Refactored Gruntfile.js

This commit is contained in:
Sarbbottam Bandyopadhyay 2014-02-24 04:25:37 +05:30
parent 0bc05a7559
commit db8e990dfc

View File

@ -2,79 +2,78 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
var concatAnim;
// Concatenate CSS files
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
concat: {
dist: {
src: [
// _base.css required for .animated helper class
src: [ 'source/_base.css', 'source/**/*.css' ], // _base.css required for .animated helper class
dest: 'animate.css'
// Auto-prefix CSS properties using Can I Use?
autoprefixer: {
autoprefixer: { //
options: {
browsers: ['last 3 versions', 'bb 10', 'android 3']
no_dest: {
// File to output
src: 'animate.css'
src: 'animate.css' // output file
// Minify CSS
cssmin: {
minify: {
src: ['animate.css'],
dest: 'animate.min.css',
// Watch files for changes
watch: {
css: {
files: [
// Run Sass, autoprefixer, and CSSO
tasks: ['concat-anim', 'autoprefixer', 'cssmin'],
files: [ 'source/**/*', 'animate-config.json' ],
tasks: ['default']
// Register our tasks
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat-anim', 'autoprefixer', 'cssmin', 'watch']);
// fuction to perform custom task
concatAnim = function () {
grunt.registerTask('concat-anim', 'Concatenates activated animations', function () {
var config = grunt.file.readJSON('animate-config.json'),
target = [ 'source/_base.css' ],
count = 0
var categories = grunt.file.readJSON('animate-config.json'),
category, files, file,
target = [ 'source/_base.css' ],
count = 0;
for (var cat in config) {
for (var file in config[cat]) {
if (config[cat][file]) {
target.push('source/' + cat + '/' + file + '.css')
for ( category in categories ) {
if ( categories.hasOwnProperty(category) ) {
files = categories[category]
for (file in files) {
if ( files.hasOwnProperty(file) && files[file] ) {
target.push('source/' + category + '/' + file + '.css');
count += 1;
if (!count) {
grunt.log.writeln('No animations activated.')
grunt.log.writeln('No animations activated.');
} else {
grunt.log.writeln(count + (count > 1 ? ' animations' : ' animation') + ' activated.');
grunt.log.writeln(count + (count > 1 ? ' animations' : ' animation') + ' activated.')
grunt.config('concat', { 'animate.css': target });'concat');
// register task
grunt.registerTask('concat-anim', 'Concatenates activated animations', concatAnim); // custom task
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat-anim', 'autoprefixer', 'cssmin']);
grunt.registerTask('dev', ['watch']);
grunt.config('concat', { 'animate.css': target })'concat')