# monolith A data hoarder's dream come true: bundle any web page into a stand-alone HTML file. Unlike conventional "Save page as …", `monolith` saves the target document **and** embeds JavaScript, CSS and image assets **all at once**, resulting in a single HTML5 document that is a joy to store and share. Works both on remote and local targets. If compared to saving websites with `wget -mpk`, `monolith` embeds all assets as data-URIs and therefore would display the page exactly the same at any time, not depending on the Internet connection. However, keep in mind that `monolith` is not aware of your browser's session. ### Installation $ sudo npm install -g git@github.com:Y2Z/monolith.git ### Usage $ monolith https://github.com > github.html or $ monolith -q [local path]/index.html > mysite.html ### Options - `-u`: output the result as one big data-URI - `-q`: be quiet ### License GPLv3