#!/bin/bash # Author: Alexander Epstein https://github.com/alexanderepstein echo -n "Do you wish to uninstall currency [Y/n]: " read -r answer if [[ "$answer" == "Y" || "$answer" == "y" ]] ;then cd currency || exit 1 ./uninstall.sh || exit 1 cd .. || exit 1 fi unset answer echo -n "Do you wish to uninstall stocks [Y/n]: " read -r answer if [[ "$answer" == "Y" || "$answer" == "y" ]] ;then cd stocks || exit 1 ./uninstall.sh cd .. || exit 1 fi unset answer echo -n "Do you wish to uninstall weather [Y/n]: " read -r answer if [[ "$answer" == "Y" || "$answer" == "y" ]] ;then cd weather || exit 1 ./uninstall.sh cd .. || exit 1 fi unset answer echo -n "Do you wish to uninstall crypt [Y/n]: " read -r answer if [[ "$answer" == "Y" || "$answer" == "y" ]] ;then cd crypt || exit 1 ./uninstall.sh cd .. || exit 1 fi unset answer echo -n "Do you wish to uninstall movies [Y/n]: " read -r answer if [[ "$answer" == "Y" || "$answer" == "y" ]] ;then cd movies || exit 1 ./uninstall.sh cd .. || exit 1 fi