Welcome to the MySQL ext/mysql->ext/mysqli Converter Tool. This tool helps you to migrate PHP files using the PHP MySQL extension to use the MySQLi extension. Extract the archive into a directory on your web server. Open http:////MySQLConverterTool/GUI/index.php for a Web GUI. If you want to work on the command line, try php -f cli.php. Note that absolutely no security checks are performed by the tool which prevent users from trying to read and convert files (e.g. /etc/passwd). Make sure to add security measures, if needed. If you want to run any tests, check the hints given in UnitTests/README. For More Informations Visit : http://www.free-tuts.tk/2013/09/mysql2mysqli-open-source-php-script.html Have fun! _______________________________________________________ |Saif Lacrimosa | | -------------------------------------------------------