, Ulf Wendel * @copyright 1997-2006 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version CVS: $Id:$, Release: @package_version@ * @link http://www.mysql.com * @since Available since Release 1.0 */ /** * Parse the command line options * * @param int * @param array * @return array * @access public */ function parseOptions($argc, $argv) { $options = array(); $error = null; if ($argc < 2) { $error = 'No options given'; return array($options, $error); } reset($argv); // skip $argv[0] - program name next($argv); while (list($k, $arg) = each($argv)) { $arg = trim($arg); switch ($arg) { case '-f': if (list($k, $arg) = each($argv)) { $arg = trim($arg); if (substr($arg, 0, 1) == '-') { $error = '-f needs a file name'; break 2; } else if (!file_exists($arg)) { $error = sprintf('"%s" does not exist', $arg); break 2; } else if (!is_file($arg)) { $error = sprintf('"%s" is not a file', $arg); break 2; } else if (!is_readable($arg)) { $error = sprintf('"%s" is not reabale', $arg); break 2; } else { $options['files'][$arg] = $arg; } } else { $error = sprintf('-f needs a file name'); break 2; } break; case '-d': if (list($k, $arg) = each($argv)) { $arg = trim($arg); if (substr($arg, 0, 1) == '-') { $error = '-d needs a directory name'; break 2; } else if (!file_exists($arg)) { $error = sprintf('"%s" does not exist', $arg); break 2; } else if (!is_dir($arg)) { $error = sprintf('"%s" is not a directory', $arg); break 2; } else if (!is_readable($arg)) { $error = sprintf('"%s" is not readable', $arg); break 2; } else { $options['directories'][$arg] = $arg; } } else { $error = sprintf('-d needs a directory name'); break 2; } break; case '-s': if (list($k, $arg) = each($argv)) { $arg = trim($arg); if ('' == $arg) { $error = '-s expects a code snippet to follow the option'; break 2; } $options['snippet'] = $arg; } else { $error = '-s expects a code snippet to follow the option'; break 2; } break; case '-h': case '--help': $options['help'] = true; case '-u': $options['update'] = true; break; case '-b': $options['backup'] = true; $options['update'] = true; break; case '-v': if (isset($options['quiet'])) { $error = 'You cannot use -v with -q'; break 2; } $options['verbose'] = true; break; case '-q': if (isset($options['verbose'])) { $error = 'You cannot use -q with -v'; break 2; } $options['quiet'] = true; break; case '-w': $options['warnings'] = true; break; case '-p': if (list($k, $arg) = each($argv)) { $arg = trim($arg); if ('' == $arg) { $error = '-p needs a search pattern'; break 2; } else { $options['pattern'] = $arg; } } else { $error = '-p needs a search pattern'; break 2; } break; default: $error = sprintf('Invalid option "%s"', $arg); break; } } return array($options, $error); } // end func parseOptions /** * Prints the help message with usage instructions * * @param array */ function printHelp($argv) { printf("\n"); printf("Usage of %s :\n\n", $argv[0]); printf("-f Convert file\n"); printf("-d Convert directory\n"); printf('-p File name pattern for -d, e.g. -p "*.php,*.php3". Default: *'); printf("\n"); printf("-s Convert code snippet\n"); printf("\n"); printf("-u Update (modify) input file during the conversion\n"); printf("-b Backup files to [original_name].org before they get updated\n\n"); printf("-v verbose - print conversion details\n"); printf("-w warnings - print errors/warnings, if any\n"); printf("-q quiet - don't print the generated code\n"); printf("\n\n"); } // end func printHelp /** * Returns a status description (OK, Error, Warning) based on the conversion result * * @param array * @return string */ function getConversionStatus($conv_result) { $status = null; if (($conv_result['found'] == $conv_result['converted']) && (count($conv_result['errors']) == 0)) { $status = 'OK'; } else if (($conv_result['found'] == $conv_result['converted']) && (count($conv_result['errors']) > 0)) { $status = 'Warning'; } else if (($conv_result['found'] != $conv_result['converted']) && (count($conv_result['errors']) > 0)) { $status = 'Error'; } return $status; } // end func getConversionStatus /** * Prints the overview summary with conversion details * * @param array * @param string * @param mixed */ function printConversionHeader($conv_result, $status, $file = null) { if (!is_null($file)) { print "\n"; printSeperator("File $file"); print "\n"; } print "\n"; printSeperator("Summary", '-'); print "\n"; printf("Status: %s\n", $status); printf("Number of mysql_-functions found: %d\n", $conv_result['found']); printf("Number of mysql_-functions converted: %d\n", $conv_result['converted']); printf("Warnings/Errors: %d\n", count($conv_result['errors'])); printf("Code length: %d Bytes\n", strlen($conv_result['output'])); } // end func printConversionHeader /** * Prints the conversion errors * * @param array */ function printConversionErrors($conv_result) { print "\n"; print "\n"; printSeperator("Warnings/Errors", '-'); print "\n"; foreach ($conv_result['errors'] as $k => $error) { printSeperator(sprintf("Warning/Error on line %d", $error['line']), ' '); print $error['msg']; print "\n"; } } // end func printConversionErrors /** * Prints the generated source code * * @param array */ function printConversionOutput($conv_result, $verbose, $quiet) { if ($verbose) { print "\n"; print "\n"; printSeperator("Generated code", '-'); print "\n"; } if (!$quiet) print $conv_result['output']; if ($verbose) { print "\n"; print "\n"; printSeperator("End of code", "-"); print "\n"; } } // end func printConversionOutput /** * Converts a file * * @param string * @param bool */ function convertFile($file, $verbose, $quiet, $update, $backup, $warnings, $seperator = '#') { $conv = new MySQLConverterTool_Converter(); $ret = $conv->convertFile($file); $status = getConversionStatus($ret); if ($quiet) printSeperator(sprintf('[ %-7s ] %s', $status, $file), $seperator); if ($verbose) printConversionHeader($ret, $status, $file); if ($backup) { $ffile = $file . '.org'; if (file_exists($ffile) && !unlink($ffile)) { printf("Error:\n"); printf("Cannot unlink old backup file '%s'. Check the file permissions.\n\n", $ffile); return; } if (!rename($file, $ffile)) { printf("Error:\n"); printf("Cannot rename '%s' to %s'. Check the file permissions.\n\n", $file, $ffile); return; } if ($verbose) printf("Backup created.\n", $ffile); } if ($update) { if (!$fp = fopen($file, 'w')) { printf("Error:\n"); printf("Cannot modify file '%s'. Check the file permissions.\n\n", $file); return; } fwrite($fp, $ret['output']); fclose($fp); if ($verbose) printf("File updated/modified.\n", $file); } if (($verbose || $warnings) && count($ret['errors']) > 0) printConversionErrors($ret); printConversionOutput($ret, $verbose, $quiet); } // end func convertFile /** * */ function convertSnippet($code, $verbose, $quiet, $warnings, $seperator = '#') { $conv = new MySQLConverterTool_Converter(); $ret = $conv->convertString($code); $status = getConversionStatus($ret); if ($quiet) printSeperator('Snippet', $seperator); if ($verbose) printConversionHeader($ret, $status, NULL); if (($verbose || $warnings) && count($ret['errors']) > 0) printConversionErrors($ret); printConversionOutput($ret, $verbose, $quiet); } // end func convertSnippet /** * Helper: prints a line with a title * * @param string * @param string */ function printSeperator($title, $seperator = '#') { $len = strlen($title) + 2; $num = 1; // $num = max(floor((80 - $len) / 2), 0); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) print $seperator; printf(' %s ', $title); if ($num > 0) { $num = 80 - $num - $len; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) print $seperator; } print "\n"; } // end func printSeperator if (!isset($argc) || !isset($argv)) { // redirect to the web gui // or maybe die("This is the command line interface, use php -f cli.php to run it! Open index.php for the web interface."); ? header('Location: GUI/index.php'); exit(0); } list($options, $error) = parseOptions($argc, $argv); if (!is_null($error) || empty($options) || isset($options['help'])) { // some sort of trouble or help output requested if (!is_null($error)) { printf("\n"); printf("Error: %s\n", $error); } printHelp($argv); } else { print "\n"; if (!empty($options['files'])) { foreach ($options['files'] as $k => $file) convertFile($file, isset($options['verbose']), isset($options['quiet']), isset($options['update']), isset($options['backup']), isset($options['warnings'])); } if (!empty($options['directories'])) { $conv = new MySQLConverterTool_Converter(); foreach ($options['directories'] as $k => $directory) { $files = $conv->getFilesOfDirectory($directory, (isset($options['pattern'])) ? $options['pattern'] : ''); if (empty($files)) { printSeperator(sprintf('No files found in "%s"', $directory), '*'); print "\n"; continue; } printSeperator(sprintf('Directory "%s"', $directory), '*'); print "\n"; foreach ($files as $k => $file) { convertFile($file, isset($options['verbose']), isset($options['quiet']), isset($options['update']), isset($options['backup']), isset($options['warnings']), ' '); } } } if (isset($options['snippet'])) convertSnippet($options['snippet'], isset($options['verbose']), isset($options['quiet']), isset($options['warnings'])); } ?>