extern crate clap; extern crate monolith; use clap::{Arg, App}; use monolith::http::{is_url, retrieve_asset}; use monolith::html::{walk_and_embed_assets, html_to_dom, print_dom}; fn main() { let command = App::new("monolith") .version("2.0.3") .author("Sunshine ") .about("CLI tool to save web pages as single HTML files") .arg(Arg::with_name("url") .required(true) .takes_value(true) .index(1) .help("URL to download")) .args_from_usage("-j, --no-js 'Excludes JavaScript'") .args_from_usage("-i, --no-images 'Removes images'") .get_matches(); // Process the command let arg_target = command.value_of("url").unwrap(); let opt_no_js = command.is_present("no-js"); let opt_no_img = command.is_present("no-images"); if is_url(arg_target) { let data = retrieve_asset(&arg_target, false, ""); let dom = html_to_dom(&data.unwrap()); walk_and_embed_assets(&arg_target, &dom.document, opt_no_js, opt_no_img); print_dom(&dom.document); } }