use regex::Regex; use reqwest::header::{CONTENT_TYPE, USER_AGENT}; use reqwest::Client; use std::time::Duration; use url::{ParseError, Url}; use utils::data_to_dataurl; lazy_static! { static ref REGEX_URL: Regex = Regex::new(r"^https?://").unwrap(); } pub fn is_valid_url(path: &str) -> bool { REGEX_URL.is_match(path) } pub fn resolve_url(from: &str, to: &str) -> Result { let result = if is_valid_url(to) { // (anything, to.to_string() } else { let mut re = String::new(); if is_valid_url(from) { // It's a remote resource (HTTP) if to.chars().nth(0) == Some('/') { // (, /...?) let from_url = Url::parse(from)?; if to.chars().nth(1) == Some('/') { // (, //images/1.png) re.push_str(from_url.scheme()); re.push_str(":"); re.push_str(to); } else { // (, /css/main.css) re.push_str(from_url.scheme()); re.push_str("://"); re.push_str(from_url.host_str().unwrap()); re.push_str(to); } } else { // (, css/main.css) // TODO improve to ensure no // or /// ever happen re.push_str(from); re.push_str("/"); re.push_str(to); } } else { // It's a local resource (fs) // TODO improve to ensure no // or /// ever happen // TODO for fs use basepath instead of $from re.push_str(from); re.push_str("/"); re.push_str(to); } re }; Ok(result) } pub fn url_is_data(url: &str) -> Result { match Url::parse(url) { Ok(parsed_url) => Ok(parsed_url.scheme() == "data"), Err(err) => Err(format!("{}", err)), } } pub fn retrieve_asset( url: &str, as_dataurl: bool, as_mime: &str, opt_user_agent: &str, ) -> Result { if url_is_data(&url).unwrap() { Ok(url.to_string()) } else { let client = Client::builder() .timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)) .build() .unwrap(); let mut response = client .get(url) .header(USER_AGENT, opt_user_agent) .send() .unwrap(); if as_dataurl { // Convert response into a byte array let mut data: Vec = vec![]; response.copy_to(&mut data)?; // Attempt to obtain MIME type by reading the Content-Type header let mimetype = if as_mime == "" { response .headers() .get(CONTENT_TYPE) .and_then(|header| header.to_str().ok()) .unwrap_or(&as_mime) } else { as_mime }; Ok(data_to_dataurl(&mimetype, &data)) } else { Ok(response.text().unwrap()) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_is_url() { assert!(is_valid_url("")); assert!(is_valid_url("")); assert!(!is_valid_url("./index.html")); assert!(!is_valid_url("some-local-page.htm")); assert!(!is_valid_url("")); assert!(!is_valid_url( "data:text/html;base64,V2VsY29tZSBUbyBUaGUgUGFydHksIDxiPlBhbDwvYj4h" )); } #[test] fn test_resolve_url() -> Result<(), ParseError> { let resolved_url = resolve_url("", "../category/signatures.html")?; assert_eq!( resolved_url.as_str(), "" ); let resolved_url = resolve_url("", "category/signatures.html")?; assert_eq!( resolved_url.as_str(), "" ); let resolved_url = resolve_url( "saved_page.htm", "", )?; assert_eq!( resolved_url.as_str(), "" ); let resolved_url = resolve_url( "", "//", )?; assert_eq!( resolved_url.as_str(), "" ); let resolved_url = resolve_url( "", "/theme/images/logos/tux.png", )?; assert_eq!( resolved_url.as_str(), "" ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_url_is_data() { assert!( url_is_data("data:text/html;base64,V2VsY29tZSBUbyBUaGUgUGFydHksIDxiPlBhbDwvYj4h") .unwrap_or(false) ); assert!(!url_is_data("").unwrap_or(false)); assert!(!url_is_data("//").unwrap_or(false)); } }