, Ulf Wendel , Saif Lacrimosa * @copyright 1997-2006 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id:$, Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.mysql.com * @since Class available since Release 1.0 */ class MySQLConverterTool_UnitTests_Function_DBQueryTest extends MySQLConverterTool_UnitTests_Function_GenericTest { public static function main() { require_once "PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php"; $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite("MySQLConverterTool_UnitTests_Function_DBQueryTest"); $result = PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite); } protected function setUp() { $this->gen = new MySQLConverterTool_Function_DBQuery(); $this->default_conn = $this->gen->ston_name; } public function testHandle() { // mysql_db_query ( string database, string query [, resource link_identifier] ) // emulated using mysqli_query and USE DATABASE // ((mysqli_query($conn, " . $this->smart_concat('USE ', $new_db) . ") ? mysqli_query($conn, $query) : false) // too few parameters: parse error list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array())); $this->assertNotNull($warning); $this->assertNull($code); // too few parameters: parse error list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array(''))); $this->assertNotNull($warning); $this->assertNull($code); // mysql_db_query(<$database>, ) list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('$', ''))); $this->assertNotNull($warning); $this->assertEquals( sprintf('((%s(%s, "USE %s")) ? mysqli_query(%s, %s) : false)', $this->gen->new_name, $this->default_conn, '$', $this->default_conn, '' ), $code ); // mysql_db_query(<$database>, ) list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('', ''))); $this->assertNotNull($warning); $this->assertEquals( sprintf('((%s(%s, "USE " . constant(\'%s\'))) ? mysqli_query(%s, %s) : false)', $this->gen->new_name, $this->default_conn, '', $this->default_conn, '' ), $code ); // mysql_db_query("", , ) list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('""', '', ''))); $this->assertNotNull($warning); $this->assertEquals( sprintf('((%s(%s, "USE %s")) ? mysqli_query(%s, %s) : false)', $this->gen->new_name, '', '', '', '' ), $code ); // too many parameters: parse error list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('', '', '', ''))); $this->assertNotNull($warning); $this->assertNull($code); } } if (PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD == "MySQLConverterTool_Function_DBQueryTest::main") { MySQLConverterTool_Function_DBQueryTest::main(); } ?>