
256 lines
6.6 KiB

import io
import zlib
import struct
import zopfli
_PNG_MAGIC = b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n"
0: "grayscale",
2: "truecolour",
3: "indexed-colour",
4: "grayscale-alpha",
6: "truecolour-alpha",
0: "deflate",
0: "adaptative",
0: "no-interlace",
1: "Adam7",
def big_endian_uint32_bytes_to_python_int(bytes_):
return struct.unpack(">L", bytes_)[0]
def python_int_to_big_endian_uint32_bytes(number):
return struct.pack(">L", number)
def get_png_structure(data):
if not is_png(data):
raise ValueError("Invalid PNG: Not a PNG file")
result = {
"size": len(data),
"chunks": [],
offset = len(_PNG_MAGIC)
while offset < result["size"]:
chunk = {
"type": data[offset + 4 : offset + 8].decode(),
"data_offset": offset + 8,
"size": big_endian_uint32_bytes_to_python_int(
data[offset : offset + 4]
"crc": None,
chunk["crc"] = big_endian_uint32_bytes_to_python_int(
+ chunk["size"] : chunk["data_offset"]
+ chunk["size"]
+ 4
offset += 12 + chunk["size"]
return result
def get_IHDR_info(data):
return {
"width": big_endian_uint32_bytes_to_python_int(data[0:4]),
"height": big_endian_uint32_bytes_to_python_int(data[4:8]),
"bit_depth": data[8],
"colour_type": data[9],
"colour_type_str": _PNG_COLOR_TYPES[data[9]],
"compression_method": data[10],
"compression_method_str": _PNG_COMPRESSION_METHODS[data[10]],
"filter_method": data[11],
"filter_method_str": _PNG_FILTER_METHODS[data[11]],
"interlace_method": data[12],
"interlace_method_str": _PNG_INTERLACE_METHODS[data[12]],
def assemble_png_from_chunks(chunks):
"""Assemble a PNG file from a list of chunks
:param list chunks: The list of chunks (see below).
Example list of chunk::
"type": "IHDR",
"data": b"...",
"type": "PLTE",
"data": b"...",
"type": "IDAT",
"data": b"...",
"type": "IEND",
"data": b"",
All chunks should be provided in the right order. The first chunk
should be ``IHDR`` and the last one ``IEND``.
:rtype: bytes
result_png = _PNG_MAGIC
for chunk in chunks:
result_png += python_int_to_big_endian_uint32_bytes(len(chunk["data"]))
result_png += bytes(chunk["type"], encoding="ascii")
result_png += chunk["data"]
result_png += python_int_to_big_endian_uint32_bytes(
zlib.crc32(bytes(chunk["type"], encoding="ascii")),
return result_png
def clean_png(data):
"""Cleans the given PNG.
* Removes non-essential chunks,
* Concat all the ``IDAT`` chunks,
* Recompress the ``IDAT`` chunk with Zopfli or keep the original
compression if more efficient.
:param bytes data: the raw PNG data.
:rtype: bytes
png_structure = get_png_structure(data)
chunks = []
idat_concat = b""
# Keep essential chunks and concat IDAT chunks
for chunk in png_structure["chunks"]:
if chunk["type"] in ["IHDR", "PLTE", "tRNS"]:
"type": chunk["type"],
"data": data[
chunk["data_offset"] : chunk["data_offset"]
+ chunk["size"]
elif chunk["type"] == "IDAT":
idat_concat += data[
chunk["data_offset"] : chunk["data_offset"] + chunk["size"]
# Recompress IDAT chunk with Zopfli
compressor = zopfli.ZopfliCompressor(
idat_zopfli = (
compressor.compress(zlib.decompress(idat_concat)) + compressor.flush()
# Add the IDAT chunk
"type": "IDAT",
"data": (
if len(idat_zopfli) <= len(idat_concat)
else idat_concat
# ... and the IEND one to finish the file :)
"type": "IEND",
"data": b"",
return assemble_png_from_chunks(chunks)
def is_png(file_bytes):
"""Whether or not the given bytes represent a PNG file.
:params bytes file_bytes: The bytes of the file to check.
:rtype: bool
:return: ``True`` if the bytes represent a PNG file, ``False`` else.
return file_bytes.startswith(_PNG_MAGIC)
def optimize_png(image, raw_data, slow=False):
"""Encode image to PNG using ZopfliPNG.
:param PIL.Image image: The image to encode.
:param bytes raw_data: Raw input data.
:param bool slow: Makes a little bit more efficient optimization (in some
cases) but runs very slow.
:returns: The encoded image's bytes.
image_io = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG", optimize=False)
image_bytes =
# Optimize using ZopfliPNG
zopflipng = zopfli.ZopfliPNG()
zopflipng.lossy_8bit = True
zopflipng.lossy_transparent = True
if slow:
zopflipng.filter_strategies = "01234mepb"
zopflipng.iterations = 20
zopflipng.iterations_large = 7
zopfli_bytes = zopflipng.optimize(image_bytes)
# Try to fix the output if it is larger than the input
if is_png(raw_data) and len(zopfli_bytes) > len(raw_data):
png_structure = get_png_structure(raw_data)
ihdr_chunk = png_structure["chunks"][0]
png_header = get_IHDR_info(
ihdr_chunk["data_offset"] : ihdr_chunk["data_offset"]
+ ihdr_chunk["size"]
# Only use data from input image if it has not been resized
if (
image.width == png_header["width"]
and image.height == png_header["height"]
return clean_png(raw_data)
return zopfli_bytes