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2021-07-23 11:19:23 +02:00
// Inform the world that we have the ability to use BS3 nav/navbar markup in BS4
window.BS3_COMPAT = true;
(function($) {
if (!$.fn.tab.Constructor.VERSION.match(/^3\./)) {
(console.warn || console.error || console.log)("bs3compat.js couldn't find bs3 tab impl; bs3 tabs will not be properly supported");
var bs3TabPlugin = $.fn.tab.noConflict();
if (!$.fn.tab.Constructor.VERSION.match(/^4\./)) {
(console.warn || console.error || console.log)("bs3compat.js couldn't find bs4 tab impl; bs3 tabs will not be properly supported");
var bs4TabPlugin = $.fn.tab.noConflict();
var EVENT_KEY = "click.bs.tab.data-api";
var SELECTOR = '[data-toggle="tab"], [data-toggle="pill"]';
$(document).on(EVENT_KEY, SELECTOR, function(event) {
function TabPlugin(config) {
if ($(this).closest(".nav").find(".nav-item, .nav-link").length === 0) {
// Bootstrap 3 tabs detected
bs3TabPlugin.call($(this), config);
} else {
// Bootstrap 4 tabs detected
bs4TabPlugin.call($(this), config);
var noconflict = $.fn.tab;
$.fn.tab = TabPlugin;
$.fn.tab.Constructor = bs4TabPlugin.Constructor;
$.fn.tab.noConflict = function() {
$.fn.tab = noconflict;
return TabPlugin;
// bs3 navbar: li.active > a
// bs4 navbar: li > a.active
// bs3 tabset: li.active > a
// bs4 tabset: li > a.active
(function($) {
* Bootstrap 4 uses poppler.js to choose what direction to show dropdown
* menus, except in the case of navbars; they assume that navbars are always
* at the top of the page, so this isn't necessary. However, Bootstrap 3
* explicitly supported bottom-positioned navbars via .navbar-fixed-bottom,
* and .fixed-bottom works on Bootstrap 4 as well.
* We monkeypatch the dropdown plugin's _detectNavbar method to return false
* if we're in a bottom-positioned navbar.
if (!$.fn.dropdown.Constructor.prototype._detectNavbar) {
// If we get here, the dropdown plugin's implementation must've changed.
// Someone will need to go into Bootstrap's dropdown.js.
(console.warn || console.error || console.log)("bs3compat.js couldn't detect the dropdown plugin's _detectNavbar method");
var oldDetectNavbar = $.fn.dropdown.Constructor.prototype._detectNavbar;
$.fn.dropdown.Constructor.prototype._detectNavbar = function() {
return oldDetectNavbar.apply(this, this.arguments) &&
!($(this._element).closest('.navbar').filter('.navbar-fixed-bottom, .fixed-bottom').length > 0);