( cache, client, &document_url, tendril.as_ref(), options, depth, ); tendril.clear(); tendril.push_slice(&replacement); } } } } "form" => { if let Some(form_attr_action_value) = get_node_attr(node, "action") { // Modify action property to ensure it's a full URL let form_action_full_url: Url = resolve_url(document_url, &form_attr_action_value); set_node_attr(node, "action", Some(form_action_full_url.to_string())); } } "frame" | "iframe" => { if let Some(frame_attr_src_value) = get_node_attr(node, "src") { if options.no_frames { // Empty the src attribute set_node_attr(node, "src", Some(str!())); } else { // Ignore (i)frames with empty source (they cause infinite loops) if !frame_attr_src_value.trim().is_empty() { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, &document_url, node, "href", &frame_attr_src_value, options, depth, ); } } } } "audio" => { // Embed audio source if let Some(audio_attr_src_value) = get_node_attr(node, "src") { if options.no_audio { set_node_attr(node, "src", None); } else { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "src", &audio_attr_src_value, options, depth, ); } } } "video" => { // Embed video source if let Some(video_attr_src_value) = get_node_attr(node, "src") { if options.no_video { set_node_attr(node, "src", None); } else { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "src", &video_attr_src_value, options, depth, ); } } // Embed poster images if let Some(video_attr_poster_value) = get_node_attr(node, "poster") { // Skip posters with empty source if !video_attr_poster_value.is_empty() { if options.no_images { set_node_attr(node, "poster", Some(str!(empty_image!()))); } else { retrieve_and_embed_asset( cache, client, document_url, node, "poster", &video_attr_poster_value, options, depth, ); } } } } "noscript" => { for child_node in node.children.borrow_mut().iter_mut() { match { NodeData::Text { ref contents } => { // Get contents of NOSCRIPT node let mut noscript_contents = contents.borrow_mut(); // Parse contents of NOSCRIPT node as DOM let noscript_contents_dom: RcDom = html_to_dom(&noscript_contents); // Embed assets of NOSCRIPT node contents walk_and_embed_assets( cache, client, &document_url, &noscript_contents_dom.document, &options, depth, ); // Get rid of original contents noscript_contents.clear(); // Insert HTML containing embedded assets into NOSCRIPT node if let Some(html) = get_child_node_by_name(&noscript_contents_dom.document, "html") { if let Some(body) = get_child_node_by_name(&html, "body") { let mut buf: Vec = Vec::new(); serialize(&mut buf, &body, SerializeOpts::default()) .expect("Unable to serialize DOM into buffer"); let result = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap(); noscript_contents.push_slice(&result); } } } _ => {} } } } _ => {} } // Process style attributes if options.no_css { // Get rid of style attributes set_node_attr(node, "style", None); } else { // Embed URLs found within the style attribute of this node if let Some(node_attr_style_value) = get_node_attr(node, "style") { let embedded_style = embed_css( cache, client, &document_url, &node_attr_style_value, options, depth, ); set_node_attr(node, "style", Some(embedded_style)); } } // Strip all JS from document if options.no_js { let attrs_mut = &mut attrs.borrow_mut(); // Get rid of JS event attributes let mut js_attr_indexes = Vec::new(); for (i, attr) in attrs_mut.iter().enumerate() { if attr_is_event_handler(& { js_attr_indexes.push(i); } } js_attr_indexes.reverse(); for attr_index in js_attr_indexes { attrs_mut.remove(attr_index); } } // Dig deeper for child in node.children.borrow().iter() { walk_and_embed_assets(cache, client, &document_url, child, options, depth); } } _ => { // Note: in case of options.no_js being set to true, there's no need to worry about // getting rid of comments that may contain scripts, e.g.