
143 lines
6.4 KiB

if (!defined("PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD")) {
define("PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD", "MySQLConverterTool_Function_ConnectTest::main");
require_once "MySQLConverterTool/Function/Connect.php";
* UnitTests: artificial tests, PHPUnit test for Function/Connect
* @category Artificial UnitTests
* @package MySQLConverterTool
* @author Andrey Hristov <>, Ulf Wendel <>, Saif Lacrimosa <>
* @copyright 1997-2006 The PHP Group
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version CVS: $Id:$, Release: @package_version@
* @link
* @since Class available since Release 1.0
class MySQLConverterTool_UnitTests_Function_ConnectTest extends MySQLConverterTool_UnitTests_Function_GenericTest {
public static function main() {
require_once "PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php";
$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite("MySQLConverterTool_UnitTests_Function_ConnectTest");
$result = PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite);
protected function setUp() {
$this->gen = new MySQLConverterTool_Function_Connect('mysqli_connect');
$this->default_conn = $this->gen->ston_name;
public function testHandle() {
// mysql_connect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link [, int client_flags]]]]] )
// mysqli_connect ( [string host [, string username [, string passwd [, string dbname [, int port [, string socket]]]]]] )
// resource mysql_pconnect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, int client_flags]]]] )
// mysql_connect() / mysql_pconnect()
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array()));
'(' . $this->default_conn . ' = ' . $this->gen->new_name . '())',
// mysql_connect(<server>), mysql_pconnect(<server>)
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<server>')));
'(' . $this->default_conn . ' = ' . $this->gen->new_name . '(<server>))',
// mysql_connect(<server>:<port>), mysql_pconnect(<server>:<port>)
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<server:3306>')));
'(' . $this->default_conn . ' = ' . $this->gen->new_name . '(<server, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3306))',
// mysql_connect(<server:port>), mysql_pconnect(<server:port>)
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('"<server:3306>"')));
'(' . $this->default_conn . ' = ' . $this->gen->new_name . '("<server", NULL, NULL, NULL, 3306))',
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<server> . <port>'), true));
// no mistake - in this case we throw just a warning and try to convert the code
// mysql_connect(<:/path/to/socket>), mysql_pconnect(<:/path/to/socket>)
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<:/path/to/socket>')));
'(' . $this->default_conn . ' = ' . $this->gen->new_name . '("localhost", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, \'/path/to/socket>\'))',
// mysql_connect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link [, int client_flags]]]]] )
// mysql_connect(<server>, <username>), mysql_pconnect(<server>, <username>)
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<server>', '<username>')));
'(' . $this->default_conn . ' = ' . $this->gen->new_name . '(<server>, <username>))',
// mysql_connect(<server>, <username>, <password>), mysql_pconnect(<server>, <username>, <password>)
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<server>', '<username>', '<password>')));
'(' . $this->default_conn . ' = ' . $this->gen->new_name . '(<server>, <username>, <password>))',
// mysql_connect(<server>, <username>, <password>, <new_link>)
// mysql_pconnect(<server>, <username>, <password>, <new_link>)
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<server>', '<username>', '<password>', '<new_link>')));
'(' . $this->default_conn . ' = ' . $this->gen->new_name . '(<server>, <username>, <password>))',
// mysql_connect(<server>, <username>, <password>, <new_link>, <client_flags>)
// mysql_pconnect(<server>, <username>, <password>, <new_link>, <client_flags>)
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<server>', '<username>', '<password>',
'<new_link>', '<client_flags>')));
sprintf('(((%s = mysqli_init()) && (mysqli_real_connect(%s, <server>, <username>, <password>, NULL, 3306, NULL, <client_flags>))) ? %s : FALSE)',
// too many parameter - PHP parse error
list($warning, $code) = $this->gen->handle($this->buildParams(array('<server>', '<username>', '<password>',
'<new_link>', '<client_flags>', '<ERROR>')));
if (PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD == "MySQLConverterTool_Function_ConnectTest::main") {