#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck source=/dev/null # # Tests for the Pure Bash Bible. test_trim_string() { result="$(trim_string " Hello, World ")" assert_equals "$result" "Hello, World" } test_trim_all() { result="$(trim_all " Hello, World ")" assert_equals "$result" "Hello, World" } test_regex() { result="$(regex "#FFFFFF" '^(#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3}))$')" assert_equals "$result" "#FFFFFF" } test_lower() { result="$(lower "HeLlO")" assert_equals "$result" "hello" } test_upper() { result="$(upper "HeLlO")" assert_equals "$result" "HELLO" } test_trim_quotes() { result="$(trim_quotes "\"te'st' 'str'ing\"")" assert_equals "$result" "test string" } test_strip_all() { result="$(strip_all "The Quick Brown Fox" "[aeiou]")" assert_equals "$result" "Th Qck Brwn Fx" } test_strip() { result="$(strip "The Quick Brown Fox" "[aeiou]")" assert_equals "$result" "Th Quick Brown Fox" } test_lstrip() { result="$(lstrip "!:IHello" "!:I")" assert_equals "$result" "Hello" } test_rstrip() { result="$(rstrip "Hello!:I" "!:I")" assert_equals "$result" "Hello" } test_reverse_array() { IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra result < <(reverse_array 1 2 3 4 5) assert_equals "${result[*]}" "5 4 3 2 1" } test_remove_array_dups() { IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra result < <(remove_array_dups 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5) assert_equals "${result[*]}" "1 2 3 4 5" } test_cycle() { # shellcheck disable=2034 arr=(a b c d) result="$(cycle; cycle; cycle)" assert_equals "$result" "a b c " } test_head() { printf '%s\n%s\n\n\n' "hello" "world" > test_file result="$(head 2 test_file)" assert_equals "$result" $'hello\nworld' rm test_file } test_tail() { printf '\n\n\n%s\n%s\n' "hello" "world" > test_file result="$(tail 2 test_file)" assert_equals "$result" $'hello\nworld' rm test_file } test_lines() { printf '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n' > test_file result="$(lines test_file)" assert_equals "$result" "8" rm test_file } test_lines_loop() { printf '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n' > test_file result="$(lines_loop test_file)" assert_equals "$result" "8" rm test_file } test_count() { result="$(count ./{README.m,LICENSE.m,.travis.ym}*)" assert_equals "$result" "3" } test_dirname() { result="$(dirname "/home/black/Pictures/Wallpapers/1.jpg")" assert_equals "$result" "/home/black/Pictures/Wallpapers/" } test_basename() { result="$(basename "/home/black/Pictures/Wallpapers/1.jpg")" assert_equals "$result" "1.jpg" } test_hex_to_rgb() { result="$(hex_to_rgb "#FFFFFF")" assert_equals "$result" "255 255 255" } test_rgb_to_hex() { result="$(rgb_to_hex 0 0 0)" assert_equals "$result" "#000000" } test_date() { result="$(date "%C")" assert_equals "$result" "20" } test_read_sleep() { result="$((SECONDS+1))" read_sleep 1 assert_equals "$result" "$SECONDS" } test_bar() { result="$(bar 50 10)" assert_equals "${result//$'\r'}" "[----- ]" } test_get_functions() { IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra functions < <(get_functions) assert_equals "${functions[0]}" "assert_equals" } test_extract() { printf '{\nhello, world\n}\n' > test_file result="$(extract test_file "{" "}")" assert_equals "$result" "hello, world" rm test_file } test_split() { IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra result < <(split "hello,world,my,name,is,john" ",") assert_equals "${result[*]}" "hello world my name is john" } assert_equals() { if [[ "$1" == "$2" ]]; then ((pass+=1)) status=$'\e[32m✔' else ((fail+=1)) status=$'\e[31m✖' local err="($1 != $2)" fi printf ' %s\e[m | %s\n' "$status" "${FUNCNAME[1]/test_} $err" } main() { trap 'rm readme_code' EXIT # Extract code blocks from the README. while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do [[ "$code" && "$line" != \`\`\` ]] && printf '%s\n' "$line" [[ "$line" =~ ^\`\`\`sh$ ]] && code=1 [[ "$line" =~ ^\`\`\`$ ]] && code= done < README.md > readme_code # Run shellcheck and source the code. shellcheck -s bash readme_code test.sh build.sh || exit 1 . readme_code head="-> Running tests on the Pure Bash Bible.." printf '\n%s\n%s\n' "$head" "${head//?/-}" # Generate the list of tests to run. IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra funcs < <(declare -F) for func in "${funcs[@]//declare -f }"; do [[ "$func" == test_* ]] && { "$func"; ((tot+=1)); } done comp="Completed $tot tests. ${pass:-0} passed, ${fail:-0} failed." printf '%s\n%s\n\n' "${comp//?/-}" "$comp" # If a test failed, exit with '1'. ((fail>0)) || exit 0 && exit 1 } main "$@"