use clap::{App, Arg}; #[derive(Default)] pub struct Options { pub base_url: Option, pub no_css: bool, pub ignore_errors: bool, pub no_frames: bool, pub no_fonts: bool, pub no_images: bool, pub isolate: bool, pub no_js: bool, pub insecure: bool, pub no_metadata: bool, pub output: String, pub silent: bool, pub timeout: u64, pub user_agent: String, pub target: String, } const ASCII: &str = " \ _____ ______________ __________ ___________________ ___ | \\ / \\ | | | | | | | \\_/ __ \\_| __ | | ___ ___ |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |\\ /| |__| _ |__| |____| | | | | __ | | | \\___/ | | \\ | | | | | | | |___| |__________| \\_____________________| |___| |___| |___| "; const DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT: u64 = 120; const DEFAULT_USER_AGENT: &str = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0"; impl Options { pub fn from_args() -> Options { let app = App::new(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")) .version(crate_version!()) .author(crate_authors!("\n")) .about(format!("{}\n{}", ASCII, crate_description!()).as_str()) // .args_from_usage("-a, --no-audio 'Removes audio sources'") .args_from_usage("-b, --base-url=[http://localhost/] 'Use custom base URL'") .args_from_usage("-c, --no-css 'Removes CSS'") .args_from_usage("-e, --ignore-errors 'Ignore network errors'") .args_from_usage("-f, --no-frames 'Removes frames and iframes'") .args_from_usage("-F, --no-fonts 'Removes fonts'") .args_from_usage("-i, --no-images 'Removes images'") .args_from_usage("-I, --isolate 'Cuts off document from the Internet'") .args_from_usage("-j, --no-js 'Removes JavaScript'") .args_from_usage("-k, --insecure 'Allows invalid X.509 (TLS) certificates'") .args_from_usage("-M, --no-metadata 'Excludes timestamp and source information'") .args_from_usage("-o, --output=[document.html] 'Write output to '") .args_from_usage("-s, --silent 'Suppresses verbosity'") .args_from_usage("-t, --timeout=[60] 'Adjust network request timeout'") .args_from_usage("-u, --user-agent=[Firefox] 'Set custom User-Agent string'") // .args_from_usage("-v, --no-video 'Removes video sources'") .arg( Arg::with_name("target") .required(true) .takes_value(true) .index(1) .help("URL or file path"), ) .get_matches(); let mut options: Options = Options::default(); // Process the command = app .value_of("target") .expect("please set target") .to_string(); if let Some(base_url) = app.value_of("base-url") { options.base_url = Some(str!(base_url)); } options.no_css = app.is_present("no-css"); options.ignore_errors = app.is_present("ignore-errors"); options.no_frames = app.is_present("no-frames"); options.no_fonts = app.is_present("no-fonts"); options.no_images = app.is_present("no-images"); options.isolate = app.is_present("isolate"); options.no_js = app.is_present("no-js"); options.insecure = app.is_present("insecure"); options.no_metadata = app.is_present("no-metadata"); options.output = app.value_of("output").unwrap_or("").to_string(); options.silent = app.is_present("silent"); options.timeout = app .value_of("timeout") .unwrap_or(&DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT.to_string()) .parse::() .unwrap(); options.user_agent = app .value_of("user-agent") .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_USER_AGENT) .to_string(); options } }