# HEAD **Summary:** A collection of current & deprecated HTML head elements for your reference in order to decide what your head needs. **Table of Contents:** - [Recommended Minimum](#recommended-minimum) - [Elements](#elements) - [Meta Elements](#meta-elements) - [Meta Elements: Not Recommended](#meta-elements-not-recommended) - [Link Elements](#link-elements) - [Link Elements: Not Recommended](#link-elements-not-recommended) - [Favicons](#favicons) - [Social](#social) - [Facebook / Open Graph](#facebook-open-graph) - [Facebook / Instant Articles](#facebook-instant-articles) - [Twitter](#twitter) - [Google+ / Schema.org](#google-schemaorg) - [OEmbed](#oembed) - [Browser / Platform](#browser-platform) - [Apple iOS](#apple-ios) - [Apple Safari](#apple-safari) - [Google Android](#google-android) - [Google Chrome](#google-chrome) - [Microsoft Internet Explorer](#microsoft-internet-explorer) - [Microsoft Internet Explorer: Legacy, Do Not Use!](#microsoft-internet-explorer-legacy-do-not-use) - [360 Browser](#360-browser) - [UC Mobile Browser](#uc-mobile-browser) - [QQ Mobile Browser](#qq-mobile-browser) - [App Links](#app-links) - [Notes](#notes) - [Performance](#performance) - [Other Resources](#other-resources) - [Contributing](#contributing) ## Recommended Minimum Below are the essential tags for basic, minimalist websites: ```html Page Title ``` ## Elements ``` html Page Title ``` ## Meta Elements ``` html ``` - [ICBM on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICBM_address#Modern_use) - [Geotagging on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geotagging#HTML_pages) ### Meta Elements: Not Recommended Below are the meta attributes which are not recommended for use: ```html ``` ## Link Elements ``` html ``` ### Link Elements: Not Recommended Below are the link relations which are not recommended for use: ```html ``` ### Favicons ``` html ``` - [All About Favicons (And Touch Icons)](https://bitsofco.de/all-about-favicons-and-touch-icons/) ## Social ### Facebook / Open Graph ``` html ``` - [Facebook Open Graph Markup](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters#markup) - [Open Graph protocol](http://ogp.me/) ### Facebook / Instant Articles ``` html ``` - [Facebook Instant Articles: Creating Articles](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instant-articles/guides/articlecreate) - [Instant Articles: Format Reference](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instant-articles/reference) ### Twitter ``` html ``` - [Twitter Cards: Getting Started Guide](https://dev.twitter.com/cards/getting-started) - [Twitter Card Validator](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/validation/validator) ### Google+ / Schema.org ``` html ``` ### OEmbed ``` html ``` - [oEmbed format](http://oembed.com/) ## Browser / Platform ### Apple iOS ``` html ``` - [Apple Meta Tags](https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariHTMLRef/Articles/MetaTags.html) ### Apple Safari ```html ``` ### Google Android ``` html ``` ### Google Chrome ``` html ``` ### Microsoft Internet Explorer ``` html ``` ### Microsoft Internet Explorer: Legacy, Do Not Use! ``` html ``` ### 360 Browser ``` html ``` ### UC Mobile Browser ``` html ``` - [UC Browser Docs](http://www.uc.cn/download/UCBrowser_U3_API.doc) ### QQ Mobile Browser ``` html ``` ## App Links ``` html ``` - [App Links Docs](http://applinks.org/documentation/) ## Notes ### Performance Moving the `href` attribute to the beginning of an element improves compression when GZIP is enabled, because the `href` attribute is used in `a`, `base` and `link` tags. Example: ``` ``` ## Other Resources - [HTML5 Boilerplate Docs: The HTML](https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/dist/doc/html.md) - [HTML5 Boilerplate Docs: Extend and customize](https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/dist/doc/extend.md) ## Contributing Open an issue or a pull request to suggest changes or additions. Please follow these steps for pull requests: - Modify only one tag, or one related set of tags at a time - Use double quotes on attributes - Don't include a trailing slash in self-closing elements — the HTML5 spec says they're optional - Consider including a link to documentation that supports your change ## Author **[Josh Buchea](http://joshbuchea.com/)** ## License [CC0 License](LICENSE) ![CC0](http://i.creativecommons.org/p/zero/1.0/88x31.png "CC0")