![Awesome Hacking](awesome_hacking.gif) **A collection of awesome lists for hackers, pentesters & security researchers.** Your [contributions](contributing.md) are always welcome! ## Table of Contents **Awesome Repositories:** - [Awesome AppSec](#awesome-appsec) - [Awesome Bug Bounty](#awesome-bug-bounty) - [Awesome CTF](#awesome-ctf) - [Awesome DevSecOps](#awesome-devsecops) - [Awesome Exploit Development](#awesome-exploit-development) - [Awesome Fuzzing](#awesome-fuzzing) - [Awesome Hacking One](#awesome-hacking-one) - [Awesome Honeypots](#awesome-honeypots) - [Awesome Incident Response](#awesome-incident-response) - [Awesome InfoSec](#awesome-infosec) - [Awesome IoT Hacks](#awesome-iot-hacks) - [Awesome Malware Analysis](#awesome-malware-analysis) - [Awesome Pcaptools](#awesome-pcaptools) - [Awesome Pentest](#awesome-pentest) - [Awesome PHP Security](#awesome-php-security) - [Awesome Reversing](#awesome-reversing) - [Awesome Sec Talks](#awesome-sec-talks) - [Awesome SecLists](#awesome-seclists) - [Awesome Security](#awesome-security) - [Awesome Static Analysis](#awesome-static-analysis) - [Awesome Threat Intelligence](#awesome-threat-intelligence) - [Awesome Vehicle Security](#awesome-vehicle-security) - [Awesome Web Hacking](#awesome-web-hacking) - [Awesome Windows Exploitation](#awesome-windows-exploitation) - [Awesome WiFi Arsenal](#awesome-wifi-arsenal) - [Awesome Android Security](#awesome-android-security) - [Awesome OSX and iOS Security](#awesome-osx-and-ios-security) **Other Useful Repositories:** - [APT Notes](#apt-notes) - [Awesome Shell](#awesome-shell) - [Bug Bounty Reference](#bug-bounty-reference) - [CTF Tool](#ctf-tool) - [Free Programming Books](#free-programming-books) - [Gray Hacker Resources](#gray-hacker-resources) - [Infosec Reference](#infosec-reference) - [Malware Scripts](#malware-scripts) - [Pentest Wiki](#pentest-wiki) - [Resource List](#resource-list) - [Security Cheatsheets](#security-cheatsheets) --- ### Awesome Repositories #### [Awesome AppSec](https://github.com/paragonie/awesome-appsec) A curated list of resources for learning about application security #### [Awesome Bug Bounty](https://github.com/djadmin/awesome-bug-bounty) A comprehensive curated list of Bug Bounty Programs and write-ups from the Bug Bounty hunters. #### [Awesome CTF](https://github.com/apsdehal/awesome-ctf) A curated list of CTF frameworks, libraries, resources and softwares #### [Awesome DevSecOps](https://github.com/devsecops/awesome-devsecops) An authoritative list of awesome devsecops tools with the help from community experiments and contributions #### [Awesome Exploit Development](https://github.com/FabioBaroni/awesome-exploit-development) A curated list of resources (books, tutorials, courses, tools and vulnerable applications) for learning about Exploit Development #### [Awesome Fuzzing](https://github.com/secfigo/Awesome-Fuzzing) A curated list of fuzzing resources for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Development like root cause analysis #### [Awesome Hacking One](https://github.com/carpedm20/awesome-hacking) A curated list of awesome Hacking tutorials, tools and resources #### [Awesome Honeypots](https://github.com/paralax/awesome-honeypots) An awesome list of honeypot resources #### [Awesome Incident Response](https://github.com/meirwah/awesome-incident-response) A curated list of tools for incident response #### [Awesome InfoSec](https://github.com/onlurking/awesome-infosec) A curated list of awesome infosec courses and training resources. #### [Awesome IoT Hacks](https://github.com/nebgnahz/awesome-iot-hacks) A Collection of Hacks in IoT Space so that we can address them (hopefully). #### [Awesome Malware Analysis](https://github.com/rshipp/awesome-malware-analysis) A curated list of awesome malware analysis tools and resources #### [Awesome Pcaptools](https://github.com/caesar0301/awesome-pcaptools) A collection of tools developed by other researchers in the Computer Science area to process network traces. All the right reserved for the original authors. #### [Awesome Pentest](https://github.com/enaqx/awesome-pentest) A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things #### [Awesome PHP Security](https://github.com/ziadoz/awesome-php#security) Libraries for generating secure random numbers, encrypting data and scanning for vulnerabilities. #### [Awesome Reversing](https://github.com/tylerhalfpop/awesome-reversing) A curated list of awesome reverse engineering resources #### [Awesome Sec Talks](https://github.com/PaulSec/awesome-sec-talks) A collected list of awesome security talks #### [Awesome SecLists](https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists) SecLists is the security tester's companion. It is a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments. #### [Awesome Security](https://github.com/sbilly/awesome-security) A collection of awesome software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cools stuffs about security. #### [Awesome Static Analysis](https://github.com/mre/awesome-static-analysis) A curated list of static analysis tools, linters and code quality checkers for various programming languages #### [Awesome Threat Intelligence](https://github.com/hslatman/awesome-threat-intelligence) A curated list of Awesome Threat Intelligence resources #### [Awesome Vehicle Security](https://github.com/jaredmichaelsmith/awesome-vehicle-security) A curated list of resources for learning about vehicle security and car hacking #### [Awesome Web Hacking](https://github.com/infoslack/awesome-web-hacking) A list of web application security #### [Awesome Windows Exploitation](https://github.com/enddo/awesome-windows-exploitation) A curated list of awesome Windows Exploitation resources, and shiny things. #### [Awesome WiFi Arsenal](https://github.com/0x90/wifi-arsenal) WiFi arsenal is a pack of various useful/useless tools for 802.11 hacking. #### [Awesome Android Security](https://github.com/ashishb/android-security-awesome) A collection of android security related resources #### [Awesome OSX and iOS Security](https://github.com/ashishb/osx-and-ios-security-awesome) OSX and iOS related security tools ### Other useful repositories #### [APT Notes](https://github.com/kbandla/APTnotes) Various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT campaigns #### [Awesome Shell](https://github.com/alebcay/awesome-shell) A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos to make complete use of shell #### [Bug Bounty Reference](https://github.com/ngalongc/bug-bounty-reference) A list of bug bounty write-up that is categorized by the bug nature #### [CTF Tool](https://github.com/SandySekharan/CTF-tool) A curated list of Capture The Flag (CTF) frameworks, libraries, resources and softwares. #### [Free Programming Books](https://github.com/vhf/free-programming-books) Free programming books for developers #### [Gray Hacker Resources](https://github.com/bt3gl/My-Gray-Hacker-Resources) Useful for CTFs, wargames, pentesting. Educational purposes. #### [Infosec Reference](https://github.com/rmusser01/Infosec_Reference) Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck #### [Malware Scripts](https://github.com/seifreed/malware-scripts) Useful scripts related with malware #### [Pentest Wiki](https://github.com/nixawk/pentest-wiki) A free online security knowledge library for pentesters / researchers #### [Resource List](https://github.com/FuzzySecurity/Resource-List) A collection of useful GitHub projects loosely categorised. #### [Security Cheatsheets](https://github.com/andrewjkerr/security-cheatsheets) A collection of cheatsheets for various infosec tools and topics. --- ### Contributions Please have a look at [contributing.md](contributing.md)