# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Title : apexcharter examples - UNHCR # By : Victor # Date : 2018-10-29 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Package ----------------------------------------------------------------- library("apexcharter") library("dplyr") # Data -------------------------------------------------------------------- data("unhcr_popstats_2017") head(unhcr_popstats_2017) # Categories of people of concerns ---------------------------------------- categories_unhcr <- count(unhcr_popstats_2017, population_type, sort = TRUE) apexchart() %>% ax_chart(type = "bar") %>% ax_plotOptions(bar = bar_opts( horizontal = TRUE, dataLabels = list( position = "center" )) ) %>% ax_grid( show = TRUE, yaxis = list(lines = list(show = FALSE)), xaxis = list(lines = list(show = TRUE)) ) %>% ax_series(list( name = "Number of persons of concern", data = categories_unhcr$n )) %>% ax_colors("#112446") %>% ax_xaxis(categories = categories_unhcr$population_type) %>% ax_xaxis(title = list(text = "Number of persons of concern")) %>% ax_title(text = "UNHCR's populations of concern in 2017") %>% ax_subtitle(text = "Data from the UN Regugee Agency") # Origin & Residence Refugees --------------------------------------------- refugees <- unhcr_popstats_2017 %>% filter( population_type %in% "Refugees (incl. refugee-like situations)", !is.na(continent_origin) ) apexchart() %>% ax_chart(type = "bar", stacked = FALSE) %>% ax_dataLabels(enabled = FALSE) %>% ax_series( list( name = "Residence", data = refugees %>% count(continent_residence, wt = value) %>% pull(n) ), list( name = "Origin", data = refugees %>% count(continent_origin, wt = value) %>% pull(n) ) ) %>% ax_colors("#58224f", "#b65165") %>% ax_stroke(show = TRUE, width = 1, colors = list("#FFF")) %>% ax_xaxis( categories = refugees %>% distinct(continent_origin) %>% arrange(continent_origin) %>% pull(continent_origin) ) %>% ax_yaxis( labels = list( formatter = htmlwidgets::JS( "function(val) {return val.toLocaleString();}" ) ) ) %>% ax_tooltip(shared = TRUE) %>% ax_legend( position = "right", verticalAlign = "top" ) %>% ax_title(text = "Refugees Origin & Residence by continent in 2017") %>% ax_subtitle(text = "Data from the UN Regugee Agency") # Type of populations of concerns by continent ---------------------------- count(unhcr_popstats_2017, continent = continent_residence, population_type, wt = value) apexchart() %>% ax_chart(type = "bar", stacked = TRUE, stackType = "100%") %>% ax_plotOptions(bar = barOpts(horizontal = TRUE)) %>% ax_series( list( name = "Asylum-seekers", data = unhcr_popstats_2017 %>% filter(population_type == "Asylum-seekers") %>% count(continent_residence, wt = value) %>% pull(n) ), list( name = "Refugees (incl. refugee-like situations)", data = unhcr_popstats_2017 %>% filter(population_type == "Refugees (incl. refugee-like situations)") %>% count(continent_residence, wt = value) %>% pull(n) ), list( name = "Internally displaced persons", data = unhcr_popstats_2017 %>% filter(population_type == "Internally displaced persons") %>% count(continent_residence, wt = value) %>% tidyr::complete(continent_residence = unique(unhcr_popstats_2017$continent_residence), fill = list(n = 0)) %>% # No Oceania ! pull(n) ), list( name = "Stateless persons", data = unhcr_popstats_2017 %>% filter(population_type == "Stateless persons") %>% count(continent_residence, wt = value) %>% pull(n) ) ) %>% ax_xaxis(categories = sort(unique(unhcr_popstats_2017$continent_residence))) %>% ax_yaxis(min = 0, max = 100, tickAmount = 4) %>% ax_xaxis( labels = list( formatter = htmlwidgets::JS( "function(val) {return val + '%';}" ) ) ) %>% ax_tooltip(shared = TRUE)