% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/format.R \name{format_num} \alias{format_num} \title{Format numbers (with D3)} \usage{ format_num(format, prefix = "", suffix = "", locale = "en-US") } \arguments{ \item{format}{Format for numbers, currency, percentage, e.g. \code{".0\%"} for rounded percentage. See online documentation : \url{https://github.com/d3/d3-format}.} \item{prefix}{Character string to append before formatted value.} \item{suffix}{Character string to append after formatted value.} \item{locale}{Localization to use, for example \code{"fr-FR"} for french, see possible values here: \url{https://github.com/d3/d3-format/tree/master/locale}.} } \value{ a \code{JS} function } \description{ Format numbers (with D3) } \examples{ # Use SI prefix dat <- data.frame( labels = c("apex", "charts"), values = c(1e4, 2e4) ) apex(dat, aes(labels, values), "column") \%>\% ax_yaxis(labels = list( formatter = format_num("~s") )) apex(dat, aes(labels, values * 100), "column") \%>\% ax_yaxis(labels = list( formatter = format_num("~s") )) # Percentage dat <- data.frame( labels = c("apex", "charts"), values = c(0.45, 0.55) ) apex(dat, aes(labels, values), "column") \%>\% ax_yaxis(labels = list( formatter = format_num(".0\%") )) # Currency dat <- data.frame( labels = c("apex", "charts"), values = c(570, 1170) ) apex(dat, aes(labels, values), "column") \%>\% ax_yaxis(labels = list( formatter = format_num("$,.2f") )) # Change locale apex(dat, aes(labels, values), "column") \%>\% ax_yaxis(labels = list( formatter = format_num("$,.2f", locale = "fr-FR") )) # Customize tooltip value # Use SI prefix dat <- data.frame( labels = c("apex", "charts"), values = c(1e4, 2e4) ) apex(dat, aes(labels, values), "column") \%>\% ax_tooltip(y = list( formatter = format_num(",", suffix = " GW/h") )) }