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2018-07-31 22:56:51 +02:00
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/apex-utils.R
\title{Stroke properties}
ax_stroke(ax, show = NULL, curve = NULL, lineCap = NULL, width = NULL,
colors = NULL, dashArray = NULL, ...)
\item{ax}{A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.}
\item{show}{Logical. To show or hide path-stroke / line}
\item{curve}{In line / area charts, whether to draw smooth lines or straight lines.
Available Options: \code{"smooth"} (connects the points in a curve fashion. Also known as spline)
and \code{"straight"} (connect the points in straight lines.).}
\item{lineCap}{For setting the starting and ending points of stroke. Available Options:
\code{"butt"} (ends the stroke with a 90-degree angle), \code{"square"}
(similar to butt except that it extends the stroke beyond the length of the path)
and \code{"round"} (ends the path-stroke with a radius that smooths out the start and end points)}
\item{width}{Sets the width of border for svg path.}
\item{colors}{Colors to fill the border for paths.}
\item{dashArray}{Creates dashes in borders of svg path. Higher number creates more space between dashes in the border.}
\item{...}{Additional parameters.}
A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object.
Stroke properties