% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/mixed-charts.R \name{add-line} \alias{add-line} \alias{add_line} \alias{add_smooth_line} \title{Add a line to a chart} \usage{ add_line( ax, mapping, data = NULL, type = c("line", "spline"), serie_name = NULL ) add_smooth_line( ax, formula = y ~ x, model = c("lm", "loess"), n = 100, ..., type = c("line", "spline"), serie_name = NULL ) } \arguments{ \item{ax}{An \code{\link{apex}} \code{htmlwidget} object.} \item{mapping}{Default list of aesthetic mappings to use for chart.} \item{data}{A \code{data.frame} to use to add a line, if \code{NULL} (default), the \code{data.frame} provided in \code{apex()} will be used.} \item{type}{Type of line.} \item{serie_name}{Name for the serie displayed in tooltip and legend.} \item{formula}{Formula passed to the \code{method}, default to \code{y ~ x} from main aesthetics.} \item{model}{Model to use between \code{\link{lm}} or \code{\link{loess}}.} \item{n}{Number of points used for predictions.} \item{...}{Arguments passed to \code{model}.} } \value{ A \code{apexcharts} \code{htmlwidget} object. } \description{ Add a line to an existing chart (bar, scatter and line types supported). On scatter charts you can also add a smooth line. } \examples{ library(apexcharter) # Bar ---- data("climate_paris") # Add a line on a column's chart apex(climate_paris, aes(month, precipitation), type = "column") \%>\% add_line(aes(month, temperature)) # Add secondary axis apex(climate_paris, aes(month, precipitation), type = "column") \%>\% add_line(aes(month, temperature)) \%>\% ax_yaxis( title = list(text = "Precipitation (in mm)") ) \%>\% ax_yaxis2( opposite = TRUE, decimalsInFloat = 0, title = list(text = "Temperature (in degree celsius)") ) \%>\% ax_dataLabels( enabled = TRUE, enabledOnSeries = list(1) ) # Scatter ---- # add smooth line on scatter plot apex(cars, aes(speed, dist), type = "scatter") \%>\% add_line(aes(x, y), data = lowess(cars), serie_name = "lowess") # or directly apex(cars, aes(speed, dist), type = "scatter") \%>\% add_smooth_line() apex(cars, aes(speed, dist), type = "scatter") \%>\% add_smooth_line(model = "loess", span = 1) apex(cars, aes(speed, dist), type = "scatter") \%>\% add_smooth_line(model = "loess", degree = 1) apex(cars, aes(speed, dist), type = "scatter") \%>\% add_smooth_line(formula = y ~ poly(x, 2)) apex(cars, aes(speed, dist), type = "scatter") \%>\% add_smooth_line(model = "lm", serie_name = "lm") \%>\% add_smooth_line(model = "loess", serie_name = "loess") }