How to make busybox with inetd ------------------------------ Some version numbers might be different, but the steps should be valid anyway. Get a copy of the floppyfw devkit: # Follow the reamde to get a svn check out of the source. # svn co Do a build to get all needed source: # make Modify busybox: # cd build_i386/busybox- # make menuconfig (Locate Networkind Utilities and you will find inetd. You might want to disable the support for internal inetd services to save some space) # cp .config ../../config/config-busybox- Restart your build: # make clean # make # make floppy # make floppyimage To add the muninlite package, you should download and post-muninlite.ini.txt from Rename to and place in the makefile directory. post-muninlite.ini.txt should be renamed to post-muninlite.ini and placed in the packages directory. You should then be able to build the package: # make muninlite Mount your floppyfw image and copy the package and ini file: # mount -t vfat -o loop floppyfw.img /mnt # cp packages/muninlite.ffw packages/post-muninlite.ini /mnt/packages/ # umount /mnt You might want to add other packages like nanotop and e3 as well, and make some changes to the firewall rules while you have the image mounted, but that is out of the scope of this how to. Transfer your image to a floppy and boot your firewall. If it works, you will see these messages during boot: Looking for post- scripts... /mnt/tmp/packages/post-muninlite.ini stripped /mnt/tmp/packages/post-muninlite.ini chmoded Running /etc/post-muninlite.ini Starting inetd.