mirror of
synced 2024-11-18 01:40:40 +01:00
350 lines
12 KiB
350 lines
12 KiB
@define( "BLUE", "\033[5;34m" );
@define( "RED", "\033[5;31m" );
@define( "GREEN", "\033[5;32m" );
@define( "NONE", "\033[0m" );
@define( "ARGS", array( "--api-key", "--verbose" ) );
@define( "CATFILE" , "categories.xml" );
include __DIR__."/utils.php";
$REGEX = array(
$urls = (object) array(
"home" => "https://www.abuseipdb.com/",
"check_ip" => "https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/",
"report_ip" => "https://www.abuseipdb.com/report/json?",
"cidr_check" => "https://www.abuseipdb.com/check-block/json?"
$banner = RED . "
___,---.__ /'|`\ __,---,___
,-' \` `-.____,-' | `-.____,-' // `-.
,' | ~'\ /`~ | `.
/ ___// `. ,' , , \___ \
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| / /\_ ` . | , _/\ \ |
\ | \ \`-.___ \ | / ___,-'/ / | /
\ \ | `._ `\\ | //' _,' | / /
`-.\ /' _ `---'' , . ``---' _ `\ /,-'
`` / \ ,='/ \`=. / \ ''
|__ /|\_,--.,-.--,--._/|\ __|
/ `./ \\`\ | | | /,//' \,' \
/ / ||--+--|--+-/-| \ \
| | /'\_\_\ | /_/_/`\ | |
\ \__, \_ `~' _/ .__/ /
`-._,-' `-._______,-' `-._,-'
[ AbuseIPDB ]
By: killua
[".RED."+".NONE."] Options
[".BLUE."1".NONE."] View attack categories
[".BLUE."2".NONE."] Get recently reported abusers (ips)
[".BLUE."3".NONE."] Choose action
[".BLUE."4".NONE."] Exit
[".RED."*".NONE."] Choose option: ".BLUE."";
main( $argc, $argv ); #Start of program
function banner( ) : void { echo $GLOBALS['banner']; }
function parse_categories( string $file ) : array
$result = array();
$categories = @file_get_contents( $file );
$data = new SimpleXMLElement( $categories );
$categories = $data->category;
for( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof( $categories ) ; $i++ ){
$result[$i]['id'] = $categories[$i]['id'];
$result[$i]['name'] = ltrim( ($categories[$i])->Name );
$result[$i]['desc'] = ltrim( ($categories[$i])->Description );
return $result;
function display_categories( array $categories ) : void
$i = -1;
while( ($i++) < sizeof( $categories ) - 1 ){
echo ( $i == 0 ) ? "\n" : "" ;
echo GREEN . " [".RED."ID".NONE.GREEN."] - " . NONE . ( (object) $categories[ $i ] )->id . "\x0a";
echo GREEN . " [".RED."NAME".NONE.GREEN."] - " . NONE . ( (object) $categories[ $i ] )->name . "\x0a";
echo GREEN . " [".RED."DESC".NONE.GREEN."] - " . NONE . ( (object) $categories[ $i ] )->desc . "\x0a\x0a";
function parse_agents( string $agentsFile ) : array
$agents = @explode( "\n", @file_get_contents( $agentsFile ) );
return $agents;
function parse_options( int $argc, array $argv ) : object
$api_key = "";
$verbose = False;
$arg_N = ""; # argument name
$arg_V = ""; # argument value
$opts = array();
if( $argc > 3 ){
die( "\x0a" . RED . "[ERROR]" . NONE . " - Too many arguments!\x0a" );
while( ( $argc-- ) > 1 ){
if( strpos( $argv[ $argc ], "=" ) !== False ){
$arg_N = @explode( "=", $argv[ $argc ] )[0];
$arg_V = @explode( "=", $argv[ $argc ] )[1];
$arg_N = $argv[ $argc ];
if( !in_array( $arg_N, ARGS ) ){
die( "\x0a" . RED . "[ERROR]" . NONE . " - Invalid argument found! -> $arg_N\x0a" );
if( $arg_N == ARGS[0] && $arg_V != "" ) $api_key = $arg_V;
if( $arg_N == ARGS[1] ) $verbose = True;
$opts['api_key'] = $api_key;
$opts['verbose'] = $verbose;
return (object) $opts;
function init_req( string $url )
$agents = parse_agents( 'u-agents.dat' );
$curl = curl_init( $url );
$options = array(
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $agents[ mt_rand( 0, sizeof( $agents ) - 1 ) ], # random user-agent
CURLOPT_HEADER => 0, # do not display headers
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 'Accept: application/json' ),
CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT => 1, # do not use a cached connection
curl_setopt_array( $curl, $options );
return $curl;
function report_abuser( string $url, string $api_key, string $ip, string $categories, string $comment )
$queryString = "";
$queryString = http_build_query( array(
"key" => $api_key, "category" => $categories,
"comment" => $comment, "ip" => $ip
) );
$prep = init_req( $url . $queryString );
$resp = json_decode( curl_exec( $prep ) );
return $resp;
function get_abuser_info( string $url, string $api_key, string $ip, int $days, string $verbose )
$queryString = "";
$queryString = http_build_query( array(
"key" => $api_key,
"days" => $days
) );
$url = $url . $ip . "/json?";
$prep = ( $verbose == "" || $verbose == NULL ) ? init_req( $url . $queryString ) : init_req( $url . $queryString . "&verbose" ) ;
$resp = json_decode( curl_exec( $prep ) );
return $resp;
function check_cidr( string $url, string $api_key, string $network, int $days )
$queryString = "";
$queryString = http_build_query( array(
"network" => $network, "key" => $api_key,
"days" => $days
) );
$prep = init_req( $url . $queryString );
$resp = json_decode( curl_exec( $prep ) );
return $resp;
function get_recently_reported( string $url ) : void
$req = init_req( $url );
$resp = explode( "\n", curl_exec( $req ) );
curl_close( $req );
for( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof( $resp ); $i++ ){
if( preg_match( ( $GLOBALS['REGEX'] )[1], $resp[$i] ) ){
$ip = substr( $resp[$i], strpos( $resp[$i], ">" ) + 1 );
echo " ".RED."[*]".NONE." ".BLUE."-".NONE." " . substr( $ip, 0, strpos( $ip, "</" ) ) . "\n";
function main( int $argc, array $argv ) : void
$optNum = 0;
$ip = "";
$url = "";
$toMenu = "";
$comment = "";
$categ = "";
$days = "";
$percent = "";
$network = "";
$opts = parse_options( $argc, $argv );
$categories = parse_categories( CATFILE );
if( $opts->api_key == NULL ){
die( "\x0a" . RED . "[ERROR] - " . NONE . "No api key found!\x0a" );
while( $optNum != 4 ){
$optNum = get_opt_num();
if( $optNum > 4 || $optNum <= 0 ){
die( "\x0a" . RED . "[ERROR] - " . NONE . "Invalid option!\x0a" );
if( $optNum == 1 ){
display_categories( $categories ); if( !go_back() ) { exit; }
else if( $optNum == 2 ){
$url = ( $GLOBALS['urls'] )->home;
echo "\n";
get_recently_reported( $url ); if( !go_back() ) { exit; }
else if( $optNum == 3 ){
echo NONE . "\n";
echo " [".BLUE."1".NONE."] Report IP \x0a";
echo " [".BLUE."2".NONE."] Check IP \x0a";
echo " [".BLUE."3".NONE."] Check CIDR\x0a";
$action = choose_action( );
if( ( $action <= 0 ) || ( $action > 3 ) ){
die( "\x0a" . RED . "[ERROR] - " . NONE . "Action not supported!\x0a" );
if( $action == 1 ){
$ip = get_ip();
$categ = get_categories();
$comment = get_comment();
$url = ($GLOBALS['urls'])->report_ip;
$resp = report_abuser( $url, $opts->api_key, $ip, $categ, $comment );
if( !is_array( $resp ) && $resp->success ){
echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE."IP - " . $resp->ip;
echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE."SUCCESS - " . $resp->success;
echo "\n";
if( !go_back() ) { exit; }
foreach( ( $resp[0] ) as $k => $v ){
$tab = ( $k == "id" ) ? "\t\t" : "\t" ;
if ( $k == "links" ) echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v->about;
else if ( $k == "source" ) echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v->parameter;
else echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v;
echo "\n";
if( !go_back() ) { exit; }
else if( $action == 2 ){
$ip = get_ip();
$days = get_days();
$url = ( $GLOBALS['urls'] )->check_ip;
$resp = get_abuser_info( $url, $opts->api_key, $ip, (int) $days, $opts->verbose );
if( is_array( $resp ) ){
for( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof( $resp ) ; $i++ ){
echo "\n";
foreach( ( $resp[ $i ] ) as $k => $v ){
$tab = ( $k == "id" || $k == "ip" ) ? "\t\t\t " : "\t\t " ;
$percent = ( $k == "abuseConfidenceScore" ) ? "%" : "" ;
if ( $k == "isWhitelisted" ) $tab = "\t ";
else if ( $k == "abuseConfidenceScore" ) $tab = " ";
if ( $k == "links" ) echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v->about;
else if ( $k == "source" ) echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v->parameter;
else if ( $k == "category" ) { echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- "; array_map( "ip_cats", $v ); }
else echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v . $percent;
echo "\n";
foreach( ( $resp ) as $k => $v ){
$tab = ( $k == "id" || $k == "ip" ) ? "\t\t\t " : "\t\t " ;
$percent = ( $k == "abuseConfidenceScore" ) ? "%" : "" ;
if ( $k == "isWhitelisted" ) $tab = "\t ";
else if ( $k == "abuseConfidenceScore" ) $tab = " ";
if ( $k == "links" ) echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v->about;
else if ( $k == "source" ) echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v->parameter;
else if ( $k == "category" ) { echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- "; array_map( "ip_cats", $v ); }
else echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $k ) ."$tab- ".RED. $v . $percent;
echo "\n";
if( !go_back() ) { exit; }
else if( $action == 3 ){
$network = get_network( );
$days = get_days( );
$url = ( $GLOBALS['urls'] )->cidr_check;
$resp = check_cidr( $url, $opts->api_key, $network, $days );
if( is_array( $resp ) && ($resp[0])->id ){
foreach( ($resp[0]) as $errKey => $errVal ){
$tab = ( $errKey == "id" ) ? "\t\t" : "\t" ;
if ( $errKey == "links" ) echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $errKey ) ."$tab- ".RED. $errVal->about;
else if ( $errKey == "source" ) echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $errKey ) ."$tab- ".RED. $errVal->parameter;
else echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $errKey ) ."$tab- ".RED. $errVal;
echo "\n";
if( !go_back() ) { exit; }
foreach( $resp as $succKey => $succVal ){
if( is_array( $succVal ) ){
for( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof( $succVal ) ; $i++ ){
echo "\n";
foreach( $succVal[ $i ] as $key => $val ){
echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $key ) ." - ".RED. $val;
echo "\n" . GREEN . "[".RED."*".NONE.GREEN."] ".NONE. strtoupper( $succKey ) ." - ".RED. $succVal;
echo "\n";
if( !go_back() ) { exit; }