% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/parse-data.R \name{parse_df} \alias{parse_df} \title{Convert a \code{data.frame} to a \code{list}} \usage{ parse_df(data, add_names = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A \code{data.frame} or an object coercible to \code{data.frame}.} \item{add_names}{Use names of columns in output. Can be logical to reuse \code{data} names or a character vector of new names.} } \value{ A \code{list} that can be used to specify data in \code{\link{ax_series}} for example. } \description{ Convert data to a format suitable for ApexCharts.js } \examples{ # All iris dataset parse_df(iris) # Keep variables names parse_df(iris[, 1:2], add_names = TRUE) # Use custom names parse_df(iris[, 1:2], add_names = c("x", "y")) }